I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 483: Equivalent:

"It's over, it's really been robbed."

Fang Bai couldn't help but sigh, Zhang Zhong and Li Lei moved too fast.

Li Lei, a civilian staff member, directly drove out the tank test model that was transported to the magnetic crystal mine.

This time it was really late.

In desperation, he had to calm down and continue to forge his golden rope.

At the foot of the mountain, the old man thought he had broken through, but he didn't realize that he was being controlled in the direction of "breaking through".

The loopholes and weak points that seemed to appear inadvertently were all traps set by Zhang Zhong and others under the telepathy.

On the other side, Li Lei pressed a button.

"Click, click, click, click!"

The gears turned, the machinery ran, and a spell fell on the ground, turning the ground directly into hard rock.

One by one, the brackets fell, fixing this behemoth like a crab.

Rather than calling it a tank, perhaps the name of self-propelled artillery is more appropriate.

Li Lei, who was sitting in the cab, overran the control again and again. The metal on this behemoth kept surging and rolling. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a metal fortress comparable to half a basketball court, and the supporting iron pillars were firmly rooted in the ground.

After deployment, Li Lei pressed a red button.

"Start charging!"


Behind the behemoth, in a huge cavity, several fire elements that were almost compressed to liquid were transformed into elemental power again, and they permeated the inside of the passage in an instant.

Inside the passage as an energy pipeline, runes lit up one after another.




The surging fire elements poured into the passage and were quickly compressed under the effect of the runes.

Ten pressed one!

Ten pressed one!

Ten pressed one!

The energy flowed one by one, and the runes inside the machine also lit up one by one.


Stay active!



The seemingly conflicting runes made the compressed fire elements a very contradictory state.

Each level of the barrel is almost compressed into one by ten, and when it comes to the last blow, when it comes to the barrel that is 200 mm thick, the fire element has turned into a crystal clear appearance, like crystal!

But anyone can sense the surging energy in it, and everyone can sense its danger, and it can explode at any time.

In this regard, even Li Lei, who is sitting inside, is sweating profusely. This thing will explode. It is no joke.

It has indeed exploded, and more than once.

Fang Bai once prohibited them from conducting experiments inside the cave.

If this thing explodes, Li Lei will not be left.

But at this moment, this surging and dangerous fluctuation is completely blocked by the heavy shell of this metal fortress.

This unfolding is a metal fortress. One shot will consume several cubic meters of semi-solid fire element power stored in the fortress. The big killer with only one shot and a caliber of up to 200 mm is not developed by Fang Bai.

It wasn't even Fang Bai's idea. Fang Bai had no involvement from the beginning to the end. Even all the runes needed inside had nothing to do with Fang Bai.

These were all completed by Qi Peng, and a large number of real-life weapon experts participated. It is said that as far as Fang Bai knows, they are all leveled.

These people came up with this idea together and perfected this creativity together. When Qi Peng came to Fang Bai to approve the project, he said something in person, which made Fang Bai particularly impressed.

That sentence was

"Rules are needed for killing?

Then energy is not a rule, and quantity is not a rule.

Then equivalent is not a rule? How can there be a rule that can't kill people?

If it can't kill people, then there must be only one rule."

"Not enough equivalent!"

I'm afraid that no rabbit in the Quanzhonghua family can refuse this sentence, and Fang Bai can't either.

Therefore, this huge project was successfully approved by Fang Bai.

This project is divided into two versions, one is the cloud version, and the other is the element version.

This is the element version.

Inside the metal fortress, Li Lei was surprised to find that the power was successfully charged without any problems or explosions. He quickly used the locking system to lock on a player in the army who formed a beacon with magic.

The beacon was not formed on the old man, and there was no way to form it on him. It could only be formed by external force or on his own people or objects.

When the crosshairs were aligned and the prompt sound of successful locking sounded, Li Lei's palm on the button slammed down heavily.



Li Lei's elemental vision was blasted, and he felt a shock all over his body, and the ground under his feet was broken in the recoil.

And that section of energy column like a ruby ​​instantly appeared in Zhang Zhong's army formation, in the area where the players were most densely packed.

Without evacuating, dodging, or giving way, they rushed forward and hugged the old man tightly, and the cloud of blood and qi completely dissipated in an instant.

A strong sense of crisis enveloped his heart, a fatal crisis.

The old man was completely crazy and tried to struggle.

But it was too late.

As a swordsman, he was not good at group battles or breaking through.

He was a swordsman, and he was just a swordsman. He didn't even have a second rule element besides the domain.

It was useless. The ruby-like beam of light had already hit the player.

Under the collision, the ruby-like crystal shattered, cracks appeared, and the stable runes given by the barrel disappeared completely.

The runes inside were densely packed and flowing, and the rune name was



The blinding light was like a sun born on the earth, and it was impossible to look directly at it.

The dazzling light suppressed even the brilliance of the sun, and the thunderclouds that never dissipated above the valley were also torn open.

The flames and light engulfed everything within the range, including the earth, hills, Zhang Zhong, Jiang Biao and others, including the legendary old man.

The light was deeply imprinted on everyone's retina and slowly dissipated. A black and gray dust cloud slowly rose, and lightning and thunder were flashing around, like a doomsday scene.

The world was silent.

A goshawk flying at a very fast speed made a frightened eagle cry, stretched out its claws, and suddenly braked.

The small mushroom cloud was reflected in its vertical pupils, and it panicked.

Turned around and ran.

Fang Bai on the top of the mountain.

"There is another legend?"


"Huh?! Why run?"


Fang Bai, who was holding the golden rope, was disappointed, and then sighed and looked at the small mushroom cloud.

If the explosion rules and destruction rules have concrete forms, they must be in the shape of mushroom clouds.

"They really figured it out."

Fang Bai muttered in a low voice.

"Energy and equivalent are indeed a kind of rules."

Fang Bai smacked his lips, somewhat amazed.

He knew that after this shot, there would definitely be no chance to attack today.


"Forget it, it's not a loss to sit and watch this explosion."

As Fang Bai muttered, time passed by, and the mushroom cloud slowly dissipated.

But the next moment, everyone lost their voices.

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