I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 5 Can you still make a pair of armor for nothing?

"Lord Lord."

The strong man held up a scroll with both hands and handed it to the lord. The lord took it, removed the fire paint on it and took out a piece of animal skin.

The animal skin seemed to be old, quite mottled and worn, as if it would fall apart in the next moment.

The lord gently unfolded the animal skin and studied it carefully. After a moment, he suddenly burst out with a powerful momentum.

The strong man next to him subconsciously took a few steps back, with slight sweat on his forehead.

"Is this extraordinary?!"

The originally pot-bellied lord who seemed to pose no threat instantly became like a ferocious beast in front of the strong man.

However, the powerful aura disappeared in an instant. The lord looked at the strong man next to him and frowned slightly. He then placed the animal skin on the table in front of him and took out a palm-sized lens.

"Korey, come closer and take a closer look."

When the strong man heard the words, he immediately came forward and looked down at the animal skin. The animal skin was a map. The location seemed to be the wilderness mountains outside the town. Is there a building deep in the mountains?

It seems like a small town

"How can there be a small town in the wilderness mountains? Could it be?"

A guess popped up in Corey's mind, and a trace of shock burst out in his eyes.

The lord next to him glanced at Kore, looked at the lens with a hint of pain, and then placed it on the animal skin map.


The lens resonated slightly with the animal skin map, and a stream of light circulated on it. Then the lens shattered inch by inch, and the stream of light spread out on the animal skin map, revealing a forest.

"Keep this in mind for me!"


Thinking about that possibility, Corey didn't dare to make any oversight, and immediately stared at the projection on the animal skin map with wide eyes.

What first came into view was an endless stretch of primitive mountains, which made both of them slightly solemn.

When the angle of view quickly expanded to the middle of the mountain, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. The angle of view continued to expand, and the two of them didn't even dare to blink.

As the angle of view widened, the two of them could gradually see the specific forest. There was a piece of Gobi desert wrapped in the forest in the center of the picture, just like a red spot in the green sea. The angle of view continued to widen, and it fell to the point where the red spot and the forest meet. , the two of them became more and more looking forward to it.

However, at this moment, a figure was revealed after the red spot enlarged, causing the two people's expressions to change instantly, and they were relieved after seeing clearly.

The screen continued to expand, the figure disappeared from the screen, the screen continued to lock, and suddenly broke when it locked a mysterious area.

The lord looked at the animal skin, his big mung bean eyes flashing with light.

"Korey, do you see clearly?"

"See clearly."

"There must be no problems, understand!"

The lord's big mung bean eyes flashed with a cold light.

Kore recalled the unarmored refugee he had just seen, holding a hammer and wearing shabby linen clothes. The scars on his face were twitching, and he showed a sinister smile, with quite disdain in his eyes.


Just an ant that doesn't even have armor!

You can't just make a pair of heavy armor in the wilderness mountains, right? How can this be.

"If there's an accident, I'll show you the head!"

After a while, an elite team wearing leather armor came out of the town and headed towards the mountains to the west.


Fang Bai didn't know that he had just been broadcast live, and he was currently fanning himself.

The equipment was too backward. With the earthen furnace in front of him, there was no guarantee that Fang Bai would be able to smelt anything without fanning. In fact, even if it was fanned, what he could smelt was nothing more than sponge iron.

What is sponge iron?

It's just that the temperature in the furnace is not enough, the iron in the iron ore is not melted, other impurities melt and flow out, leaving iron full of voids.

This furnace is said to make iron, but the temperature of the furnace is not at the level of melting iron.

Fang Bai shook his head slightly, put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, put down the fan in his hand, added a batch of charcoal, iron ore, and plant ash into the furnace again, and then continued to fan.

It was getting late, and the crisp sound of blacksmithing echoed over the mine deposits. Following the system prompts, Fang Bai looked at the saw and axe, with a smile on his face.

"The bellows can be built tomorrow, but..."

Fang Bai couldn't help but recall the slope he saw when he went out today. His heart moved slightly. Then he took a look at the sky and saw that it was dark. He immediately extinguished the bonfire and hid in the shelter.

Sitting in front of the computer and closing the page of Iron Buddha, Fang Bai did not search for the bellows method, but instead began to study the local method of steelmaking.

