"It's so beautiful."

Fang Bai said softly. After celebrating, Fang Bai copied a dozen drawings into the game overnight and scanned them into the fantasy space.

The overall height of the armor is two meters, with a simple appearance. The pure steel-colored painting style perfectly presents the original beauty of the machine, which is addictive.

The entire armor is not equipped with power. In the design, it is driven by human power and operates through methods such as force storage, gravity, inertia, levers, and mechanical elasticity.

The specific actual combat effect remains to be tested.

In addition, at Fang Bai's suggestion, this armor also added some additional power installation gaps.

Theoretically speaking, as long as a motor with sufficient horsepower is installed, it can definitely achieve extremely strong performance.

The reason why I say it is in theory is because in reality it is difficult to find such a small motor with such a large horsepower.

The reason why it is said to be difficult is that it must be excluded from the military industry and laboratories. What about civilian use? On the market?

It doesn't exist at all. This interface is purely installed by Fang Bai.

Mainly a fantasy armor.

In fact, the entire set of armor is only theoretically feasible, because in reality no one can achieve the physique and strength to activate this set of armor.

Although this set of armor can increase power, it only needs to be activated and loaded with enough power.

For the latter, Fang Bai's physique and strength in the game can fully meet the standards. As for the latter...

“Since there is extraordinary existence in this world, there must be a source of extraordinary power.

Just like the gold element in my body, this is also energy. There must be a motivation to use the power of elements in the game!

All I have to do is find it! "

Fang Bai said softly, and immediately began to forge in the fantasy space.

First, he imagined a pile of silver elemental metal powder, and then he imagined a furnace.

When the molten iron flowed out of the furnace, Fang Bai sprinkled some elemental metal powder into it and slowly stirred it evenly.

When the molten iron gradually solidified, Fang Bai thought and an invisible hammer formed.




The crisp sound echoed in the fantasy space, and the solidified iron ingot also changed its shape under repeated strikes.

Because he was forging odd-shaped parts, Fang Bai did not use the folding forging method, but started the third refinement without folding.




One refinement!

Second refinement!

The moment the third refining begins, the iron ingot begins to absorb the gold element in the environment. As the hammer falls, the speed of absorbing the gold element increases.


The third refinement is completed!

The speed of absorbing gold elements reaches the highest level, and the suction force of the just-formed parts rises sharply, and all the surrounding gold elements are swarmed into it.

The rich gold element has been integrated into the microstructure of the metal parts during the forging process, and is evenly integrated into every minute of the parts.

When the last forging was completed, a large amount of gold elements poured into it and solidified in a specific structure.

At this moment, Fang Bai mentally focused on the changes inside the parts.

When the gold element incorporated into it completely solidifies, an extremely strong pressure bursts out inside the metal.

Crunch! Crunch!

Fang Bai's ears seemed to be filled with the whine of the internal metal structure, which made Fang Bai's heart skip a beat.

He put the elemental metal powder in a certain proportion. This proportion was obtained through many experiments.

The alloy formed under this ratio is not strong enough to withstand the final stage of the third refinement and complete the transformation.

The strength of alloys above this ratio has indeed improved, but in comparison, the cost performance will gradually decline.

But simply, Fang Bai's calculation was correct, the metal parts suddenly burst into light while wailing, and then converged.

Fang Bai looked at the metal parts that were basically equivalent to elemental metal castings, with a slight smile on his lips.

"If the critical point is mixed into the powder for alloying, then my two kilograms of elemental metal powder can completely forge hundreds of kilograms of element-like metal parts."

Fang Bai looked at the parts in front of him with joy and immediately began to test the accuracy of the parts.

Looking at this complex polyhedral part that was only a few centimeters in size, Fang Bai frowned slightly after measuring it.

“Compared to larger, simple-shaped parts, the accuracy error of small parts with complex shapes is still too large.

This is only a few centimeters in size, and the error is so big. Wouldn’t the error in parts that are a few millimeters in size be even greater? "

Although the hand of the forging mage gave Fang Bai the ability to forge polygonal and complex parts, there was an accuracy error compared to manual forging.

Fang Bai's hand forging means that even high-precision parts can be easily forged and absolutely perfect, but the mage's hand cannot do it.

"It stands to reason that the mage's hand formed by mental power should be easier to control, more precise, and more free.

After all, it is formed by spiritual power, so why do I feel that my mage's hands are not free at all, but are trapped in various rules and regulations? "

Fang Bai immediately sank his mental power into his body and stared at the three-dimensional model representing the mage's hand.

"The model should be a spell model. Is it because of this spell model?"

Fang Bai immediately started thinking, and at this moment a question that he had been thinking about for a long time emerged in his mind.

"I am a blacksmith, a mechanical blacksmith in the mage category. Strictly speaking, I should be a mage.

He is a mage first and then a mechanical forger, so that's the case.

Do all mages cast spells this way? Everything is recorded on the body. When it’s time to release it, where will it light up? "

Fang Bai stared at the three spell models in his body.

"Shouldn't mages cast spells freely? Why is this so?

No matter what, it is impossible to do this kind of fool-like operation. "

"Since a mage can't be like this, could it be that my current fool-like way of operating is because I am not the mage I became?

I took a shortcut, a shortcut called job transfer token!

A true mage should never cast spells like this. "

Fang Bai said decisively.

If he had just entered this game, he would never have raised this question.

But after he experienced the attribute point collapse incident, Fang Bai began to doubt everything that was taken for granted in other games.

Many things may seem natural, but in fact they may be pitfalls.

This way of casting a spell that shines somewhere is definitely a pitfall.

Fang Bai would not doubt that the spell itself could not be done, but would only suspect that the things obtained by relying on shortcuts were too false and were all empty attics.

"So...what does real spellcasting look like?"

"If I learn to cast spells, does that mean that I bypass the job transfer token and directly transfer from a mechanical blacksmith in the mage category to a real mage?"

Fang Bai was slightly moved.


You said Fang Bai’s favorite before was the blacksmith?

"Sorry, blacksmith, please don't contact me in the future. I'm afraid the mage will misunderstand me."

Thanks to "131S" for the 100 starting coin reward, thank you for your support.

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