"Bud, maybe I really misunderstood him."

Edisa thought to herself as she felt the warm power of the magic circle operating inside her body.

"I originally wanted to catch the fat man and beat him up after he broke through to the master level.

Let him understand what a saint is. There is a huge difference between a preparatory saint and a saint! "

Edisa is full of confidence. After completing the transformation, the qualitative changes in her soul and body are huge.

She knew very well that the fundamental reason why she had lost to Fang Bai and Fatty before was that she had not yet broken through to the master level.

Breaking through the master means the end of the foundation stage. The strength of this stage is the strongest and largest.

Now a breakthrough master, she is not weaker than anyone at the same level.

No, she is a saint promoted according to ancient methods. She is qualified to compete for the church's sainthood.

Every stage of her is the most perfect. After she breaks through to the master level, she will definitely crush the fat man.

Only Fang Bai, who had been chasing Fatty for seven days and seven nights, could interest her.

But she is invincible!

"Stop, stop, don't go forward."

Suddenly, the fat man rushed out and shouted quickly.

Edisa looked at him doubtfully, and without stopping, she took one step forward, walked the last step of the path, and stepped out of the ruins of the gods.


A magic circle emerged out of thin air, binding Edisa within it.

Just as Ediza was about to struggle, the energy in her body that made her extremely comfortable instantly turned into a dragnet that completely sealed the energy and muscles inside her body.

Immediately afterwards, the chain magic circle was activated, and a gust of wind carried some powder. Idisa instantly smelled a fragrance, and then she felt the accumulation of fighting spirit all over her body, the numbness of her muscles, and the exhaustion of her soul. Her whole body felt dizzy. Go to sleep.

A rope emerged from under his feet, binding his feet and hanging him upside down.

The fat man couldn't bear to look at this scene, looking at the means he had arranged with evil intentions before.

Just because he's willing to help this candidate saint doesn't mean he's a good person.

"Is it true that these candidate saints have no defense at all and no struggle at all?

There is a bit of strength, but "

The fat man was hesitant to speak. He didn't expect that the trap he had randomly set would be so effective.

Now he really didn't know what to do. He really wanted to make good friends with Fang Bai and came over to say a few nice words to Fang Bai as a favor.

In his opinion, favors in Idisa's hands were definitely not worth as much as in Fang Bai's hands.

Now he recognizes this even more.


Hemp claws.

Not long after, in Tiangong Pavilion, Fang Bai lowered his head to look at the sleeping Idisa, then raised his head to look at the fat man, repeating this over and over again, hesitating to speak.

After a while, Fang Bai asked cautiously.

"Did you put in a good word for me?"

"No, I haven't had time to say yet."

Fang Bai took a long breath and relaxed.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, there's still hope."

The fat man was speechless, and Fang Bai asked curiously.

“But by the way, how did you catch her?

Didn’t she also break through the master? The elite level has the combat power of the master level. After breaking through the master level, it should be stronger, right?

Although he may not be your opponent, he doesn't have the ability to resist, right?

Why are you taking action again? Wait, you're not going to fulfill your contract and put in a good word for me after a fight, are you? "

Fang Bai looked at the fat man with vigilance. If he did this, he would not only fulfill the contract, but also cheat him.


The fat man was very helpless, and then he felt a little angry at being wronged.

"How can it be?!"

"It's okay if I don't agree. If I agree, I won't do these tricks.

Am I this kind of person? "

Suddenly, Fang Bai noticed a hint of using excuses to cover up his embarrassment.

Well, Fatty must be this kind of person.

But this time something really happened.

"I just left a few magic circle traps before I left, but I didn't even touch them when I went to my house this time, not even a single move.

I even wanted to stop her, but I couldn't.

You are so strong, you have no sense of defense, you are so weak! "

Edisa woke up vaguely, and when she opened her eyes, she saw two blurry figures standing next to her arguing.

What's wrong with her?

At this time, the words spoken by one of the figures echoed in her ears.

"The weak want"


Fang Bai struck Edisa on the neck with a vertical knife, knocking her unconscious.

Seeing that she didn't wake up, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

If Edisa woke up at this juncture, it would be impossible to explain anything.

After Edita interrupted him, Fatty didn't want to say anything anymore and started to show off.

"You probably don't want me to continue saying nice things now, right?"


"OK, transaction cancelled."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Bai felt a slight fluctuation in the field on the fat man.

Obviously, the deal was canceled directly after he said the final words.

"Now that Idisa is for you, you can do whatever you want, and I won't get involved.

But let me remind you, Edisa is a saint after all.

Don't have any thoughts that you shouldn't have. This is not a novel. The meaning of the saint is not something you can bear.

It's all voluntary. If you dare to force it, God's punishment will fall on you in minutes. "

Fang Bai didn't react for a moment, but his face suddenly darkened when he heard what happened next.

"Get the fuck out of here, you think I'm you, get out of here."

The fat man curled his lips in disdain, turned around and left.

Looking at the fat man's back as he left, Fang Bai recalled his domain prototype.

All masters with domain prototypes have no obstacles in front of the legendary barrier and are basically regarded as future legends.

At the same time, their combat power is also the top among the masters, and there is a possibility of escape in front of the real legend.

"Which force is the fat man from? It is completely impossible to tell from the means.

The means are complicated, not systematic at all, and not bound by means. It is completely like a wild origin.

Really wild? A genius who surpasses a group of forces and becomes a wild legend?"

Fang Bai murmured, looking at the fat man, he felt a little more favorable in his heart.

"If this is true, then he is indeed a legend of a generation."

Edisa at his feet groaned again, as if he was about to wake up. Fang Bai slashed his hand and Edisa was silent again.

After knocking, Fang Bai suddenly reacted.

"Wait, the fat guy has left, why am I knocking?"

"My hand is used to it."

"Forget it, I've already knocked, let's think about what to do next.

How to explain it?"

Fang Bai couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

This damn fat guy did a shitty thing.

I knocked my examiner unconscious and captured him, what should I do?


Waiting online!

"Maybe, wake up in a safe environment with familiar people around."

"This will make Edissa feel more at ease."

Fang Bai couldn't help but sigh.

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