I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 249 New Meditation Method

"I don't need mental space!"

Fang Bai made a very decisive decision after understanding the structure of the spell slot.

"I'm not a mage. To me, a quick spell is the icing on the cake at most, but not a timely help.

For me, what I need from a spell slot is not a mental space where I can store spells.

Instead, the spell slot is extended and can directly sense the mental power and stronger computing power in the microscopic realm.

Perception and computing power are the core of everything!

The structure of the spell slot can give the spell slot three functions: perception, calculation power, and mental space. Among them, mental space accounts for the largest proportion of the structure, and perception and calculation power can only be regarded as the focus.

It would be more practical for me if the mental space could be directly removed from the structure and the structural ratio of perception and computing power could be increased. "

When Fang Bai thought of this, the two flames ignited again, he put the spell bits into them, and began to use the flames to temper the structure and purify the spell bits.

In the blazing heat, impurities evaporate little by little, and the structure representing the spiritual space gradually decays in the process.

In the mage tower, Fang Bai slowly opened his eyes.

After a little adapting to the discomfort caused by switching time and flow rate, we came to the furnace downstairs.

Looking at the furnace, Fang Bai had an idea and a flame formed.

Then he asked the little rhinoceros to summon the rhino group, and the cloud of energy and blood took shape.

The clouds of qi and blood gathered, and the huge cloud of qi and blood gradually shrank, and finally gradually turned from the ethereal power of qi and blood into a faint flame.

The flames and the fire lotus overlap, and they are absolutely overlapping every minute and every second, even if the flames jump again and again.

After docking and adjusting the temperature, Fang Bai took a deep breath, and with a thought, the spell slot representing his absolute core slowly floated out.

For a mage, the first spell slot is always the most core spell slot.

All other spell slots can cause problems and can be destroyed. This will only cause damage at most, but it won't be a problem.

But if something goes wrong with the first spell slot, then there really is nothing to say.

Because this is a spell slot that carries soul and consciousness.

But at this moment, Fang Bai resolutely threw it into the flames.


The spell bit flew into the flames, and a burning sensation lingered in Fang Bai's heart.

The temperature on the spell slot gradually increased.

It was somewhat different from the fantasy space. In actual operation, Fang Bai was very restrained, cautious, and even slow. Correspondingly, every step was very solid.

Heating, melting, purifying.

When the liquid spell position came into contact with the flame, Fang Bai's pupils shrank suddenly.

This kind of pain cannot be completely resisted even if one is prepared, but this does not affect Fang Bai's operation.

Simplify the structure and shrink the mental space bit by bit.



In the soul state, Bai looked at his body and didn't react at all.


Why did this cultivator die?

Fang Bai immediately checked the training process just now, only to find that the spell bit interfered with the control of the flame during the smelting process.

In the fantasy space, because the smelted force is after all just a body spell position condensed in the fantasy space.

No matter how smelted this imaginary spell slot is, it will not have any impact on Fang Bai's mental power, let alone his soul and consciousness.

It is different outside the fantasy space. As the only spell slot, smelting means simultaneously smelting the soul and even consciousness inside it.

Of course, this is just a metaphor. This kind of flame is far from reaching the level that can react to the soul.

However, although the soul and consciousness were not disturbed, the changes in the spell slots also had a real impact.

It's like a stick may not hit the soul, but it can blow the head.

The change in the middle of the spell slot directly caused a trace of emptiness.

This is the culprit of Fang Bai's failure.

This is something that cannot be tested in fantasy space.

Fang Bai pondered for a while, and instead of rushing to resurrect, he started thinking and combing directly in his soul state.

A moment later, the resurrected Fang Bai sat in front of the desk and began to calculate and deduce, and from time to time he would enter the patient's space to verify something.

About two hours later, Fang Bai appeared in front of the furnace again.

Before the experiment started, an idea suddenly came to Fang Bai's mind.

He seems to be dying more and more casually lately?

He had never died before his first death, but since he was killed by the master that time, his deaths have become more and more random and frequent.

"Besides, I feel that doing research is more dangerous than dueling with a master."

Fang Bai couldn't help scratching his head.

"You can't die in a duel with a master, but you can kill yourself with just one experiment."

Fang Bai couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and came to a conclusion after a moment.

"I'm so awesome."

Fang Bai was happy.

Make a joke to amuse yourself, and the reason for it is clear without saying it.

Fang Bai's practice was a creation from scratch, not just a simple practice.

The road to creation is full of thorns and is very dangerous. Fang Bai, who is about to have master-level combat power and master-level survival ability in advance, will die without any hesitation.

Fang Bai shook his head slightly, shook off the distracting thoughts in his mind, and focused on what was in front of him.

The problem of losing control of mental power cannot be tried in the fantasy space, so Fang Bai must take risks directly in the game.

But fortunately, as a player, the most serious consequence is that he will die until he is too weak.

If this is the only price, it doesn't matter how weak Fang Bai is. As long as he can succeed, no matter how many times he goes through, it's worth it.

There are so many opportunities to try, it is always better than the original people, much better than reality.

If it were an aborigine, it would not be something that could be solved in dozens of days or hundreds of lives.

That may require hundreds of geniuses with the same lineage and iteration of experience.

But let’s not talk about how to pass on experience after death, but where to find hundreds of geniuses?

It must be a succession of mage geniuses from the same lineage.

Just thinking about it is suffocating.

Fang Bai focused his consciousness on the flames in front of him.

The flames jumped slightly, and Fang Bai had a thought. A bag of crystal powder turned into thin lines and spread across the ground. After a while, a complex magic circle was formed.

However, this kind of one-time magic circle is generally called a ritual field!

After the first ceremony place was arranged, Fang Bai pondered slightly, and another ceremony place was added one after another.

With Fang Bai as the center, the two ritual venues are superimposed on each other, do not interfere with each other, and are independent, but they are connected and interconnected in key places.

After all preparations were completed, Fang Bai took a deep breath, and the next moment, the spell slot was submerged in the flames!

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