I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 345: The God's Fall


The Blood Bear just opened his mouth when he felt the five fingers of the palm on his head close together.

Crack, crack, crack. Bang!

The Blood Bear's head exploded, bones and flesh splattered, but all the blood coming in Fang Bai's direction was blocked.

Fang Bai waved his hand lightly, and recalled the confusion in the Blood Bear's eyes just now, and shook his head slightly.

"Strength is still reliable when you cultivate yourself. Can this be called legendary?

If you lose your strength, you are nothing."

Fang Bai curled his lips, but he did not deny the excellence of this system.

It can allow an elite to directly have legendary combat power, and it can be withdrawn at any time.

No matter what the cost is, as long as you can do this and do it stably, it can be called very excellent.

Fang Bai only disdained the Blood Bear, not the system.

He even became a little interested in this system.

Because in his opinion, there may be pitfalls at the end or lower level of the system, but there may not be pitfalls at the top or the source.

It's like a pyramid scheme. The ones below are being pitted, and the one at the beginning is not the one who is pitting people?

Moreover, Fang Bai also realized that this kind of power is not only used by gods.

It can only be said that gods use it more thoroughly, and most of the power of the entire system lies in this power.

In fact, this power is widely used. Perhaps gods used it first, but extraordinary people are not fools, and they will naturally take its essence and discard its dross.

As far as Fang Bai knows about the breakthrough of the legendary stage, the source of power of his title, etc.

These powers should be of this kind, but they are just different ways of use or different forms of expression.

"If this power is used skillfully, it is indeed useful, and it is not impossible to try it."

Fang Bai recalled the appearance of the blood bear, thought about it and said.

"Using it directly on the main body may backfire, and may end up like the blood bear.

But what if I don't use it to improve myself, but use it to build external objects, and then use the external objects to strengthen my main body?

For example, armor, or future mecha?"

"I can use good enough materials, good enough arrays, and a large enough space to carry this power and apply it.

I can use the benefits but avoid the hidden dangers, and as for my main body, I can practice slowly.

Armor and mecha are only for use, just like the practice in novels.

One is the way, the other is the art!"

Fang Bai recalled that he used armor to carry dragon energy, and got the power of dragon energy for free without being eroded by dragon energy.


He really tasted the sweetness of this way of playing.

Many things have advantages and disadvantages. All Fang Bai needs to do is to avoid the disadvantages and play the advantages.

Now the armor series has reached the end of the master level. Fang Bai has no idea about the legendary level above, and he is not even sure about the high-level energy used by the master level.

After all, dragon energy cannot be copied, and he only has this one dragon ball, which cannot be regenerated.

But if we use this power called faith or intention instead.

Then it will be highly replicable. What's more important is that, given the popularity of mecha and armored warriors among players.

Fang Bai is confident enough to condense this power, and the only thing he lacks is how to use it.

While thinking and destroying the altar, Kaiming rushed over from a distance.

Outside Hongfeng City, a fat man in a mess broke through the space under the wrapping of a sword energy and fell to the ground.

The fat man who came out was still cursing, his tone full of indignation.

Cursing, when he thought of the value of this sword energy, the fat man's heart suddenly twitched.

"Damn it, I saw a ghost today.

Even if this player interferes, interferes, I can't cooperate with the ritual.

Wait, light, I don't know what to wait for, it's crazy.

Could it be that he wants to wait for the evil god to really come down and kill him together?"

The fat man was shocked by his incredible idea.

How ignorant can a person be to have such an idea?

How ignorant can a person be to have such a bold idea.

The fat man couldn't believe it, but after thinking about it for a long time, the fat man couldn't think of any other possibility.

Because even a fool knows that he must interrupt him before the ritual is completed.

At this moment, the fat man laughed in anger and looked up at the projection of the trial space in the sky.

Once you come out of the trial space, you can never enter it again, and you can't enter the ruins of the ancient battlefield suppressed under the trial space.

Thinking of this, the fat man's heart ached again, but at this moment, something unexpected happened.

First, the entire trial space solidified as a whole, and everything inside seemed to be frozen.

The next moment, a huge crossbow flashed in the trial space.

Although the crossbow flashed, the fat man still caught a trace of its characteristics. After seeing it clearly, he was stunned and said in a broken voice.

"God-killing crossbow?"

"How is this possible?!"

The fat man couldn't believe it, but no matter how he couldn't believe it, he heard a faint bowstring sound soon after.

The next moment, the fat man saw a strange phenomenon in the trial space, and at the same time, sparse raindrops fell, and the mountains, rivers and plants in the entire trial space were undergoing drastic changes.

Seeing this scene, the fat man's heart suddenly twitched and he lost his voice completely.

The fall of the gods, the natural strange phenomenon, the nourishment of the spiritual rain, and the rebirth.

The strange phenomenon in the trial space of Red Maple City was not only seen by Fatty, but also by everyone in Red Maple City.

Some people were confused, some were suspicious but half-believing, and some were shocked. They shook their heads slightly in a lost voice and then passed the news one level at a time.

Some plans that had been made long ago were quietly stagnant.

The news of the fall of the evil god was quietly passed on, spreading his influence. Upon hearing this news, more than one person cursed in private.

The strength and quality of the creations of the ancient wizard civilization were beyond the imagination of all of them.

The ancient wizard civilization that has disappeared for thousands of years still exerts influence on this world and influences the development of the world situation. It is simply terrifying.

In fact, it is far from that. According to Fang Bai's understanding, the current extraordinary world is basically excavated from the ruins of the ancient wizard civilization. Most of the professions that exist today can find corresponding prototypes in the ruins of the ancient wizard civilization.

In addition, extraordinary equipment, spell scrolls, etc. are all technologies of the ancient wizard civilization.

Even wizard towers, etc., there are too many such examples.

At this moment, Fang Bai also realized the weight of the ancient wizard civilization more deeply.

A fixed turret weapon, simple preheating, one shot, one life!

No resistance, no waves, just a simple attack.

The evil god fell!

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