I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 322 Tempering the body

It was riddled with holes in an instant!

No matter how powerful the physical strength or spell position defense is, it does not exist in front of the black spring water vapor.

Not fragile, but turning a blind eye and unable to make any difference.

This is like a real injury, directly ignoring the defense and causing 100% damage at the core.

However, Fang Bai analyzed the reason for this in the fantasy space.

It's not really a hurt rule.

Reality is not a game. It is impossible to set up real injuries, so it must cause real harm.

Even if it is a setting, the only possibility is to directly mobilize the world's rules and ignore defense.

Therefore, after careful analysis in the fantasy space, Fang Bai discovered that the reason why the black spring water vapor ignored defense was not the rules, but the characteristics of this spring water.

It's like X-rays can penetrate the human body, and it's like neutrinos can penetrate the earth.

Whether the human body or matter, it seems to be a substantial whole, but in fact 99% of it is filled with gaps.

Because atoms, the tiniest particles that make up matter, are composed of nuclei and electrons.

This is like the sun and planets in the solar system, with gaps in between.

As long as the particles can pass through this gap, they can naturally pass through at will.

Of course, this does not mean that this black spring water vapor is the penetration principle.

Atoms are just Fang Bai’s source of inspiration, they don’t represent anything.

But in any case, the black spring water vapor is "smaller"!

Naturally, it can penetrate body defenses, penetrate spell slot defenses, and corrode everything fragile inside.

The same body, the same structure, the ones with strong defense and excellent structure were preserved, while the poor ones were corroded with holes.

The same goes for spell slots.

The body and spell slots appear to be intact on the outside, but in fact they are riddled with holes. Fang Bai's breath is trembling, and his life is like a candle in the wind.

Fang Bai's mental energy stopped drawing the water vapor from the black spring, and at this moment he was extremely weak.

He even felt that even an ordinary person could be stronger than him.

Even a random movement, movement, or standing up would cause the structure of his body to collapse.

But at this moment, Fang Baixin was very excited!

Although my body was worse than ever at this moment, it was cleaner than ever.

Although the structure is riddled with holes, what remains is the best!

When panning for gold in the sand, what you pan out is sand, but what remains is gold!

Fang Bai was physically weak and mentally weak, but his will was extremely excited and joyful.

The first is the spell slot. The void flame burns slowly. The spell slot is compressed again, and the solid structure inside is formed again!

The spell slot that was originally about the size of a little finger was completely reduced to plastic BB bullets at this moment, but the spiritual power pouring out of it was unprecedentedly pure and delicate!

The range of perception has not changed, but the fineness and microscopic level of perception have reached a new level.

When his mental strength improved slightly, Fang Bai mobilized it.

There are two kinds of gold elements in Fang Bai's body.

The first type is the gold element absorbed by the body tempering at the professional level. This part of the gold element is completely integrated with Fang Bai's bones, muscles, tendons, internal organs, etc., and becomes an unshakable fundamental part of Fang Bai, making Fang Bai what he is. Elemental metal-like body and properties.

This metal element is completely integrated, and even Fang Bai cannot mobilize or separate it. Even if he wants to change the structure, he needs to adjust it bit by bit with water grinding.

It takes a long, long time for the whole body to adjust.

And this is also the fundamental reason why Fang Bai's fighting spirit and mental power have been transformed, but he has not yet completed a breakthrough.

The second type is the extra gold that Fang Bai's body has absorbed after metalization and tempering. This gold is stored in the body and can be used and combined into metal at any time.

This is the basis for armor transformation and weapon summoning.

At this moment, Fang Bai used his meticulous mental power to control the surge of this part of gold in his body, pouring into his body.

Although Fang Bai's body was metalized, he did not lose his life, nor did he lose his vitality.

Metal with vitality naturally has the ability to grow and heal itself.

Fang Bai's physique is extremely strong, and his self-healing ability is naturally not weak, and with the addition of this golden element, Fang Bai's self-healing ability is pushed to the limit.

The body is like a precision instrument. With the supply of this energy, its power is fully activated and it runs at high speed.

Countless gold elements merged into the cells and poured out. Under the control of meticulous mental power, they continued to grow and fill the gaps along the holes left by the black spring water vapor.

Fang Bai originally thought that the damaged structure was already perfect, but at this moment, under the all-pervasive erosion of the black spring water vapor, all the loopholes, defects, inappropriate and bloated parts were washed away and collapsed, and pointed out a better direction for Fang Bai.

Among the thousands of holes left by the black spring water vapor, this first layer of structure derived from the solid properties of the gold element derived new changes for the first time.

This change may not be stronger, more perfect, or better, but it is definitely more suitable for Fang Bai. With Fang Bai, it can produce more powerful effects with less consumption!

Under the surge of gold element and the guidance of meticulous spiritual power, Fang Bai's momentum increased steadily, and it didn't take long for him to return to his peak state again!

The aura of the elite peak spread out, and Fang Bai's majestic momentum gave people a heavy and solid feeling.

And Fang Bai discovered that there seemed to be an extra layer of solidified gold in his body.

Upon sensing this, Fang Bai's eyes lit up.

Then without any hesitation, he once again used his mental power to force the water vapor from the black spring to flow into his body.

The body's defense still seemed to be non-existent in front of the water vapor.

The familiar burning sensation came from every corner of the body inside and outside again, and the pain flowed like a tide towards the last trace of clarity on the spiritual platform.

But what is different from before is that this time the spell slot is not involved, so after experiencing more extreme pain, the next level of pain is easier to accept and feels less painful.

Sprinkle water!

Fang Bai endured the pain and even had time to think, or it could be called diverting his attention.

"As long as the body's gold content is sufficient, I can continuously use the black spring water vapor to temper it.

The gold stored in the body has been used up and there is still a lot of stock, so you can use it slowly and not in a hurry. "

Fang Bai killed many aborigines. These people were all elite professionals. At least they were in the state of elemental alloys. There were even pure elemental metals. With a set of weapons and armor, the gold converted from elemental metals was temporarily No shortage.

This is also the confidence that Fang Bai dares to start tempering again.

But spell slots are different. Once a spell slot is consumed, it is really consumed. It must be strengthened and restored by absorbing part of the power of the elements through accumulated meditation.

Fortunately, the structure can be maintained when compressed to the size of a BB bullet. If it is compressed again, Fang Bai is afraid that the spell slot will collapse directly, so he does not dare to use the spell slot to join the tempering.


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