I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 517 I've learned everything

"This, this is just an ordinary crystal, not worth much."

Tim said casually after glancing at the crystal ball.

"By accident, we discovered that although crystal has no elemental power, it cannot retain the elemental power.

But he is very sensitive to the power of elements and can sense very subtle elemental fluctuations.

Generally speaking, the higher the purity and the closer the shape is to a sphere, the more responsive the crystal ball will be to the power of the elements.

And will faithfully record the traces of changes on the crystal ball.

Therefore, although a truly top-quality crystal ball is not an elemental material, it is still extremely valuable.

It is a treasure that research mages and prophets strive to pursue.

But it is only the top quality of the crystal that is priceless.

Crystals of average quality contain impurities and uneven ripples inside. The fluctuations of the elements that can be reflected are not subtle enough, and the reflection is prone to large errors.

It's not even as sharp as our mental power, so crystal balls of ordinary quality are cheap. At most, they are used by mage apprentices and ordinary people who have just born their mental power to enhance their perception of elements.

It was during this process that we discovered that the crystal ball could be concocted with certain materials.

The effect of the concocted crystal ball on retaining elemental fluctuations is once again strengthened, and the effect of retaining elemental fluctuations is further strengthened, so that it can be used.

The power of various elements arranged in an array is fixed inside the crystal ball, and the information stored in it can be interpreted into text, video, audio, etc. through a fixed decoding method.

Even if you don't master mental power or learn how to decode, you can still output information through some equipment with a well-arranged magic circle.

Achieve the effect of playing video, audio and text.

Because the crystal ball is not an elemental material, and there is no need to arrange a magic circle, you only need to scan it with a specific magic circle to store the information.

Therefore, it is promoted and widely used in our college. "

Listening to Tim's words, Fang Bai subconsciously wanted to call the time traveler, subconsciously thinking that the player played an important role in it.

However, after comparing the invention nodes of this crystal ball, Fang Bai could only sigh.

He marveled that the behavior of travelers or players was simply the greatest insult to the native mages of this world.

According to Tim, this crystal ball was completely independently developed by them. It evolved bit by bit and has a complete history of evolution and promotion.

This made Fang Bai reflect.

I feel that I am a player, I feel that there is a technological system behind me, and then I feel that I am superior to the natives.

This is too arrogant.

People can be confident, but they must not be arrogant.

Is it possible that the aborigines must be stupider than you players?

No, some players were beaten to death by the aborigines without knowing how. In the end, they might even thank the aboriginals.

The difference between players and aborigines is only their knowledge, not their IQ.

It depends on the foundation of civilization, not on whether you are a player or an aborigine.

Aboriginal people can naturally create something with similar functions and principles to those in reality.

"Don't let your pride blind you."

At this moment, Fang Bai became more and more convinced that his move to stay and study this time was extremely correct.

His research ability is indeed not weak, and his knowledge level is also quite deep.

However, the knowledge system I have built is a system based on real-life books and experimental results in games.

Although his research ability is not weak, there are still quite a few gaps in the mage system.

"Is this crystal ball for sale? And the production technology?"

Fang Bai asked aloud, and Tim shook his head when he heard the words.

"The production technology is a top secret belonging to the Earth Tower. They cannot sell it to outsiders and it is impossible to communicate with them.

But if you want a crystal ball, I will send you a small batch directly.

If you want a large quantity, then I can help you contact the mage in charge of this matter at the Tower of Earth. "

“Okay, I want it in bulk, but there’s no need to rush to contact you now.

I'll have someone come over and take charge of this matter. Let's wait until they arrive first.

After all, it’s impossible for me to negotiate and handle large-volume purchases by myself. "

"That's true."

Tim nodded when he heard this, then glanced at the crystal balls piled up in front of Fang Bai and said.

"Then you should study first. This standardized textbook is one of the top research results of our Mage Academy.

At that time, almost all the master mages and legendary mages from the twelve mage towers were gathered to participate.

This foundation was jointly studied with a far-sighted attitude and different perspectives, and unfortunately, I happened to be a member of the R\u0026D team. "

Tim said proudly. When Fang Bai heard this, he immediately showed an expression of respect towards Tim, which immediately made him feel very relieved.

He recognized Fang Bai's ability, but precisely because of this, he enjoyed Fang Bai's adoring look even more.

Especially in the fact that he has the greatest sense of accomplishment.

And Fang Bai was not pretending, not a show of goodwill with high emotional intelligence, but indeed reverence from the heart.

However, this reverence may be a little different from what Tim imagined.

Fang Bai doesn't admire him just because he participated in the development.

