I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 335 Transformation


Fang Bai read out these two names. Perhaps because he had been on the path of transcendence for a long time, he immediately felt the heaviness of "God" when he read these two words, and he sensed the weight.

Even a vague awe.

Don't say you don't believe in God or respect God.

Before the game world appeared, before Fang Bai changed his job to transcendence, he really didn't believe in God, and it didn't matter. He didn't have any awe for the so-called gods except for laughing, watching the fun, and not getting close to me.

Even if he occasionally felt a little awe when visiting temples and Taoist temples, it was completely the psychological suggestion brought by the grandeur of the buildings, the hugeness of the statues, and the incense of monks, Taoists, and believers.

The temporary awe that tourists feel in their hearts when they are inside is fleeting.

Because they know that it's all fake.

But now it's different. Knowing that gods exist and knowing that gods are overwhelmingly powerful, even if you don't believe in them, you will guarantee the most basic awe.

Not to God.

But to be in awe of the strength and status of gods.

Translated, if you can't beat him or provoke him, don't provoke him.

Because he exists objectively.

But such a heavy and awe-inspiring word appears here.

Fang Bai doesn't think that any gods will guard beside a spring and be sealed in this trial space.

For a moment, Fang Bai became more and more curious.

What is inside the core energy hub?

"In addition, according to the latest information, the terrain of other trial spaces is exactly the same as that of the Red Maple City trial space, just like two mirrors that are exactly the same on the matrix are decorated with different things into two different appearances.

Basically the same, then in this case, does the ancient battlefield in this trial space have it in every one, or is it just this one?

Or are these actually just fake? No, the materials and treasures inside are definitely real, and this adjective is not very appropriate.


This thought naturally emerged in Fang Bai's mind.

"Maybe it's the only trial space, and the trial spaces all over the world are just projections.

As long as the energy is sufficient, there will be as many as you want.

This can also explain why, after thousands of years, the number of these trial spaces can still accurately match these large population centers in the game world.

Maybe it's just a temporary scan to determine how many population centers that meet certain standards, and then project and divide the area according to the number."

Fang Bai thought silently, and after thinking for a long time, he still shook his head slightly.

"I don't need to worry about so much, these can be explored slowly later, I just need to complete my goal now!"

But although he said so, Fang Bai still made a decision.

He was about to contact Hao Wei, but when he saw everyone sleeping soundly on the bed, he paused slightly.

At this time, Su Shiping, who was meditating, sensed Fang Bai's gaze and turned his head to look.

Fang Bai pondered for a moment and still spoke out.

"Shi Ping, let everyone rest for eight hours first.

After eight hours, the deduction task is over, and all the mages secretly change the original pairing method and divide the responsibilities of the players who cooperate with our search.

Then teach them directly to construct the detection ceremony in the simplest way.

The specific content of the ceremony will be told to you later, and you can familiarize yourself with it.

In the next few days, we will not try to deduce again, and we currently do not have the ability to do so.

We will focus all our energy and attention on data collection and information collection!

I want the trajectory of every energy flow in this trial space, and I even want to find a way to explore the energy flow trajectory left behind before. I want to collect all this data!

We It doesn't matter if we can't deduce it now. With the original data, we can deduce it at any time in the future when we have the ability.

This array cluster contains extremely wide content and is simply all-encompassing. This is the most valuable wealth in the entire trial space.

Let's not talk about the relevant knowledge of ancient spell structure, array, energy flow, energy conversion, constraint, seal, etc. that have been analyzed.

Every successful deduction in the future will be the best verification and the best test of the knowledge we have mastered.

Every deduction in the future will be a transformation of our Tiangong Pavilion as a whole.

Every time it is completed, the overall quality of our Tiangong Pavilion will be stronger!"

Su Shiping couldn't help but be moved by the words, and he also reacted.

Indeed, this call for all mages to cooperate with each other and work together to tackle the trial space array cluster, the mages' vision and overall view have made great breakthroughs.

In the process of continuous research, error correction, and re-research, each of them must rack their brains and put all their minds on research, and then discuss, instruct, and even quarrel with each other.

The knowledge accumulated and learned in daily life and research was melted and absorbed and consumed in this communication and brainstorming process.

The spark of wisdom became more and more dazzling in the friction.

Suddenly Su Shiping found that any outstanding person in the Tiangong Pavilion could be the absolute core of a large guild's scientific research department in the outside world.

Talents with the same qualifications gradually opened up a world-like difference in such training.

People's potential is not static, and this process seems to be the best way to improve.

Ordinary people become talents, talents become geniuses, and geniuses become prodigies.

And those who are already extremely excellent

The gap between them and those at the same level is even wider.

This kind of growth is real, and Su Shiping has personally felt it.

Su Shiping's heart gradually became hot.

This kind of opportunity is not common, and it allows Tiangong Pavilion to repeat this state continuously, allowing all mages to concentrate and devote themselves to it.

What Fang Bai said is indeed right. These detailed and micro data are the most precious wealth in the trial space.

No one else.

And these data can also become the most solid foundation of Tiangong Pavilion and become the powerful resources of Tiangong Pavilion.

Su Shiping's fatigue was gone, and he discussed with Fang Bai enthusiastically.

Mobilizing some computing power units again, it didn't take long for a ritual with extremely low deployment threshold, extremely low operation threshold, but superior perception precision to appear in their hands.

Of course, it is difficult to have such a perfect ritual in the world.

A little more here, naturally a little less there.

The price paid for this ritual is that although the layout is simple, it has extremely high requirements for adaptability and extremely high difficulty for more environmental calculations.

But this is just right, just matching the current situation, where the Tiangong Pavilion is in remote pairing command and cannot be present on site.

Although the ceremony is difficult, both Su Shiping and Fang Bai have sufficient confidence in the members of the Tiangong Pavilion!

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