
The adventurer screamed, his eyes full of despair, and he subconsciously raised his hand, but he knew he couldn't stop it.

But the next moment.


A huge sound rang out, and Fang Bai was knocked out. The adventurer shrouded in white light was not injured at all.

Before Fang Bai could pursue him, the magic circle formed under the adventurer, turning into a white light and disappearing with the adventurer.

The same goes for another adventurer.

"Invincible frame?"

Fang Bai frowned slightly.

"As long as you crush the jade token, you won't die. Can you definitely get out?"

"Yes, the defensive array released by the Trial Jade Card is of extremely high level.

From the beginning of records, unless there was no time to activate it, no one who had activated the jade medal would die.

This is true even under the siege of the master beast king.

No one died. "

Fang Bai couldn't deny what he said.

The punch he just unleashed his fighting spirit clearly shook the magic circle.

It is indeed unbreakable now.

Wait until he breaks through to the master level before trying again.

If it can't be broken, that's not necessarily the case.

"No one died?"

Fang Bai muttered.

"What did you say?"

Fei Rui didn't hear clearly and asked aloud. When Fang Bai heard this, he looked at Fei Rui, who had a light wind and clear clouds, and his hair was not even a little tangled.

It was as if he wasn't the one being chased by the master-level Flame Bird King just now.

"Oh, I said your ass is broken."

Fei Rui was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he quickly covered his butt. When he found out that it was really broken, his face turned red and he disappeared in front of Fang Bai in an instant.

At this time, two streams of light disappeared into the square white jade pendant from the place where the adventurer disappeared.

"Points: 2."

"Huh? Two points for eliminating two people?"

Fang Bai looked at the jade sign, and a stream of information flowed into his mind.

Fang Bai opened his eyes after accepting it.

"After the trial starts, there will be a ranking list, which can be viewed by both outside audiences and trial participants. External viewers can directly target a trial participant through the ranking list for viewing?

In addition, the top three in this trial field will become the seeded players? "

"Does this mean live streaming on the homepage of the rankings?"

"The top page of the rankings is used as a reward, so is this trial ceremony really centered on attention?

No, it’s not necessarily focused on attention, maybe it’s about popularity, recognition, popularity, or maybe a tendency of consciousness.”

There are gods in the game world, and there are several churches of gods in Red Maple City, the most important of which is the Church of Light.

And since faith has power, it is natural that there is power in popularity and popularity, and it is gathered together by the trial ceremony.

It's still what Fei Rui said at the beginning.

The winner becomes a legend.

The stages after the master level are called legends, which makes Fang Bai think of it.

“In addition, ten days after the trial officially starts, the bottom 50% of the trialists will be eliminated, and a batch will be eliminated every ten days.

At the same time, you can also get points by hunting monsters, and you can get all the points you have by eliminating the trialer.

Big fight! "

Fang Bai took a deep breath and then smiled.

"I like!"

In the reflection space above the Red Maple City area, the trialists were scattered inconspicuously among the huge mountains, scattering like a group of ants.

Soon they discovered the existence of high-density elixirs.

Rare and valuable elixirs from the outside world are everywhere here. It's a carnival.

The outside audience who did not receive the invitation looked at it with red eyes, but they could only watch with envy as the trialists harvested precious and rare elixirs.

However, there are often monsters guarding the elixirs, and if the experimenter wants the elixir, they have to conflict with the monsters.

The battle gradually occurred.

Those who get invitations are usually the best players and adventurers. Except for two or three unlucky ones, they are rarely eliminated.

Fights occurred frequently, just like in a TV series, and the attention attracted by the reflection space gradually increased.

Adventurers who perform outstandingly in the reflection space also quickly increase their fame and popularity.

If a war breaks out inside, the final winner will be widely praised on this land, among countless players and indigenous people, and even be written into local chronicles, compiled into stories by bards, and accompanied in taverns. Musical recitation.

Exactly one hour before the reflection space appeared, everyone's trial jade tokens in the reflection space simultaneously emitted a spiritual wave.

All trialists received the message.

"The time is up, the trial channel is closed, and the trial space is closed."

"The first phase of the trial has started. The trial rules are as follows."

"1. Eliminating the tester can obtain all the points he has."

"2. Hunting Warcraft can obtain corresponding points, professional-level Warcraft points."

"3. The ranking list is opened. After ten days, the bottom 50% of the rankings will be eliminated and the second stage will be started. The boundary barrier will be lifted."


"The trial has officially begun."

Fei Rui said loudly, Fang Bai nodded beside him.

At this moment, Fei Rui had changed into another robe, and the embarrassment just now was gone.

After a short search, the five followers also found four.

Obviously, for these well-established forces, some of the mechanisms of the trial space are no secret, and they have already had ways to deal with them.

"Yes, the big battle is about to begin. The trialists not only have to face the threat of high-level monsters, but also have to avoid the pursuit of competitors.

Even so, they still have to rank among the top 50% within ten days, which means they have to actively hunt World of Warcraft and their competitors. "

After Fei Rui was attacked, Bai discovered that this trial space was not only densely populated with elixirs, but also very densely packed with magical beasts, elite-level magical beasts, and master-level magical beasts. More importantly, it was also very active.

Just like Fei Rui was attacked just now, it is extremely easy to attract the attention of the beast king by flying in the sky, not only in the sky but also in the ground. Fei Rui did not dare to fly anymore and could only walk on the ground obediently.

There are also a high density of elite-level monsters and master-level beast kings on the ground, so they have to be cautious and shrink their necks.

What's more important is that under this rule, there will definitely be a chaotic battle between the testers and the testers!

"It's okay, it's not a big problem."

Ferry said, patting his chest.

"This mage is protecting you. With my strength, I can kill even the master-level beast king, let alone the trialer."

Fang Bai looked at Fei Rui, who was constantly showing off his good intentions, and felt happy.

Fei Rui seems to be licking now? ! Bah bah bah.

Fang Bai quickly put aside the thoughts in his mind and focused on his body.

The transformation of the metal's characteristic structure in the body is already halfway through, and the breakthrough master is just around the corner.

In the attribute panel, the title of Mecha Master Pioneer also contains a blessing that makes Fang Bai feel huge.

In the outside world, because Fang Bai always turned on the cloud energy to assist, this power was not used and was somewhat ignored.

But now.

Fang Bai looked at Fei Rui and smiled slightly, then opened the ranking list.

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