I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 256 Violent Bear Mecha

The violent bear mecha!

The moment these four words appeared in his mind, Fang Bai could no longer suppress the impulse in his heart.

What is his occupation called?

Mecha Master!

This professional name was chosen by himself, and his love for mechas can be seen from the professional name.

Although you can often hear people say that if all the shortcomings of a mecha are corrected, it will become a tank.

But Fang Bai didn't listen.

Can tanks and mechas be the same thing?

There was no basis for realization before, but now that Chaofan has arrived, Fang Bai feels that adding another mecha is not too much.

In fact, Fang Bai had long wanted to try making mechas.

But after careful consideration, Fang Bai understood that there was no point in just forcibly building a mecha without strong energy, power, and materials.

If the combat power cannot be qualitatively changed, if you build a huge mecha and you can't beat the elite mecha master himself, and you can't suppress the master with blood, then what's the use of having it?

It's just a nice-looking building block called a mecha.

The wax head of the silver gun is of no use.

So although Fang Bai had a desire in his heart, he still suppressed the impulse and did not create anything. Instead, he focused on the close-fitting mechanical armor.

It is both practical and can also accumulate experience for future mecha manufacturing.

But at this moment, when he saw the violent bear bones, Fang Bai understood that the time had come!

The master-level violent bear bones are supplemented by elemental metal plating to surpass the original strength and be enough to serve as the keel of the master-level mecha.

The master-level essence and energy contained in the bones of the violent bear can be used properly after being drawn out, and you can completely try to return to the master-level combat power!

This is the foundation of a truly master-level mecha!

Fang Bai didn't hesitate. He took a look at his huge Tiangong Pavilion points, immediately chose to use the points, and then summoned all the project team members!

However, he did not notify everyone directly, but instead conveyed it to the leaders of each project team, telling them that Fang Bai was going to start a master-level mecha manufacturing project, and asked them to notify their respective team members and come over if they were interested.

Originally, Fang Bai was worried about whether this move would arouse resistance from the project team leaders, since he was recruiting people from under them after all.

However, what surprised Fang Bai but was clear that the first ones to sign up were actually these team leaders.

After they heard about it, they immediately put down the project in their hands and expressed their intention to participate in the project.

Otherwise refuse to notify others.

Resistance is indeed resistance, but the direction of resistance is different.

As a result, players gathered directly in the school grounds one by one in project teams. A project team could have as few as ten people or as many as nearly a hundred people.

Dozens of project team players gathered over, and after about half an hour, almost all the project teams gathered in front of them.

Fang Bai looked at the hundreds of people in front of him, hundreds of highly educated players. Over such a long time, each of them had a certain understanding and mastery of spell models and spell structures.

Even in Fang Bai's opinion, everyone who goes out is far beyond the mage apprentices who have studied for decades among the aborigines.

As long as these people follow the steps step by step, it is almost inevitable to become a mage.

These are his talent pool, and behind these talent pools stand one after another scientific research bosses.

This is the most valuable resource he has.

Fang Bai quietly looked at the project team leaders such as Su Shiping, Qi Peng, Tang Wen, and Ding Xiu in front of him, and at the players, including his father Fang Baogen.

"I'm sorry to interrupt everyone's experiment at this time and call everyone over.

I’ll keep my story short.”


Fang Bai lifted up the linen covering the violent bear bones and exposed them.


As if there was a roar of a bear ringing in their ears, everyone's eyes were directly focused on the yellow corundum-like violent bear bones, and a strong and fierce aura spurted out.

All subconsciously, he took a few steps back and stopped after realizing that it was just a skeleton, but his heart was still heavy.

"Master Beast King Dragon Scale Tyrant Bear, this is its skeleton.

It contains the remnant soul of the dragon-scaled violent bear and master-level characteristics. Although it is not a master at present, the gap between it and the master is very small.

The project combination I want to build is very simple, using the dragon scale tyrannosaurus skeleton as the core to create a master-level body."

Fang Bai's voice was slightly drawn out, and then he said.


The players who were originally talking about the master level fell into silence the moment the word "mecha" came out.


These two words are more shocking than the master.

It's not like they haven't thought about mechas before, but they all thought they were far away, but suddenly they realized that this was right in front of them?

Master level mecha!

These two words came together, and unconsciously, their breathing gradually became heavier.

"The project team is named, Storm Bear Mecha, and now there is one person, Fang Bai, that is, myself as the team leader.

I will exchange my points for the research of all the knowledge and resource coordination project team of the entire Tiangong Pavilion.

The current project team is expected to recruit three deputy team leaders, seven team leaders, and 200 researchers.

Everyone can sign up, and the exam will be conducted based on the spell structure fifteen days later, and the top 210 people can be hired.

In addition, all members who participate in research and make certain contributions can automatically obtain the qualifications to exchange the design drawings of the violent bear mecha and customize the mecha with incoming materials.

Discounts fluctuate with position and contribution.

Those who have not participated in the project need elder authority to redeem points. "

This is the first time that Fang Bai has set a redemption limit for a certain technology.

In fact, Fang Bai initially considered using points to recruit members to join the project team. Not to mention his contribution in providing Tiangong Pavilion with resources such as mage towers and iron trees, his research results alone were enough to recruit all members.

However, Fang Bai thought about it for a long time and finally chose another route.

It would be better to let the researchers bring their own dry food and rush to come.

His project, both he and the project itself have this qualification.

And indeed it is.

As soon as the words fell, there was an instant uproar. The factors that caused their uproar were the project itself and the welfare of the project team members.


Master level violent bear mecha!

Qualifications for technical exchange and customization of incoming materials!

Every word is extremely touching and exciting.

Mecha Master, Mecha Master, is Mecha Master finally about to receive its first mecha?

Almost everyone's heart was beating loudly and excited.

"Mecha Master"

Su Shiping and Qi Peng looked at each other, and they both saw the heat in each other's eyes.

But when he saw the other party clearly, he reacted, snorted coldly, and turned his head away.

Zhang Zhong on the side couldn't help but recall the first time he saw Fang Bai wearing a mechanical-assisted armor. He couldn't help but look at the three characters "Mecha Master" on the attribute panel and muttered to himself.

"Is the boss finally going to realize his dream?"

Fang Bai couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and turned to look at Zhang Zhong.

"What the hell?"

Zhang Zhong reacted, trembled, and said quickly.

"What, I said the boss is awesome!"

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