I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 34 Customized Drawings

"Boss, why are you hurting their waists?"

Xu Wen asked curiously after she recovered. Zhong Ming couldn't help but look over.

"Oh, the severe pain in their waist can make them lose the ability to fight, and they may not be able to die for a while.

I originally wanted to save it for torture, but I thought it was a game and there was no need to be too extreme, so I just killed him later. "

Fang Bai thought for a moment and said that he would never tell Xu Wen because he had simulated the human body structure in fantasy space and was used to it.

"Oh, I thought you were some kind of pervert."

Xu Wen said disappointedly.

"Pervert? Me? How is that possible? What kind of pervert? Impossible."

Fang Bai stood up as he spoke, went back to the room and took two weapons before speaking out.

"Xu Wen, look after the store. I'll go out for a while."


Fang Bai left the blacksmith shop with his weapon in hand.

He was murdered by a hired assassin. Although nothing happened to him, it was not okay to just let it go.

He is very stingy and not so generous.

Hiding outside the station exit and waiting quietly, Fang Bai didn't know if he could wait for someone, so he just tried his luck. If he didn't wait, there were other ways.

Well, it depends on Liu Shan's luck.

After waiting for several hours, just when Fang Bai thought that Liu Shan was out of luck and was about to return disappointed, suddenly, his eyes lit up when two players came out of the entrance of the Dynasty Guild's station.

"Hey, the wait was not in vain, the wait is here."

Fang Bai looked at the direction Liu Shan was walking, which was the direction where Qi Yunxuan Guild's headquarters was located.

Fang Bai took a few glances and did not follow directly behind. Instead, he estimated the position and walked around in front of Liu Shan and the others to continue waiting.

As long as they connect a line between Qi Yunxuan Guild's headquarters and Dynasty Guild's headquarters, and choose a better path, it will not be difficult for them to defend Liu Shan.

After squatting for a few times, they entered the forest, and Fang Bai followed directly from a distance.

His perception is more acute. In this forest with poor vision, it is definitely him who discovers others first, not others who discover him first.

After following for a while, he found that Liu Shan had stopped, so Fang Bai approached quietly, and immediately heard the sound of Liu Shan arguing with someone.

"You guys can't even kill a blacksmith in a sneak attack, but you still have the nerve to come back and ask me for compensation?

San'er, if we settle the balance, we will be considered as benevolent and righteous.

If you still want compensation, go to hell! Pooh! "


"Liu Shan, you won't give it, right? Okay."

"Liu Shan, you don't want Fang Bai and your president to know that you hired us to kill Fang Bai, right?"

Liu Shan paused after hearing this and cursed loudly.

"I'm going to fuck you in the jungle and threaten me, right?

Okay, here, San'er, give it to them! I think they have lives to take, but they have lives to spend! "

Immediately, Fang Bai hurriedly hid when he heard the sound of Liu Shan and others returning. After Liu Shan passed by, he looked at the direction in which Han Ming and Song Kun were leaving and fell into thinking.

Not long after, two screams rang out. Han Ming and Song Kun, who were resurrected again, looked at their second-level weak state, and their rationality was instantly driven away by anger, and they yelled.

"Liu Shan, I'm not done with you!

Let's go and find the president. Liu Shan has gone too far to bully others. This matter is never over! "


The two men immediately rushed to the station angrily.

Fang Bai looked at the two disappearing corpses with a smile, picked up the money bag on the corpse, weighed it, opened it and saw that it was all copper coins.

"Well, this place must be worth two to three thousand yuan, right?"

He stuffed the money into his pocket, turned around and left.

"If Liu Shan is lucky, let him go."

Fang Bai smacked his lips, took out a copy of the map and shook his head sadly.

"Keep the map and use it next time."

Back at the blacksmith shop, Fang Bai continued to strike his own iron as if nothing had happened.

Hit the armor plates of Li Qian's armor first, and then hit your own.

Li Qian's still played casually according to the original level.

After all, you get what you pay for.

However, his own Fang Bai was not ambiguous at all. With his peak skills, he kept improving everything, striving for perfection and erasing all weak points.

In addition, Fang Bai also made targeted improvements and personal modifications based on some of his own experience.

In addition, finger armors composed of nail pieces the size of a pinky fingernail have also been designed.

This step was thanks to the students from the Mechanical Club. Fang Bai didn't spend any money. He said a few more nice words and called him boss a few more times. They immediately helped Fang Bai design it in a hurry.

This made Fang Bai realize that these people were quite nice and very enthusiastic.

Also, what bad intentions can people who like machines have?

During study time, after reading the last professional book, Fang Bai was ready to read the books on Shi Qi's recommended book list.

But at this time, Fang Bai had an idea in his mind.

He now has a relatively comprehensive understanding of mechanical design, and he seems to understand it somewhat.

Designing a mechanically assisted armor at the current level is simply a dream.

But if you just express your own needs, understand other people's design drawings, and propose modifications based on your own conditions.

Fang Bai felt that he could challenge it.

"Boss, boss, are you free now?"

Fang Bai immediately found the account of the most skilled person in the machinery club and sent a separate message to him.

"Brother Bai, what's the matter?"

After this period of communication, they all knew that Fang Bai was not a student of their school.

But the conversation was comfortable and Fang Bai spoke pleasantly, so no one cared about it.

"Well, I want to design a set of mechanically assisted armor, but I don't know how to get it.

So I would like to ask some big guys in our group to help. "

The person Fang Bai is currently chatting with is named Su Shiping. Although he is young and is only a junior in college, he once led a team to win a national certificate in a college-level mechanical competition.

Although it is only a bronze medal, his personal ability is still quite terrifying.

"Well, if you have any questions, just ask them in the group.

Everyone will definitely answer when they have time. "

"I just don't have the ability to take it, otherwise why would I need help from you big guys? In this case, big guys, I would be embarrassed to have sex for nothing.

Do you think this will work? I will take 30,000 and transfer it directly to the boss. Then the boss will help me find four more people. "

"Although the money is not much, it is mainly a token of my heart, and we cannot let everyone's work go in vain."

Fang Bai briefly estimated the time and effort required for the drawings, and finally gave a price of 30,000.

Not counting how Su Shiping distributes it, the average share is 6,000 per person.

Perhaps most of the families who play with machines are not short of money, so they may not take the six thousand yuan seriously.

But for college students, doing something interesting with their classmates and making money while in school gives them a sense of accomplishment!

"Thirty thousand? Just a blueprint?"

"No, not just one piece, but a complete set, including various adjustments and modifications in the later stage."

"Well, there's no rush. Please tell me your specific needs when you have time. If you're interested, we'll do it even if you don't have to pay.

But Brother Bai, aren't you afraid that we can't do it? "

"It's okay. It's just for fun. It's not what I'm doing. I also want to take this opportunity to learn from the boss. Otherwise, I won't be able to get in the conversation with you, no matter whether there are any results or not.

The money was spent on buying materials. "

Su Shiping, who was in the dormitory, scratched his head in embarrassment.

This guy is pretty good.

Fang Bai smiled. His main thing was sincerity, so sincere that it embarrassed these college students.

What, can't be done?

It doesn't exist. The five people he ordered are the favorites of professors at all levels in their mechanical college.

Academicians of the Academy of Engineering may not be accessible, but they can still find a lot of first- to third-level professors.


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