I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 369 Civilianization

"Balance, circulation, self-sustainability."

Fang Bai didn't know how to cultivate inner space.

But Fang Bai knew what kind of inner space he wanted.


"After the lotus roots and dragon blood fruit trees of Fantasy Lotus were planted, the inner space became stronger to a certain extent.

Although after giving away part of the space origin, the inner space as a whole still became weaker.

But this is because the origin of space is given more than the natural growth.

From this perspective, most elixirs planted in the inner space can enhance the inner space. "

While Fang Bai was thinking, he designed a small cycle in the inner space based on real-life documents, and directly supported the operation of this cycle with the power of mental power, spells, and magic circles.

The loop is very complicated, which requires a lot of energy from Fang Bai, but he can't find anyone to help.


Fang Bai suddenly became alert.

"Maintain the cycle and help the gods? The church?"

After thinking about it carefully, I already have a clue about many things.

While maintaining the circulation, it teases the ants.

The pure black ants the size of calves are quite heroic, their black carapace is made of hard steel. When they saw Fang Bai, they all came close to him.

This group of ants currently feeds directly on steel, but they do not need to be fed. The worker ants will continuously mine iron ore and bring it back to the nest under the order of the queen.

Under Fang Bai's observation, they also developed spell-like abilities such as breaking earth and solidifying. With the help of the power of elements, they can easily break open soil and rocks. With the help of a viscous liquid secreted, they can act like glue and cement. , not only can quickly strengthen the built nest, but also give the nest the ability to receive the power of Qi and blood.

It has magical and extraordinary effects, but it is not driven by a spell model like a spell. It can be easily released and cannot be copied. It can only be synthesized by ants themselves.

So this effect is called a spell-like effect.

In fact, it was because of this that Fang Bai decided to expand the scale and carry out large-scale breeding.

Walking all the way in, teasing the ants on the road, Fang Bai came to the side of the queen.

The queen ant infects the surrounding ant eggs through the fluctuation of a blood iron ingot.

From time to time, ants would break out of their shells, and while surrendering to the queen, they would also look at Fang Bai curiously, and then swing their tentacles to express intimacy with Fang Bai.

Fang Bai no longer uses Qi and blood to infect the ant eggs. This step is carried out by the queen.

Since then, they have been completely infected by Fang Bai's Qi and blood since before they were born, so these ants can still trace their origin to Fang Bai, so they will naturally express their intimacy to Fang Bai.

Standing among the ants, Fang Bai pondered slightly, and then Tang Wen walked over and said:

"Fang Bai, Zhao Ling is here."

Fang Bai nodded when he heard this, didn't say anything, but immediately walked out.

Before leaving, I sensed the vast aura of the undead. After walking in, I immediately sensed the ordinary skeletons clustered in the middle.

"Fang Bai, no, maybe I should call you Pavilion Master from now on."

Zhao Ling's soul fire beat and emitted a wave of mental fluctuations. Although others paid attention to the trial space and knew some things, they still couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Zhao Ling, whose strength is still above the master level, actually joined their Tiangong Pavilion.

Fang Bai smiled when he heard this.

"Just call me Fang Bai, that's what they all call me.

After all, we don’t have a superior-subordinate relationship, but more of a comradely relationship of helping each other and working together toward a goal.

We are all completely equal. "

“And no matter what I ask you to help me with, I need to pay points.

You should also understand our mechanism. Every point is created by relative knowledge.

On this basis, there is internal circulation, which is used to exchange knowledge, request assistance, etc.

Of course, because of my previous promise, I will teach you the three-level blacksmithing technique.

Since this is mine and not created by anyone else in Tiangongge, you don't have to pay any points.

This is my gift. "

While talking, Fang Bai also led Zhao Ling into the Tiangong Pavilion.

After walking through a narrow passage, the world suddenly opened up.

A ball of light hangs above the dome, and the roadside is full of plants and full of life. There is no darkness, depression, or dullness, and the air is still fresh and active.

There are no obstructions or restrictions around it.

Mountains, cliffs, the sea, beaches, Zhao Ling can even feel the sea breeze and hear the ebb and flow of the tide.

Looking back, he saw that the passage he came in had long since disappeared, and instead turned into a forest.

It doesn't look any different from the outside world, and you won't feel depressed even if you live here for a long time.

"A little trick about projection. After all, our Tiangong Pavilion studies magic, and there are many occasions when magic is used in life.

We will also use various spell effects to make our lives more convenient and comfortable.

The technical content is not high, but the artistic content is not low. There is a player who is a well-known garden designer in reality. After switching to a mage, his design ability has improved to a higher level.

These are all designed by him. If you want to design something or decorate it in real life, you may want to contact him.

We are all from Tiangong Pavilion, so it is not expensive to ask him to produce a design drawing. "

Fang Bai shrugged and said casually. What he said was indeed correct, but there was still one thing he didn't say.

That is, this is also a preparation for their plan to live underground for a long time.

In addition to removing the sense of oppression, underground three-dimensional farms, vegetable gardens, breeding farms, etc. are built in imitation of the external environment.

Tiangong Pavilion, which relies on colleges and universities to make its fortune, does not lack talents in related majors, nor does it lack ideas and capabilities to civilianize magic.

The only limitation now is the magic array, that is, the magic model takes up too much space.

There will be a lot of blank space when engraving a magic array, but it has to be left.

A magic array on a piece of material may only have one thousandth or even less of the position engraved with magic nodes or energy channels.

The rest is blank, which greatly increases the cost of civilianization.

Overlapping magic arrays can indeed greatly increase the utilization rate, turning the original one thousandth utilization rate into four thousandths, five thousandths, or even seven thousandths and eight thousandths.

But every one thousandth increase in utilization rate means a step-by-step increase in technical barriers.

Both high costs and high technical barriers have greatly restricted the advancement of the civilianization of magic.

However, it is not a big problem to just play in Tiangong Pavilion.

After all, the men in Tiangong Pavilion are all rich.

However, Fang Bai couldn't help but frown when he recalled the problem of the low utilization rate of the spell model.

He had thought about this problem before, and it was not the first time that he was restricted by this problem.

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