I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 400 Qingmu Teng

"Huh? Fang Bai, why are you back again?"

The white robe who was playing Armor Hero saw Fang Bai come in, put away the transformation device without changing his expression, and asked casually.

Fang Bai pointed at the transformation device.

"How is this thing?"

"It's okay, just okay."

"It's okay, if it's okay, then give it back to me first, I'll go back and improve it."

Fang Bai pretended to take it, but he didn't move the white robe's hand. It seemed that there was still a magical effect on it. Although his hand was tightly grasped, his face still had a casual expression.

"It's okay, I don't mind, I don't need to take it back if I give it away.


The white robe put the transformation device in his pocket without leaving a trace, and then looked at Fang Bai.

"Tell me, why did you come back? You just came back after leaving."

Fang Bai saw that the white robe also liked Armor Hero, and his face was happy.

"I didn't dare to use my merits to exchange for crystal cores before, but now the crystal cores have been exchanged.

I need to check something and use the Guangming Library."

"Oh, go ahead."

The man in white robe pointed and asked Fang Bai to go in, while he took out a book and sat down to read quietly.

Fang Bai saw this and went in on his own. After entering, he went to the spiritual medicine field to start looking, and soon found what he wanted.

"Eye-clearing vine, a quasi-fourth-level spiritual medicine, rare and uncommon, contains a drop of eye-clearing liquid.

How to use: Use a water elemental mage to separate the internal liquid, and the eye-clearing liquid will automatically gather and form. Drop it into the eyes to obtain a spell-like solidification effect, which can solidify the elemental vision.

It is extremely helpful for arranging magic arrays, making equipment, and treasure hunting.

It is said that it can give a certain spatial perception ability, but the specific effect is ominous.

In addition, the vines can be woven into binding vine ropes after drying naturally.

It has its own elemental and soul binding effects, and has its own whipping effects on the soul and mental power. It can be controlled by mental power or eyes with eye-clearing liquid, which is equivalent to a third-level peak mental weapon.

This item is rare in the world."

Fang Bai looked at the detailed text introduction, and there was also a hand-painted picture of the real thing on it.

This picture is exactly the same as the vines Fang Bai collected in the trial space before.

"Eye-clearing vine?"

"The third level has these effects, what about the fourth level?"

Fang Bai muttered, and he became interested in it. He entered the library again, and this time he went directly to the spell area.

I found one spell from the first to the seventh ring, and the merit points were just used up.

All seven spells are magnetic field spells.

"Relatively speaking, the characteristics of magnetic field and domain should be relatively close.

The knowledge of magnetic field in reality combined with the extraordinary magnetic field spell should be able to pry open the door of the domain for me."

Fang Bai said softly, but his mind could not help but emerge the figure he saw when he stepped into the church.

He began to learn magnetic field spells in the fantasy space, and left after saying hello to the white robe.

This time he really left.

As soon as Fang Bai left, the white robe took a look and saw that there was no one around. He put the book down and took out the transformation device.

In a blink of an eye, the sound of armor merging echoed in the yard again.

Not long after, Kaiming rushed into the backyard with an excited look on his face.

"Master, Master, look what I have!"

Kaiming grabbed the belt with an excited look on his face and was about to transform. The next moment, a sound came from the white robe.


"Armor fusion!"

In a flash, a set of platinum armor was formed. Just when the voice was heard, the armor looked back.

He was even more handsome than him, and Kaiming was silent instantly.

A voice came from the armor.

"What are you looking at?"

When the voice sounded, the platinum armor finger turned the wheel, and in a flash a pair of white metal wings formed behind him, flapping slowly.

Kaiming only felt the dazzling light falling, making him speechless.

"Well, okay, I know."

Fang Bai received a call in reality.

The matter that had been investigated before finally had some clues.

"You have contacted, right? Okay, I'll go there now."

Fang Bai hung up the phone, opened the map and took a look, muttering.

"Thunder Valley? If it is really a magnetic crystal mine, it is normal for the abnormal magnetic field to cause high thunder.

Maybe it is."

He looked at a valley area next to the wilderness mountain range, and finally looked at the nearest town.

Lei Shi Town!

Without hesitation, Fang Bai ran straight away, and the whole person moved forward at a high speed in the whistling wind.

Although it was not flying, it was not slower than flying at all. In the process of running, the main mind sank into the fantasy space, and began to study and research during the long time.

At the same time, a red dragon blood fruit appeared in Fang Bai's hand.

There seemed to be a dragon shadow swimming in the red dragon blood fruit the size of a ping-pong ball, and a strong wave emanated, like the aura of a giant dragon.

However, Fang Bai, who had been in contact with dragon aura and dragon balls for a long time, knew very well that this seemed to be dragon aura, but it was just the gathering of spiritual energy, which was displayed in the shape of a giant dragon under the influence of specific rules.

In essence, this has nothing to do with dragon blood.

This is also the reason why Fang Bai did not take it for a long time. He was not sure about this. With the previous experience in the Longwei area, Fang Bai did not dare to eat anything with dragon blood.

"It is said that the dragon blood fruit will solidify the spell-like effect and the power of the giant dragon on me while strengthening my physical strength.

I don't know how the effect is."

Fang Bai underestimated it while opening his mouth to eat the dragon blood fruit.

The dragon blood fruit has a soft texture, but it feels very spicy when you put it in your mouth.


Like an explosion, like a volcanic eruption, the terrifying medicinal power gushed out and instantly sank into Fang Bai's body.

The surging medicinal power rolled in the body like a giant dragon, but every structure, every muscle, and every cell in Fang Bai's body was covered by a layer of faint golden light.

Although this force is strong, after entering Fang Bai's body, it is still like a flood entering a canal, being bound by strange things, and surging within a controllable range.

The surging medicinal power in Fang Bai's body gradually separated along the veins of the body, infiltrating into every corner of the body, like a flood, moisturizing every corner.

One cell after another absorbed the surging medicinal power, and one cell after another grew and divided, as if they were injected with hormones, and divided and grew rapidly.

At this moment, the domain that originally felt only a prototype and just had substance was completely formed!


A strong sense of self-confidence surged from the inside of the body, and a strong sense of security enveloped the body and mind.

The cells continued to grow and proliferate, countless cells squeezed and gathered each other, and the boundaries between cells became more and more blurred.

Then came the sudden increase in weight.

Before, Fang Bai weighed about twelve tons.

The weight of a human body of only 0.06 cubic meters reached a terrifying twelve tons.

You know, in terms of the density of steel, 0.06 cubic meters is only half a ton.

The solid body of iron is only half a ton, and Fang Bai's body, minus the hollow part, has a density of more than twenty or even thirty times that of steel.

At this moment, it surged again!

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