I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 513: Violent Elements

"Fang Bai, let's go, let's hurry up!"

Tim waved to Fang Bai. Fang Bai gathered his thoughts and walked towards Tim.

“Let’s go, I’ll make a few nests, and we’ll go there together.

As long as there is a fire element coming, you go down and hold it back, and I will be responsible for killing it.

We are divided into 50 and 50, that is, each crystal core comes one at a time. "

Tim was very excited at this moment. He never thought that hunting down legendary fire elemental beings would be so easy.

He never thought that the legion of servants responsible for protecting him would not have to take action at all, and would not have any contact with the enemy at all.

It's incredible.

No matter how he prepares the magic circle, it will not be disturbed. This feeling.


Tim's heart was surging, and he led Fang Bai towards the next point.

Fang Bai learned that he had set up many dens, and there were two more nearby.

However, those two dens have been abandoned. Based on past experience, there will generally not be a second legendary fire elemental being nearby.

After all, these legendary fire elemental beings have no intelligence. If they rely on instinct, they will separate from each other.

Therefore, the legendary fire element life here has been hunted, so naturally it is necessary to go farther away.

On the way, Fang Bai also learned that they originally relied on hunting fire elemental beings by making nests and setting up magic circles in advance.

Sadly, he always found it difficult to find targets in the magma sea.

"Hey, Lord Tim Tower, I have a question to ask you."

"you say."

Tim said cheerfully.

"Why are these fire element beings all in the legendary life level, but they still haven't given birth to any wisdom?

In the main material world, even master-level monsters have considerable intelligence, and the intelligence of legendary monsters is no less than that of humans.

It feels a little abnormal. "

Tim paused slightly when he heard the words, and then said.

“We have also done relevant research on this issue.

After research, this should be related to the violent fire element in the magma sea.

In the fire elemental world, the deeper you go into the magma sea, the more violent, uncontrollable, and destructive the fire element becomes. It can even directly cause elemental erosion to living things.

The higher you go, the more stable it becomes. It is said that the fire element at the top is basically as stable as the fire element in the main material world.

Even if it is extremely rich, it will not cause direct harm to living things, and it can basically be treated as if it does not exist.

All fire elemental beings born within the violent fire element are irrational.

The fire element life born in the fire element cloud above has spiritual intelligence.

We generally call them fire spirits. They are also truly intelligent life forms and have the characteristics of clusters.

Generally speaking, the fire element lords and fire element elders you hear about in story novels are powerful fire element beings among fire spirits.

They form territories on the upper level of the fire elemental clouds, fighting each other, or invading other planes or the main material world.

Generally speaking, don't provoke fire spirits. They are very powerful and intelligent.

They are very, very difficult to deal with. Many of them have signed summoning contracts with mages or warlocks and can accept summons from professionals, and some of them can find powerful professionals as backers. "

When Fang Bai heard this, he couldn't help but suddenly felt like he had learned a lot.

And when Tim saw Fang Bai's expression and the way he was listening carefully, he was already in a very good mood and immediately started talking and continued talking.

“These are digressions, let’s get down to business.

This is not only the case in the fire elemental realm, but also in other elemental realms.

There are two types of elemental life, one is intelligent and the other is irrational.

The elements of other elemental realms also transform from violent chaos to stability.

So don't be too surprised.

In fact, it does not matter whether it is an inner plane or an outer plane.

Even the main material world has a large number of elemental chaos areas.

The elements in this area are often very rich, and it is easy for powerful monsters and elemental beings to be born.

But because of this, they also fail because of this. Such magical beasts and elemental beings are born quickly and their strength increases quickly, but they often have no reason or wisdom, only the desire to destroy and kill.

It's like a legendary fire elemental life without intelligence, so you don't have to be too surprised.

However, you have to be careful in such an area. Once this kind of monster forms a wave of monsters, if you fall into it, you will be attacked one after another, and you will even forget the fear of death.

Be careful, once you fall in, it won't matter if you don't exhaust yourself, once you exhaust yourself."

Tim spoke quickly, as if he was teaching his juniors by making up some serious consequences to scare them, but recalling the way Fang Bai resisted the legendary fire element life attack just now, he suddenly froze.

"Once you are exhausted, you may be bitten by a monster. Even if your defense is not broken, your clothes will be damaged and your body will be soiled, right?"

Fang Bai blinked. He didn't know if he would break through his defense, but it seemed that Tim had broken through.

Tim fell silent under Fang Bai's gaze.

After a while, Tim stopped and looked at the early warning array in front of him.

There was no movement from the early warning array, so he immediately continued to the next den.

The entire journey was silent.

One after another, when he discovered that the early warning circle of a den was activated from afar, Tim immediately cheered up and made a gesture towards Fang Bai.

"It's just mental communication, why are you making gestures?"


"What's wrong? I'm also a mage."


Tim really forgot about this, or really ignored it.

Aren't mages all good at long-range cross-level combat and average at close range?

You're good at close range cross-level combat and average at long range, so you're a mage?

Are you a serious mage?

Tim complained in his heart.

"Very serious."

Fang Bai said faintly, and Tim, who was complaining in the mental link, paused.

"Ahem, Fang Bai, go down and entangle it first, give me half an hour to arrange the magic circle and prepare the ceremony."

Fang Bai stared at Tim faintly, and the power under his feet was retracted, and the whole person fell silently into the magma sea without a bubble.

"You have such strong power control, and you still say you're not a warrior."

"First, the warrior's power control is not as strong as mine."

"Second, I can still hear it."

Tim quickly shut up, took out various elemental materials and began to arrange the magic circle, using the magic circle to accumulate power and turn it into a ritual field.

Even a powerful magic circle is only a part of the ritual field.

Standing in the ritual field, Tim chanted a spell in a low voice, and his strength quickly accumulated.

At this moment, Fang Bai was like a swordfish shuttling through the magma sea, restraining his breath, and moving quickly towards the direction of the den.

There was no fluctuation in front, but when he almost entered the den, a huge monster finally appeared in Fang Bai's perception through the fluctuation. (End of this chapter)

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