I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 285 Re-entering the ruins town


A dragon roar resounded in the ears, the dragon ball shone brightly, and a powerful soul seemed to be resurrected inside it.

Fang Bai's perception went crazy, and under the dragon's roar, the fantasy space deep in his consciousness shook slightly.

This dragon's roar reaches deep into his consciousness.

But suddenly, the dragon's roar paused and became silent again, its light restrained.

The sudden change made Fang Bai unable to react. When he sensed the dragon ball, he found that his mental power could freely penetrate into it, but the next moment the mental power that penetrated into it was directly torn to pieces.

Fang Bai was not surprised at all. Dragon Qi itself can erode consciousness and attack consciousness. It is normal for it to directly tear apart mental power.

Not daring to probe into it, wrap it with mental power, passively accept the slightest fluctuations transmitted from the inside of the dragon ball, and then use the subtle fluctuations perceived to infer the internal situation of the dragon ball.

After a moment, Fang Bai was slightly confused.

He seemed to sense a wave of powerful soul.

Judging from this fluctuation, both quality and quantity were extremely high, so high that Fang Bai felt extremely small even in the face of a slight fluctuation.

Dragon Soul?

Is the real dragon still alive? !

This idea suddenly appeared in Fang Bai's mind, but he rejected it the next moment.

Because Fang Bai felt deathly silence in the soul fluctuations radiating out, without any spirituality.

Although this soul wave is active, it has no spirituality. From this point of view, this dragon soul is indeed dead.

At least the consciousness has dissipated, leaving an empty shell of a living soul.

At this moment, Fang Bai's heart skipped a beat, and an extremely bold idea came to his mind.

A classic scene in countless novels and TV shows. The dove takes over the magpie's nest!

Use your own consciousness to replace the vacancy in the true dragon's consciousness, thereby controlling the powerful true dragon's soul.

But just the next moment, when he felt the fluctuation of his soul again, Fang Bai rejected this idea.

No joke.

Fang Bai felt like he was about to be wiped out just before a wisp of soul wave appeared.

You can't even hold back a ray of soul fluctuation, but you still want to use your consciousness to occupy the magpie's nest. What a big ambition.

I'm afraid that if consciousness doesn't enter at this moment, the person will die in the next moment.

Oh no, Fang Bai might not be able to survive the next moment.

Shaking his head slightly and holding the dragon ball in his hand, Fang Bai gradually felt regular fluctuations in his heart.

A directional soul wave.

Fang Bai looked up at the direction of the Longwei area, pondered for a moment, took a step forward, and immediately followed the fluctuations in the dragon ball.

Leaving Tiangong Pavilion and entering the Longwei area, the fluctuations in the Dragon Ball point impartially to the deepest part of the area.

At the same time, when Fang Bai was holding the dragon ball, Long Wei seemed to be unable to press on Fang Bai and moved around.

This made Fang Bai lower his head and glance at the dragon ball in his hand.

Apparently, these changes stem from the resurrected Dragon Balls.

Moving along the wave, no matter how deep Fang Bai went, he still didn't sense the slightest bit of dragon power.

On the contrary, the dragon soul in the dragon ball became more and more active, and the soul emitted fluctuated more frequently, but it was still not spiritual at all.

Passing through the familiar scenery, Fang Bai soon entered the ruins town.

Looking at the familiar town, Fang Bai sighed slightly, but kept walking and walked faster inside.

The dragon's power here is almost solid, Fang Bai can be sure.

With this kind of dragon power, you can resist it without making a sound.

However, with the Dragon Ball around at this moment, no trace of Dragon Power fell on Fang Bai.

Walking to the core of the ruins town and looking at the ruins, Fang Bai couldn't help but recall the scene when he saw the mage tower.

At that time, I had no idea about the Mage Tower, but now that I think about it, a Mage Tower with a height of more than ten floors sounds horrifying.

Its level is beyond imagination. It is no wonder that as soon as his mage tower discovered the evil god, it locked the coordinates of the plane and requested to start the teleportation.

Isn't that right?

Originally it was a mage tower, maybe it was a place where people often went to find copies of evil gods and often caught evil gods to fill the experimental material library.

"At that level, maybe there will be a competition to see who has more evil gods, right?"

Fang Bai murmured, and at the same time couldn't help but recall something.

"By the way, the coordinates of the evil god's plane that were scanned at that time seem to still exist in the mage tower, theoretically speaking.

As long as I want to, as long as there is enough energy, I can open the teleportation array to the evil god plane at any time. "

Fang Bai pondered slightly, and the next moment he wanted to slap himself.

It’s really floating.

Do you still dare to take advantage of the evil god? Even if you are looking for death, you are not looking for it like this.

Although the evil god has the word evil, he is also a god, the supreme god.

I actually want to go to the plane of gods to snatch things, or even want to do something to gods?

This is the supreme god!

“We’ll talk about it later, we’ll talk about it later.”

Fang Bai muttered, then recovered his thoughts, walked to the base of the original mage tower, stood on the broken wall of the base and looked inside.

Inside the base of the mage tower is a bottomless sinkhole. The light inside the sinkhole seems to have been swallowed up, and no objects or life can be seen.

Standing in front of the sinkhole, Fang Bai's heart was pounding. He couldn't see anything. He only felt that the sinkhole was like the mouth of a terrifying monster, swallowing everything.

However, Fang Bai, who was holding the dragon ball in his hand, could sense that something that echoed the dragon ball was under the pit.

Without going down, just holding the dragon ball in his hand, a picture emerged in Fang Bai's mind, a dragon skeleton lying at the bottom of the sinkhole, surrounded by demons in the darkness, but they were all suppressed by Long Wei!

The screen only flickered for a moment, and the next moment Fang Bai returned to his normal perspective, and he was covered in cold sweat with lingering fear.

In the scene just now, it was as if he had been suppressed by Long Wei, which was extremely real.

Fang Bai held the dragon ball in his hand, and couldn't help but recall the scene just now in his mind, and felt the dragon ball echoing the dragon bone.

"Dragon bones and dragon balls are extremely closely related, and"

Fang Bai felt the fluctuations emanating from the dragon ball.

"And the dragon balls should be able to control the dragon bones."

Wei Wei pondered, the control of the dragon ball should be in the hands of the dragon soul, and the soul has no conscious control, so it can only remain silent.

At this moment, Fang Bai couldn't help but recall his previous bold idea again.

"If you can really merge your consciousness into the dragon soul and control it."

Fang Bai murmured to himself.

"Control the keel."

Looking around, he looked at the huge dragon power area and the extremely high dragon power intensity.

What is this called in Tower of Fire terms?

Relics of the gods!

God-level ruins!

In other words, even if this true dragon bone is not at the god level, it is probably close to it.

And if Fang Bai could really control the dragon bone.

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