I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 23 Breaking Mental Limits

Five days passed in the blink of an eye, and Fang Bai had already begun studying mechanical engineering books at the university level.

With a solid foundation in physics from middle school and high school, Fang Bai still struggled to learn, but Fang Bai still enjoyed learning.

Because he found that after studying middle and high school physics, it was easier to get inspiration when practicing the three exercises, and the progress was accelerated.

This surprised him very much. Just learning the knowledge from middle school and high school was already effective, which undoubtedly showed that the direction he chose was not wrong.

“All inspiration is based on sufficient knowledge. It is impossible for a person who has never been exposed to physical knowledge to create even a mere circuit out of thin air based on inspiration.

Physics knowledge is closely related to forging, so it is normal to have such an effect. "

If converted into game effects, Fang Bai might have achieved such a permanent state after studying physics in middle and high school.

"Forging experience gained +10%."

Of course, this value cannot be so easily quantified to ten percent. It may be less, or it may be more, but that's roughly what it means.

After reading the book, Fang Bai felt that his memory seemed to have improved a lot and his brain had become more flexible.

"Increased attribute values? Or is my frequent use of fantasy space improving my brain power?"

Fang Bai tried several multi-digit multiplication mental calculations and found that the speed was indeed much faster and simpler than before, which made him directly confirm this.

His brain's thinking speed, memory, and multi-threading capabilities have indeed improved.

"Is there actually progress in reality?"

After confirming that he was offline, Fang Bai's eyes lit up.

"That's not a brain problem, but a mental change?

After all, the body is not the same body, but the spirit and consciousness are the same. "

Fang Bai thought.

“I didn’t feel any sudden changes when my attribute points increased, nor did I feel any sudden changes when my thinking speed increased.

It's like being subtle, that should be the reason for the fantasy space of talent.

To a certain extent, it seems that this can also be regarded as a kind of visualization and an exercise for the spirit and thinking by fantasizing about objects with high details for a long time and making deductions from them.

It's just that the improvement was not obvious before, so I didn't notice it. Now it seems that it has exceeded a certain critical point, so I noticed it. "

After some attempts, Fang Bai roughly came to some simple conclusions.

"Furthermore, the thinking magnification in fantasy space has also increased."

"From this perspective, talent does not exist in isolation. Those who are affected by me also affect me."

Fang Bai happily entered the game after a moment of adaptation.

His consciousness sank into the fantasy space, and the furnace and iron ingots appeared and he immediately started banging.

Daily training begins.





One refinement!

Second refinement!

Three refinements!

The hammer fell one after another. Fang Bai skillfully raised the steel hammer with the help of the rebound, and then used the rotation of his body to gather the strength of his whole body to knock down hard.


The greater shock caused the steel hammer to be raised high, twisting the waist and hips. As the body twisted, the steel hammer fell with greater force.


Fang Bai never tired of it, borrowing strength again and again, and hitting with greater force again and again. This method of continuously adding power was very fun.

One blow after another, one blow stronger than the other, and one blow faster than the other.

It's like a storm, spinning faster and faster!

During this process, the backlash from the iron ingot was like a tidal wave, but it was all resisted by Fang Bai's strong physique.


"Forty-five hammers!"

Fang Bai opened his eyes happily.

"I'm in good condition, and I actually made a breakthrough!"

"Hey, wait, what is this?"

The delighted Fang Bai was suddenly stunned. He felt that there seemed to be strands of golden energy in the air that were constantly entering his body.

As the aftershocks in the body dissipated, this situation gradually stopped.

I moved my body, but my body didn't change or feel any strange.

"what is that?"

Fang Bai couldn't help but be startled by the situation he just noticed. Then, having read a lot of novels, he couldn't help but have various reveries in his mind.

Thinking of all the possibilities, Fang Bai couldn't help but imagine a red-hot iron ingot again and forged it again and again.

He was still forging with the help of the storm as before, but unlike just now when he was concentrating on understanding the state of the iron ingot, at this moment Fang Bai was focusing on the state of his body.

One refinement!

Second refinement!

The shock was building up in my body, but nothing changed.

The first hammer of the three refinements, bang!

When the first hammer of the Three Refinements fell, a completely different reaction was transmitted to Fang Bai along the hammer, and the reaction accumulated before was ignited like withered grass.

As the first hammer of the third refinement fell, an extremely subtle reaction occurred inside the iron ingot. At the same time, Fang Bai's body, which had a similar frequency due to the countershock, also had a similar reaction.

In the air, there seemed to be wisps of cold and irritating gas integrated into the body.

At this moment, with Fang Bai's intense concentration, his senses seemed to be infinitely magnified.

Fang Bai felt as if he was lying naked on the lawn, with slight tingling sensations all over his body.

At this moment, Fang Bai's whole body, inside and outside, every inch of his body was enveloped in this feeling, including his bones, skin and flesh, internal organs, blood vessels, brain, etc., without any exception.

This feeling only lasted for a moment. The tingling pain all over his body broke Fang Bai's highly concentrated concentration and allowed his expanded senses to return to their original state, but the wisps of irritating gas continued to pour into his body.

But as Fang Bai stopped forging, the counter-shock force gradually dissipated and the situation stopped.

"It's not an illusion. What is this feeling? It appears suddenly."

“No, it doesn’t necessarily appear suddenly, it may be that I didn’t have enough perception ability to sense it before.

Even if it happens, I don't know it, and every time my body is tired, I will fantasize about my body again to restore my physical condition, and the failed three refinements will waste iron ingots.

Therefore, I have never tried the Three Refinements outside of the fantasy space, so I don’t know what impact this state will have on the body. "

Fang Bai's eyes gradually lit up, and he immediately exited the fantasy space, took some bread and water to the study room, and told Xu Wen and Zhong Ming not to disturb him or ask him to eat, then Fang Bai immersed himself directly in the fantasy space.

Fantasy iron ingot, forging, first refining, second refining, third refining!

Fang Bai paid attention to his body while forging. As the third refinement fell, his body began to absorb the slightly stimulating gas.

As the three hammers advance, the counter-shock force in the body accumulates and changes, and the speed at which the body absorbs the irritating gas also increases.

When the forty-fifth hammer fell, the speed reached the fastest, and the forty-sixth hammer fell!


The third refining failed, the internal power structure of the iron ingot was destroyed, and completely different shock waves were transmitted to Fang Bai's body, confusing the tide-like shock force.

At this moment, the body stops absorbing the irritating gas.

After a slight pause, Fang Bai did not hesitate, once again imagined an iron ingot and began to forge it, once, twice, and three times!

The body starts absorbing again!

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