I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 218 Condensation of fighting energy failed!


There was a loud bang.

With the vibration of the machine in front of him, the gold element inside was compressed to the limit. Fang Bai quickly pulled out the cylindrical element metal to check the situation inside.

Elemental metal can block the penetration of gold elements, so it can have a compression effect on gold elements.

But while blocking the elemental metal, it also blocked Fang Bai's mental power, so Fang Bai could only pull out the elemental metal cylinder to check it.

However, when Fang Bai pulled out the cylinder, he found that nothing had changed inside.

Air is still air, and gold is still gold.

The only difference is that the concentration of gold element that Fang Bai could not increase originally has been further improved inside, but this does not make any sense.

And even this increased gold element concentration is decreasing at an extremely fast rate until it returns to normal.

There was no scene that Fang Bai wanted, in which the gold elements squeezed, collided and shattered under highly compressed conditions.

The gold elements inside are still strand by strand, with no mistakes or omissions.

Seeing this scene, Fang Bai frowned slightly.

He knew that things would not be as smooth as imagined.

However, Fang Bai didn't want to give up for a while. Looking at the machine itself, he immediately started thinking about it again.

Not long after, a larger and more complex machine appeared in front of Fang Bai.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The continuous muffled sounds heralded the continuous explosion of fireballs, and the machine trembled slightly during the explosion.

But when the explosion ended and Fang Bai mentally penetrated it to check, the result still disappointed him.

Redesign, continuously increasing the pressure.

High pressure and high temperature!

Mechanical designs are becoming more and more complex and the pressure placed on them is increasing.

But even if Fang Bai raised the pressure to the limit, he couldn't cause any damage or change to the gold element.

No matter how large the pressure shock is, it will only increase its concentration a little, and it will completely return to its original state in a few seconds.

I have gone through experiments again and again, and tried all the current methods over and over again, so that I can record them completely and then store them on the bookshelf.

Then Fang Bai tried to destroy the gold element in other ways, but no matter what he tried, no matter what method he used, Fang Bai couldn't do anything with this ray of gold element.

You can easily control it, you can easily use it, you can easily fuse it with your energy, blood, and will into...

Suddenly, Fang Bai raised his head suddenly, a flash of light flashing in his eyes.

"Wait a minute, during the process of practicing Dou Qi, the gold element will be integrated with Qi, blood and spiritual power.

Thereby cultivating powerful and controllable fighting spirit.

In this process, the power of the elements, mental power, and blood are completely integrated, and the power of the elements is also completely integrated into it, instead of being an isolated ray of elemental power that can always be divided.

During this process, qi, blood and spiritual power will inevitably seep into it! "

Fang Bai hasn't practiced fighting spirit for a long time, or in other words, his fighting spirit has been replaced by the new extraordinary power born in his body.

This is the extraordinary power born inside the elemental metal body. It is similar to fighting spirit, but different from fighting spirit.

It is this extraordinary power that makes machines overclocked.

It is worth mentioning that this extraordinary power can not only overclock the machine, but also overclock Fang Bai, which is very interesting.

With this kind of extraordinary energy, Fang Bai didn't condense his fighting spirit at all in the game.

In reality, there is no gold element at all, and it is impossible to condense fighting spirit. Therefore, after officially changing his profession as a mage, Fang Bai did not try to condense fighting spirit with his current mental power.

Of course, the lack of condensation does not mean that it cannot be condensed.

As soon as Fang Bai thought, wisps of energy and blood emerged from his body, and wisps of golden elements gathered together.

According to the method of condensing fighting qi, Fang Bai integrated spiritual power, qi, blood, and gold elements bit by bit.

When the metal elements, qi, blood, and spiritual power merged together bit by bit, Fang Bai seemed to see a huge world.

Countless basic particles constitute a ray of elemental power.

Fang Bai was shocked to perceive the basic particles that were large or small, sharp or solid.

Various breaths and particles echoed in it.

At this time, spiritual power, qi and blood power, and gold elements began to merge.

However, the detection of the internal structure of the gold element, which was originally uncertain, went extremely smoothly without any accidents.

However, something unexpected happened to the condensed fighting spirit that he had full confidence in.

After the fusion of Qi, blood and gold elements was completed, the fusion of mental power failed. At the moment of failure, the mental power was directly ejected from the gold element.

At this moment, Fang Bai was stunned.

"I can't even concentrate my fighting spirit?"

Fang Bai doubted himself a little at this moment, but after trying it over and over again, he found out.

Your steps are absolutely correct.

Because there was no problem with the initial integration of the three, otherwise Fang Bai's mental power would not have been able to peek into the internal structure of the gold element.

Therefore, the failure of condensation must not be a problem with the steps.

“In the past, my mental power was not strong enough to spy on the internal structure of gold elements, but I could fuse them normally to form fighting spirit.

Now my mental perception has become sharper, and I can spy on the internal structure of the gold element at the moment of fusion, but it makes it impossible to fuse.

The gold element has remained unchanged from beginning to end, and the power of my energy and blood has only become stronger, with no other qualitative changes.

And that feeling of the integration process.”

"Aren't the three equal? ​​Compared with the power of elements, qi, blood and mental power can easily take the dominant position.

As for qi, blood and mental power, qi and blood can completely take the dominant position, which is completely different from the original harmonious integration.

So the reason why the battle energy condensation failed is that my mental power, energy, blood, and elemental power no longer match? "

Fang Bai felt slightly.

"My qi and blood are stronger than my mental power, and my mental power is stronger than ordinary gold elements. However, when the fighting qi is fused, it needs to be balanced. The balance is broken, so it cannot be fused."

"In this case, forget about ordinary mages. Wouldn't it be impossible for powerful mages to condense their fighting spirit?

In other words, it's not that it can't be condensed, but that condensing fighting spirit requires strengthening the physical body and elements.

Relatively speaking, the price-performance ratio should not be as high as directly focusing on improving mental power.

Moreover, mages can already use spells, such as the Zoo Package series, to enhance their physical bodies and fight hand-to-hand warriors of the same level.

In addition, once mental power is merged into fighting spirit, it will also restrict the ability to perceive and cast spells, causing more gain than loss.

In this way, there is indeed no need to condense fighting spirit. "

After Fang Bai thought about this, he did not continue to study the condensation of fighting energy, but began to repeat the process of fusion.

Fusion again and again, failed again and again, and Fang Bai also used this to peek into the basic particle structure inside the gold element again and again.

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