I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 467 Clouds, done!


Fang Bai raised his lips slightly, and with a sweep of his mental power, he found that Hao Wei and others were all at the core of the Qi and Blood System, which was the City Lord's Mansion.

They were conducting some small-scale scattered tests there, and Fang Bai walked over immediately.

As soon as he walked over there, he saw Hao Wei coming out.

"Fang Bai, why are you here? Didn't you say you would arrive tomorrow?

You didn't even send a message in advance when you came."

"The map is not very accurate, so the distance is much shorter than I estimated."

Fang Bai shrugged helplessly. Without satellite scanning and positioning, the map's error is too large.

Even for extraordinary maps, it is easy to produce errors if there is a little bit of strong elemental fluctuation interference or secret interference. Not to mention the meter-level navigation in reality, even the hundred-meter and kilometer-level navigation requires some luck.

Hao Wei was a little amused when he heard this. After exchanging a few words with Fang Bai, he walked towards the inside, and said as he walked.

"How about it, isn't this design layout good?"

Everything about this Red Maple New City and Chaofan was designed and checked by the relevant project team of Tiangong Pavilion, but the city layout that is not related to the project team was designed by experts invited by Hao Wei and others.

Fang Bai thought it was clean and good.

The relevant drawings are also archived in Tiangong Pavilion. Although they cannot be copied according to the terrain and resources, they may be used as references in the future.

"Not bad, you spent a lot of manpower and material resources, right?

Just built the roads and some simple building frames."

"Of course, we mobilized tens of thousands of players, and the funds involved were in the billions."

Hao Wei counted them in awe, and Hao Wei was actually quite emotional when he spoke.

With his efforts and some coincidences, the funds for a project he presided over were actually in the billions, and the funds flowing through his hands every day were tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

Unconsciously, he had reached this point and had such a status.

In addition to his emotion, Hao Wei did not forget to take Fang Bai into the City Lord's Mansion.

When we got here, the ground was already paved with elemental metal, and the magic arrays on it were densely packed and very compact, overlapping one after another, filling the magic array.

In addition, runes appeared near the core.

They were not overall runes such as armor and resistance, but rune strokes that constituted such overall runes.

By this means, the spell structure was replaced to build the effect of the magic array.

Although this rune stroke could not directly mobilize the power of rules like runes such as armor and resistance, it had many advantages such as small footprint, high density, and high support strength.

After several revisions, the core of this Qi and Blood system still chose the new rune strokes.

There was no way, this advantage was too unique!

Fang Bai glanced at the core structure and it was imprinted on his eyelids. He had participated in the development of this structure and played a leading role, but he did not draw and stabilize it.

The mental power scanned aside, and the entire core was taken into Fang Bai's mind. After deducing it once, he nodded.

"No problem."

"What about the outside?"

Hao Wei's heart was beating fast, but I still held back my expectation and asked.

"What about the outside?"

"I just checked the outside, and there is no problem. You can enter the encapsulation program and test run it."

Fang Bai not only looked at it once, but also deduced it again using the deduction method of the virtual space.

This extraordinary city is indeed done. Although there are still many minor problems, they are harmless, and Fang Bai has no intention of pointing them out at all.

If the problem breaks out, let the people below deal with and solve it.

After all, it is the first time, and it is the accumulation of valuable experience. Fang Bai's direct pointing out is not necessarily a good thing.


Fang Bai gave an order, and this extraordinary city immediately entered the encapsulation program.

Under this program, the open source array was blocked and disrupted, the open and active elemental power became silent, and the city gradually restrained its breath and turned into a mortal object.

This step took a whole day. When it was completely completed, Fang Bai handed the command to Hao Wei.

Looking at the people in front of him, looking at the hundreds of thousands of logistics players who had been waiting outside the city for a long time, and looking at the tens of thousands of aborigines who followed.

"Everyone, enter the city in the order of reservation!"


With Hao Wei's order, the capstan connected to the heavy city gate turned, and the gate slowly opened.

One team after another of players and aborigines entered the new city, and then installed the plan to go to the designated areas one by one.

Experienced players and aborigines quickly used various raw materials to build houses, warehouses, factories, shops and other buildings in the planned area.

It took more than 100,000 people two hours just to enter the city, and it took several hours to go to the designated area.

During this period, everything was carried out in an orderly manner, and soon this empty new city became bustling.

Building houses, opening fields, selling goods, forging, transporting living things, one caravan after another loaded with goods poured into Xincheng as planned, providing a steady stream of materials for the construction of the new city.

As these people moved, the blood and spiritual power naturally overflowed from their bodies and sank into the earth, flowing along the veins in the earth.

Occasionally, if there was a problem with a node, the responsible member would immediately repair and replenish it.

As small problems were constantly solved, time passed little by little, and the blood flowing in the new city gradually became vast.

At this time, Su Shiping, Qi Peng, Ding Xiu and others appeared beside Fang Bai. Fang Bai nodded slightly at them, and as soon as they came, their mental power fully covered and observed the situation of the new city.

At the same time, the projection desktop on the table of the City Lord's Mansion also showed the operation of various magic arrays in the new city and the filling of qi and blood.

At the same time, deep in Hongfeng City, the magic array with a solid rune core slowly operated. Under the action of the rune, the scattered mental power was gradually integrated and became meticulous.

Gradually, gradually, a wisp of mental power integrated into the solid rune penetrated the qi and blood, and the elements of heaven and earth.


Silently, a wisp of cloud gas was generated, and then it sank into the city, and began to nourish the city.

When they saw the projection showing that the first wisp of cloud gas was successfully formed, everyone laughed and relaxed.

The most critical step was completed. The next step was just to repeat this process continuously without any difficulty.

This was indeed the case. Under the gaze of Fang Bai and others, wisps of cloud gas were formed one after another, stored in the city, and nourished the city.

There were more than 100,000 people, more than half of whom were extraordinary. The blood and spiritual power revealed in their every move were a huge number.

After completing the breakthrough of zero, the clouds formed rapidly like a reservoir that broke its dam, stored it, and continuously strengthened the city itself, making its material more superior and more extraordinary.

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