I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 41 Killing the White Wolf

"Spiritual power."

Fang Bai was excited to try out his mental power in reality.

Although his mental power was suppressed and could only extend to a few millimeters on the surface of his body, and although he did not sense any elemental power in reality, Fang Bai still played with his mental power endlessly.

The spiritual power in reality.

It was almost like a dream.

Rounding things off, this is equivalent to him gaining superpowers in reality. How can this not be a surprise?

After playing for a long time, Fang Bai calmed down and began to test the changes after possessing mental power.

"The memory ability basically reaches the level of photographic memory."

“The speed of thinking has also been greatly improved, and the four-digit and five-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division compound algorithms are just like playing.

This is basically equivalent to a calculator, right? "

Fang Bai was filled with emotion after completing the test.

"My abilities are just like the rumored geniuses. I have a photographic memory and a super brain. It's great!"

Fang Bai was enjoying himself very much, but suddenly he realized something.

"Wait, genius?"

"I got to this point after gaining superpowers. In reality, there are geniuses who rely on their talents and are born with photographic memory and super brains?"

Fang Bai was stunned. Such people definitely existed in reality, and his heart gradually calmed down.

"So why should I be happy?"

"I'm happy, but I must not drift off. I have to keep working hard."

Fang Bai murmured, his fighting spirit rising.

This positive change brought about by his mental power gave him the possibility and confidence to transcend genius.

As long as you can continue to make progress, the possibilities are endless!

Entering the game again, Fang Bai's mind sank into the fantasy space and began to study.

As soon as he entered the consciousness space, Fang Bai found that the acceleration had increased directly from about twenty times to nearly a hundred times now.

The hundred-fold acceleration caused a huge time difference between inside and outside the fantasy space. Fortunately, Fang Bai's mental power was strong.

Otherwise, the problems caused by this difference in time flow rate would drive Fang Bai crazy.

Gradually adapting to the speed of nearly a hundred times, Fang Bai quickly studied one professional book after another.

Photographic memory + calculator-like thinking speed, which means that when you see it, you remember it, and when you remember it, you understand it.

Fang Bai finally realized the joy of being a genius, and even began to feel that learning was a very simple and very happy thing.

Have fun!

This rapid acquisition of knowledge and understanding is simply addictive.

Compared with before, when learning was slow and difficult, Fang Bai relied on perseverance to learn. Now Fang Bai is able to receive a steady stream of positive feedback from learning, and his requirements for perseverance are much lower.

"No wonder geniuses become happier the more they learn, the more they learn, the easier they become, and their grades get better and better. This is the reason."

Fang Bai couldn't help but sigh, study, study, meditate and relax when you get tired of studying.

With high concentration, time passes quietly.

At six o'clock in the morning, the alarm clock rang. Fang Bai was separated from the fantasy space, his eyes were confused, and he slowly adapted after a moment.

"Phew, cool!"

Stretching out and looking at the slowly rising sun, Fang Bai ate a big cake with cold boiled water. After filling his stomach, he picked up his arm shield and pumpkin hammer and walked towards the west.

"It's a bit light."

Fang Bai shook the Iron Buddha heavy armor on his body and the pure steel arm shield and pure steel pumpkin hammer in his hands.

The 80 to 90 kilogram iron pagoda heavy armor feels light and light on the body, and the arm shield and pumpkin hammer have no feeling at all.

"Although the drawings of the next mechanically assisted armor have taken initial shape, they still need to be perfected. Before that, I will first create a heavier and thicker heavy armor transition. As for the weight.

Let’s start with two hundred pounds. "

Fang Bai thought about it, but there was a problem.

That is, armor sometimes uses weight to distinguish defense levels, such as 30 kilograms, 50 kilograms, and 80 kilograms. In the history of ancient wars, full-body heavy armor of eighty or ninety kilograms is basically the highest grade.

It starts at two hundred pounds. I don’t know what level of heavy armor this is anymore.

