I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 246 Improved Spells

"It should be soon, right?"

Fang Bai felt these ant eggs and the gradually active and clear consciousness inside them, feeling that they would hatch soon.

He replenished the iron ant egg with some energy and blood, and delivered it to the dragon ball as usual. After delivering it, he turned around and went upstairs. After washing, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Staying in the Longwei area for a long time, even if the depth is not deep, is still a bit stressful for him after a long period of accumulation.

After waking up, I felt refreshed and then walked to Su Shiping's project team. After entering, it took a full day to come out.

First, learn and understand all the progress of the project team, then communicate with every member of the project team, start a collision of ideas, and finally hold an exchange meeting for the entire project team to exchange and discuss together.

In this process, although Fang Bai often occupies a dominant position, he also silently records the inspiration of each member, records the gratitude and understanding of each member, and records them verbatim, in the fantasy space A fixed area in the bookshelf is used for storage, turning it into his knowledge base.

After coming out of Su Shiping's place, Fang Bai went to the Qi Peng project team.

The same process, first study, then communicate and record one by one, go through it completely before leaving for the next project team.

Time passed day by day, and Fang Bai walked down the project teams one by one. Some project teams would stay for more than a day, while some left in less than half a day, and the fastest even stayed for an hour or two.

It took half a month to do it all.

After the whole project team discussion meeting, Fang Bai was also refreshed, as if he had completed a round of practice.

Consciousness is slightly strengthened

In a sense, this is indeed a kind of practice.

Fang Bai transformed into a big tree, and the project team was the root system, continuously absorbing knowledge and nutrients to thrive.

Returning to the mage tower, Fang Bai entered the fantasy space and read the records of each project team from this time and the last time.

Watch it again, and you will have the insight to watch it again. After watching it again, you will have the inspiration to watch it again.

Record your inspirations and ideas one by one, and finally inform the project team one by one.

"Shiping, studying microstructure does not necessarily have to focus on "sturdiness" properties. Other properties and other structures can also be studied.

Although the "sturdiness" feature is based on part of my foundation, you can follow this part of the basic research and the route will be clearer.

But think about it another way, when you are doing research, aren't you also bound by my ideas? "

The Su Shiping project team also started research work in related fields after Fang Bai discovered the strong characteristic structure, and has made certain progress.

But here is the difficulty of solid structure, and this is a completely unfamiliar field. It requires summarizing rules and modeling. Everything has to be started from scratch, and there are even many things that go against common sense.

Although Su Shiping and others can borrow supercomputing power for calculations, consult with various bosses, and achieve certain results, this is still a long-term project after all.

"According to my findings, the principle of the spell structure in the spell model is also similar to the solid characteristic structure.

Can this be used as another research direction, another breakthrough? "

"Qi Peng, when it comes to energy and power, power can be an internal combustion engine or a motor.

The former uses the deflagration of oil to push the piston, and the latter uses electromagnetism to push the rotor.

The energy source of the former is oil, while the energy source of the latter is indeed electricity.

In the game, the reduced power of explosive spells may become a driving force similar to oil. This is your current research direction, because spells in this direction are very common, and the materials in the game are superior to those in reality. .

But similarly, I think we should not let go of the force of the magnetic field.

"Some Conjectures and Discussions on "Domain"".

These are some conjectures I wrote, and there are also some arguments in them. If you are interested, you can take a look.

I put it in the third row of the library, in the third column of the second column, a book with a black cover.

In addition, I saw that there was some strange data in a failed experiment of the Su Shiping project team.

I looked at the experimental records and found that that experiment may have produced a magnetic field or something similar.

I have reminded Su Shiping about this hairstyle, and they should have continued to prepare experiments. You can find out more.

If it can indeed effectively generate a magnetic field, I think this will be a good direction. "


Fang Bai wrote down some of his new thoughts and ideas on paper and asked them to send it over. He sat on a chair, closed his eyes slightly, and sank into a fantasy space.

Over the past half month, while learning new knowledge within each project team and deducing it to a certain extent, Fang Bai has never given up on his own research.

Research on the first layer of the solid structure of the gold element has advanced to a level of nearly 220,000, which is 2.2%!

Fang Bai studied and researched at the same time during this period. Not only did his research speed not slow down, it even sped up a lot.

There are a few key points where we have even made great strides over the past, otherwise we would never be where we are now.

And this is the benefit of communication, which is far from being achieved behind closed doors.

Whether it was the direct learning, understanding, and inspiration from Su Shiping's project team, or the analogies from other research projects, they all gave Fang Bai great help.

Compared to one day in reality at the beginning, the research speed in the fantasy space was only about 1.5/10,000th over a year.

Anyway, the advancement speed has more than doubled now.

Only in this way can we achieve the current results.

However, the more he studied Fang Bai, the more he understood its profoundness and difficulties, which made Fang Bai more and more excited!

During this period of continuous injection of qi and blood, the dragon ball also spit out two dragon qi again. This made Fang Bai discover that the ratio of the dragon ball absorbing qi and blood and spitting out dragon qi was not a fixed ratio or a fixed rule.

At least Fang Bai hasn't discovered any pattern yet, so he can only store the existing three dragon energies into the Beast King Crystal Core of the Dragon-Scale Violent Bear.

The master-level crystal core can indeed store dragon energy for a long time without reacting with it.

Thinking about these things, Fang Bai focused his attention after a while and started the experiment again.

The ten crystal nuclei heated up bit by bit under the high temperature of fire lotus and qi and blood, and then melted.

Next to the liquid crystal core, a magic circle similar to flame control, but completely different in complexity and pattern, was engraved on the elemental metal.

This is the 2024th version of the flame control magic circle. From the beginning of the magic flame control, the current level is estimated to have reached the second level.

No matter the function or appearance, there is almost no shadow of the original.

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