I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 216 Extraordinary Essence


Originally, Fang Bai planned to expand the sample database and then conduct a large number of comparisons to summarize the rules.

But now Fang Bai feels that there may be a better way, maybe faster.

Fang Bai recalled the field he noticed when he first sensed Jin Su.

Each basic particle in gold has its own fixed field, through which it affects the surrounding energy.

At that time, Fang Bai referred to the spell model and thought that the model that happened to be highly similar to the spell model could be regarded as a spell model, and he succeeded.

Now Fang Bai is thinking about the principles of the spell model.

Just like a child who likes to break a casserole and ask the question.

The previous Fang Bai was stuck in the mind of an adult, an ordinary person.

So what is the principle of releasing spells?

Oh, it lies in the spell model.

It stopped abruptly at this point.

Think that's all.

But Fang Bai knew how to go deeper before, that is.

The principle of the spell is the spell model, and the principle of the mage model is the spell structure.

This was his previous thought, but now Fang Bai started to think about a problem.

What is the principle of the mage structure?

What are the principles of spell nodes and spell pathways?

What makes a spell model cast a spell?

What causes a slight adjustment to a spell node to cause the spell to fail.

Fang Bai felt that he might have found the answer, at least part of the answer.

The spell model is not a ritual that borrows power from outside demons, nor is it a spell that calls out the laws of the world and responds to the laws of the world. The spell model is a technique and method that is exposed through the accumulation of field theories of spell nodes one by one.

What is a field?

What Fang Bai understood based on modern knowledge is that the field is the radiation range of energy or mass.

A high degree of mass will have gravity, and a high degree of electrical energy will have an electric field.

Whether it is mass or energy, their existence will cause various effects on the surroundings.

Fang Bai considers this scope of influence to be a field.

After the gold element stacking experiment, Fang Bai had this understanding of the spell model.

Spell nodes and spell pathways restrict the flow of elemental power or spiritual power.

When the elements flow into the spell node and fill it up, a weak field will be created. A field will also be created when the elements flow through the spell path.

The relative positions of spell nodes and spell nodes are the cutting and overlapping of fields.

The same is true for the mage channel. The fields are connected, the energy flows, and the characteristics of extraordinary power continue to expand in the process of field stacking, thus forming the weak effect of the spell structure and forming a whole field.

The spell structure and the field stacking of the spell structure completely form the spell itself.

At this moment, Fang Bai suddenly understood, although there is currently no theory or experiment to confirm this.

But Fang Bai had a very strong feeling that this was the truth!

"This makes sense. The explosive and fiery characteristics of the fire element continue to expand in the fireball spell model. From the spell nodes to the spell structure, and then to the spell model, it expands step by step to become a fireball that is comparable to a bomb. .

It all made sense. "

Fang Bai's heart surged.

“Not just the spell model and gold elements, but also the ant nest structure of the Qi-blooded ants.

I didn't think it before, but now it seems that these are clearly the same fields stacked on top of each other.

The owners of these fields are none other than the Qi-blooded ants living in them.

With each ant nest as a node and the roads connecting the ant nests as pathways, the entire ant nest is a huge field.

And the core of the field is”

Fang Bai leaned out of the window and looked at the elemental metal ore used to hatch iron ants.

"No wonder I felt such a strong power of Qi and blood in the Qi-blood Ant Queen's nest.

It turns out that there is the core of the flow of qi and blood in the entire ant nest. No wonder there is such a strong power of qi and blood.


Fang Bai suddenly realized a problem, a very critical problem.

“Qi-blood ant nests are all made of soil.

Although it was reinforced by the Qi-blood ants in some way, there was no elemental fluctuation or other extraordinary energy fluctuation.

Could it be that it is a field directly caused by quality?

But it's not a radiant stone. Theoretically speaking, the field of ordinary stones should not be very strong, and it would be difficult or even impossible to induce the extraordinary. "

Fang Bai started thinking.

"It shouldn't be the ant nest itself, could it be the Qi-blooded ants living in the ant nest?

This is somewhat possible. Not to mention the half-magic beast Qi-blood ants, the Qi and blood in the bodies of ordinary Qi-blood ants also belong to a kind of extraordinary power.

It is completely understandable that the field formed by the energy and blood emitted creates this effect.


New problems have arisen.

“These Qi-blooded ants are mobile and cannot stay in the nest all day.

And they can't stay still or stay in the same position.

If they serve as nodes, then their movement is equivalent to the movement of magic nodes. No fairy field can withstand such artificiality. "

Fang Bai frowned, and suddenly, an idea came to his mind!

“No, it’s not the Qi-blooded ants, it’s the ant nest itself.

No, it cannot be counted as the ant nest itself, but the power of Qi and blood that the ants leak into the ant nest in their daily lives and are then restrained by the ant nest!

This is also true in the passages. The field of energy and blood constitutes this huge ant nest.

It also gathers all the discrete Qi and blood emitted by the entire Qi-blood ant colony to form a thick cloud of Qi and blood above them. "

Fang Bai completely figured it out at this moment, and his thinking was extremely smooth for a while.

“I originally thought that the principles of the Qi-blood Ant Nest and the principles of the spell model were two different things.

After all, one uses the power of elements and the other uses the power of Qi and blood.

But now it seems that these are clearly the same thing and should be listed in the same category.

Both are also extraordinary energies, and then through the field stacking of extraordinary energies, the characteristics that originally belong to these extraordinary energies are screened out, amplified and highlighted!

The principle is the same, the two are essentially the same thing, they just use different energy sources. "

The corners of Fang Bai's mouth raised slightly.

“Looking at the essence through phenomena, the extraordinary essence is the extraordinary energy itself.

There is nothing created out of nothing, only the enhanced use of extraordinary energy properties.

All magic belongs to this, all extraordinary things belong to this.


Fang Bai suddenly realized.

"The profession itself has revealed this to me long ago. A new profession can be formed by harnessing a new supernatural energy.

From this point of view, if extraordinary energy is not the essence, then what is the essence? "

Without any hesitation, Fang Bai immediately assumed that this theory was true and started an experiment based on this basis.

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