Fang Bai only knows one thing. Once this level of heavy armor is put on, it is absolutely invulnerable. It is completely like a humanoid tank. Normal heavy weapons are of no use. He can only stare and think carefully.

So Fang Bai walked west while thinking about the structure of the armor.

It didn't take long for Fang Bai to arrive at the ruins in the west, and before Fang Bai entered, he saw a white shadow.

No, it can no longer be called Bai Ying at this moment. Fang Bai can already clearly see the movement status of the white wolf.

"Tsk, what a coincidence, why do you look so dumb?"

Looking at the sudden appearance of the white wolf, Fang Bai looked happy.

"Wealth that does not return home is like walking in brocade at night."

"I originally thought that I wouldn't fight in a short period of time after changing jobs, but I didn't expect that we would meet on a narrow road."

Looking at the white wolf's narrow wolf eyes, the white wolf looked at Fang Bai a little confused, as if he had noticed something. This keen perception surprised Fang Bai.

This reminded Fang Bai of what it looked like when the job transfer token turned into blue fragments, and when he looked at the obviously smart white wolf, he suddenly became enlightened.

"I'm afraid you, a beast, didn't sense that this token was a good thing that could improve your mental power, so you chased it all the way to grab it, right?

You beast, you have a sharp nose. "

Fang Bai said as he took out three throwing spears from the hooks behind his back.


The white wolf lowered its forelimbs, bared its teeth at Fang Bai with its head, and let out a low growl.

call out!

Suddenly, the white wolf jumped to the side, and a throwing spear was nailed to the position where it was just now.

However, the moment the spear was thrown, Fang Bai saw the white wolf's dodge, and then calculated the speed, angle, and landing point.

call out!

In the blink of an eye, another spear was shot out. The moment the white wolf landed on the ground, he tried to dodge, but the spear penetrated his abdomen and pinned him to the ground.

The white wolf kept struggling to get up, but the next moment another spear instantly nailed one of the white wolf's hind legs and pinned it to the ground.


The painful white wolf roared towards Fang Bai, as if it was a warning. The cold eyes made people feel cold, and then the white wolf raised its head to the sky, preparing to howl.



However, before the white wolf could cry out, an angular pumpkin hammer landed directly on top of the white wolf's head, smashing its skull into pieces. The long and shrill scream in his mouth stopped abruptly before even making a sound.

"Still want to shake people up? Oh, don't even think about it."

Fang Bai curled his lips in disdain, reached out and pulled out two throwing spears, then used the throwing spears to mess with the white wolf's head for a while, and then used another throwing spear to pierce the white wolf's heart.

His mental power penetrated the white wolf's body, and only after confirming that the white wolf was completely dead did Fang Bai turn around and leave.

"It's a pity that this sterling silver wolf skin seems to still have elemental power on it.

Wind element? "

Fang Bai felt that this wolf might be somewhat different from ordinary beasts, and the difference might lie in the power of the elements.

After thinking about it, Fang Bai turned around and peeled off the wolf's skin.

Although untreated wolf skin would rot within a few days, and although Fang Bai didn't know how to handle leather, he still decided to take the wolf skin back.

Maybe you can look into the wolf skin with elemental power.

If nothing else works, Fang Bai can learn how to handle leather and then store it.

Using a short sword, he peeled off the wolf skin as completely as possible. Looking at the two beautiful wolf teeth, Fang Bai also knocked them off and put them in his pocket.

After putting away the wolf skin, Fang Bai noticed when he got up and left.

Maybe it's not that I don't like fighting, I just don't like pain, I'm just afraid of pain.

If every battle was like this, wearing heavy armor and slashing others, it would be others who would be hurt.

The battle isn't that annoying after all.

Fang Bai thought as he walked towards the ruins.

"Last time, I didn't transfer because I didn't have enough authority and wouldn't be allowed to enter. Is it okay this time?"

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