The information online is very comprehensive, including materials, drawings, steps, principles, and precautions.

Theoretically speaking, as long as these things are available, people with a little bit of hands-on ability can realize it and successfully make iron.

The refractory bricks used to build indigenous steelmaking furnaces.

Fang Bai carefully checked the required materials and characteristics of the refractory bricks. He had already kept these in mind, and now he was just confirming them again.

After confirmation, Fang Bai immediately came to a definite conclusion.

“What I saw today is bauxite!”

"Hey, we don't need to build the bellows anymore, and we don't need this broken furnace either."

Fang Bai immediately began to study.

The processing of bauxite, the manufacturing work of refractory bricks, and the structure of indigenous iron-making furnaces.

Fang Bai didn't fall asleep until around three o'clock in the night.

At six o'clock in the morning, Fang Bai woke up before the alarm clock rang.

Remember the night before that you have something to do the next day, and you can always wake up early in the morning.

Simply wash up and go online after breakfast.

The sun rose slowly in the game. Fang Bai picked up the bamboo tube and took a sip of the boiled water left yesterday. Then he went out to check the noose installed the day before.

Four of the more than ten lassoes were activated. On two of them, only some bird feathers and some bird blood were left, but there was no shadow of the bird. Only two lassoes allowed Fang Bai to find the bird.

After being brought back, the two birds were not treated in any way. They were directly wrapped with yellow mud and feathers and thrown into the bonfire.

Then he picked up two bamboo baskets with a pole and left. When he came back again, the bamboo baskets were filled with a kind of gray-white mineral soil.

After going back and forth again and again, the bauxite gradually accumulated, and Fang Bai went back and forth for more than ten times before stopping.

After a simple screening of the alumina, it is calcined and set aside for later use.

Next, the clay is ground into powder bit by bit and sifted bit by bit.

When you focus on one thing, time always passes quietly.

Fang Bai's life became regular. He got up at six o'clock in the morning to work online, went offline at 11 o'clock in the evening and started studying videos, learning techniques, and dismantling armor models. He didn't fall on the bed until two to three o'clock in the morning. Fall asleep instantly.

Going to bed at three o'clock and getting up at six o'clock is a routine that is enough to drink millet in the Palace of Hell, but Fang Bai doesn't feel tired at all. He is full of interest and energetic every day.

And this effect is also remarkable. After working up to 18 hours a day, the progress in the game has improved by leaps and bounds.

Clay and alumina clinker are made into refractory bricks, and the refractory bricks are built into an ironmaking blast furnace more than two meters high. Batch after batch of iron ore is poured into the blast furnace and turns into molten iron flowing down from the discharge port. , poured into the mold and cooled, it turned into pieces of rectangular iron sheets.

During this period, the system prompts sounded again and again, and small red dots representing system information accumulated little by little on the property panel.


But Fang Bai didn't read, his attention was focused on the pieces of armor from beginning to end.

The blast furnace built by Fang Bai did not have high technological content and could only be called an iron-making furnace.

The iron armor pieces solidified by molten iron are soft and fragile, and it obviously needs to be processed again if it wants to become a qualified armor piece.




The heavy hammer was swung lightly in Fang Bai's hand, and it made a crisp echo after landing on the armor piece accurately. Impurities flew with sparks, and the bubbles and gaps in the armor piece disappeared with the forging. In order to achieve the desired effect, the armor piece was It often takes dozens or hundreds of forgings.

And this is just the beginning.

Each piece of iron armor will be folded after dozens of forgings.

After folding it once, it was forged nearly a hundred times until it was integrated into one body without any gaps.

After reaching the mark, fold it again and continue forging until the dark iron armor pieces turn silver-white.

Every folding and forging is a huge improvement in strength and toughness.


As the last hammer fell, on the morning of the twenty-third day into the game, the first steel armor piece was forged!

Fang Bai raised the still-heated armor in his hand toward the sun, squinting his eyes slightly. The silver-white forged steel armor shone brightly in the sun, and he could not hide the joy and affection in his eyes as he said softly.

"First piece."

Can’t you see the word ruins (well, you won, it’s a small town), what is it called is for the protagonist? I just saw the protagonist next to the ruins.

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