I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 403: Difficult to Grow Inner Space

"No, I can't blend in."

Fang Bai paused slightly.

His method of forging extraordinary equipment is mainly divided into three processes.

First, the material is first purified or shaped.

Second, design the corresponding array structure according to the material conditions, and solidify it when the material is semi-melted or resonates.

Third, encapsulation.

Relatively speaking, this method is unfavorable in the forging of extraordinary equipment made of metal.

However, it hit a wall in front of this legendary vine material.

“Higher temperatures and greater energy levels are needed to change the current state of the vines.

Only by breaking the current state can the structure be stabilized or the array arranged.

Flames and high temperatures will definitely not work, as wooden materials are easily damaged, so we can only work in the field of resonance. "

Fang Bai pondered slightly, this was also a big challenge for him.

But as long as it succeeds, it will also be a pretty good cross-field breakthrough.

"Buzz! Buzz! Weng!"

Fang Bai tried to use his own physical field to interfere with the field of vine filaments and try to resonate.

Occasionally activate the spell-like pupil technique to take a look, and then make slight adjustments based on the field conditions you see.

After a while, Fang Bai stopped his behavior.

“It’s hard to do it on my own.

It would be better to build a furnace ritual site and use certain fields in the natural environment to expand and interfere with the field of vine filaments.

In addition, I also need some media for the stability of the structure and array. It needs to have soul attributes, preferably metal.

Yunling Blue Iron should be fine. "

As soon as Fang Bai had an idea, the projection in Tiangong Pavilion immediately began to prepare some materials.

As for the specific areas needed to arrange the ceremony venue

Through Fang Bai’s observation of fields in the natural environment, he discovered that fields formed by different environments are different.

Forests, Gobis, lakes, peaks, valleys, etc. The fields formed by different terrains, different plants, and different environments are huge and strange.

After trying to interfere in these fields, Fang Bai understood some of their properties.

From this, relevant speculations can naturally be made.

But how to find this high-frequency vibration and resonance domain?

"Wait, can I create one myself?

The naturally formed domain is a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand times larger than my own field.

But if I directly change the terrain, using peaks, valleys, rivers, etc., supplemented by various elemental materials.

Can I use this foundation and use the power of nature to form such a huge field on the earth?

Forming such a ritual venue? "

Fang Bai didn't hesitate too much, he directly controlled the projection and started trying.

On the main body, first gather up the vine filaments, temporarily weave it into a thin rope more than ten meters long, and put it aside

This is actually a natural legendary spiritual equipment.

The Kiyome vine itself is so magical.

However, as a blacksmith, Fang Bai would not be satisfied with this and took his time.

In fact, Fang Bai made another discovery while watching the scene during this period.

That is, large fields are also composed of small fields.

Mud, weeds, trees, rich earth elements, gold elements, water elements, etc., their respective fields are intertwined with each other, and finally form a huge mountain field.

Rocks, gravel, monsters, rich earth elements, fire elements, etc., various fields are intertwined to form the Gobi field.

Nowhere is the field exactly the same.

Mountain peaks, valleys, Gobi deserts, rivers, lakes, one field after another, and even Fang Bai's own field are all intertwined, extremely harmonious and harmonious, and finally form a vast earth field.

In the sky, there are rain cloud fields, thunder fields, and atmospheric fields. All these fields are intertwined with each other to form the sky field.

The earth field and the sky field intersect with each other, transition, merge, and turn into a vast and boundless heaven and earth field with no boundaries or ends in sight.

The sound is loud, but the elephant is invisible.

Although Fang Bai couldn't see clearly or see the end, he could feel the power contained in heaven and earth.

At this time, when he opened his eyes to look at the inner space, Fang Bai only saw one small area after another that was independent of each other and extremely abrupt.

Earth, rocks, water, and elixirs all have their own fields. Although they are not diametrically opposed, they are also incompatible with each other.

Under Fang Bai's painstaking guidance and circulation, although the fields and fields seemed much harmonious, they were still far away from forming a large field as a whole.

Fang Bai understood a little bit, imitating, referring to, and adjusting.

After a while, the entire inner space looked much more coordinated and harmonious.

However, the concrete formation of an overall ceremony venue is still far away.

That requires time of precipitation and running-in, or strong integration and control.

Fang Bai's knowledge of large-scale ceremony venues was still too weak.

It has only been a few days since he came into contact with the field and understood the ritual site, and it has only been ten or twenty years since he was placed in the fantasy space. Excluding the time spent on other projects, his real research on the ritual site and the field has only been Only a few years.

This only gave Fang Bai a rough understanding of the field and the ceremony site.

It is not that simple to integrate these small fields into a large field based on the inner space.

But, maybe.

Fang Bai recalled the realm he felt when he came into contact with Huo Yao, the elder of the Tower of Fire.

That is clearly a large field formed by integrating the field of the spell model.

It's just that without the participation of a large number of material fields, it seems not stable enough and not heavy enough.

In this research, the Fire Tower is obviously far ahead.

"I wonder if there will be a chance to communicate when I go to see Fei Rui next time.

If there is a chance to communicate, even if you pay a certain amount of Dream Lotus petals or a dragon blood fruit, it is acceptable."

Fang Bai tried his best to adjust the inner space field, adding some stones and plants from time to time, adjusting the concentration of the middle elements, adding a few elemental metals, adding some streams, etc.

Try to make the small fields inside more harmonious, and continue to maintain the internal circulation with mental power.

This is indeed a great benefit to the formation of a unified field.

In fact, Fang Bai still has a shortcut

That is to completely overwhelm the balance of the inner space with pure gold elements or fire elements, or other elements of soil, plants, spiritual medicine, and elemental power.

This may be the fastest way to integrate the field and form a unified large field.

But after just a moment of hesitation, Fang Bai gave up.

Fang Bai didn't like this overly monotonous inner space, and he also felt that the potential would be much greater under the condition of balance and coordination.

After the adjustment, Fang Bai took another look and found that it was much more pleasing to the eye.

However, the road ahead is long and difficult.

After exiting the fantasy space and looking at the ocean in front of him, Fang Bai suddenly fell silent.

"Where am I?"

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