It's just a matter of developing the basics and teaching them.

Developing the foundation may not be easy, but in Fang Bai's opinion it is not difficult either.

This is a very normal thing. Among the research projects of master mages and legendary mages, this one can even be said to be the simplest one.

It can be used to adjust the mentality and relax.

At most, it is developed with a serious and rigorous attitude and in a relaxed state.

The thing itself does not highlight the ability.

But the creation and dissemination of basic teaching materials is of great significance.

To put it bluntly.

This is a betrayal of the extraordinary class.

This is the spread of extraordinary knowledge.

And this is worthy of respect.

"Okay, okay, take a look, you just flipped through it, right?"

Tim remembered that before speaking, Fang Bai curiously flipped through these crystal balls.

It is estimated that all the contents were scanned, and then the learning order and progress were made and modified according to the contents, rather than simply learning according to the textbooks.

This way of learning is better and faster for the verified person than direct learning.

He Tim is the same.

Thinking of this, Tim spoke out directly.

"Let's start learning. It's not difficult, but there's a lot of content. I think you'll need some time."


Fang Bai scratched his head.


He's finished learning.

This kind of thing can be learned by just looking at it.

Besides, he has a fantasy space.

Just a glance here, and Fang Bai can finish learning it without even looking at it again.

Fang Bai couldn't help but mutter.


"What's wrong?"

Tim, who was about to conduct an experiment with the legendary fire element life crystal core, was slightly stunned when he saw this.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, uh, is there a more advanced book?"

Tim frowned when he heard this, and looked at Fang Bai with displeasure.

Before, although Fang Bai was invincible in close combat, although Fang Bai's physical defense was unparalleled, and his strength control skills surpassed that of a warrior, his spellcasting ability was ordinary.

But Tim still regarded Fang Bai as a magician.

Because he felt that Fang Bai had a special aura similar to them.

So he was very happy to communicate with Fang Bai.

But I didn't expect Fang Bai to stop reading after just glancing at the book.

Just like those melee professionals who want to change their profession to a mage, they don't have the patience to learn and don't want to learn at all.

And Gao Wuyuan always wants to learn advanced knowledge and advanced spells, and says these things are useless.

They want to be powerful.

This is an insult to knowledge, and an insult to them, the developers.

Tim's face suddenly darkened.

"Fang Bai, if you don't want to learn, don't learn.

These are the foundations of mages, and these are everything for mages.

All advanced spells originate from these foundations.

What do you want to do now? Don't learn the basics and directly learn advanced spells?

You are insulting knowledge.

Even if I give you master-level spells and legendary spells, can you learn them, but can you cast them?"

"I don't have them here. If you want to learn, please find another job."

At this moment, Fang Bai was stunned by Tim's rapid change in attitude.


Wasn't it fine at the beginning?

It was like breaking a taboo, and it just exploded.

Tim loves magic so much, loves knowledge so much?

Or is it that he attaches too much importance to the basic knowledge system that he participated in developing and compiling?

Fang Bai was unsure for a moment, just looking at the angry Tim, pondering slightly.

"Uh, is it possible that I have learned everything."


"Do you think I'm stupid? Or do you think I'm easy to bully?

Insult my IQ? You just glanced at it.

You told me you learned it?

If you said you wrote it down, I would believe it. What did you say you learned it?"

Tim looked at Fang Bai with a slightly gloomy face.

"Sorry, I don't welcome you here anymore."

"I really learned it?"

"It's endless, right? Okay, if you learn it, I'll give you whatever you want.

I want to see where you get the confidence from."

Tim raised his eyebrows and said angrily, without even looking at the crystal ball next to him, and started asking questions directly.

Fang Bai shrugged his shoulders after hearing the question and answered immediately.

Often, as soon as Tim asked a question, he would answer it immediately without thinking.

After a moment, Tim was stunned.

Looking at Fang Bai in front of him, he looked at the crystal balls piled up like a hill next to him.

Through previous communication, it can be confirmed that Fang Bai has never been exposed to the systematic knowledge in these textbooks.

He had never been exposed to it before he gave him the crystal ball.

But. But.


Tim suddenly couldn't speak, looking at Fang Bai, stunned.

All the words just now echoed in his ears at this moment.

Loud voice.

Angry expression.


Tim didn't react for a long time, and smiled awkwardly after a long time.

"Sorry, I spoke a little loudly just now.

By the way, what did you say just now?

Advanced spell knowledge, right?

I'll get it, I'll get it right away."

Tim didn't wait for Fang Bai to reply, and walked out of the room directly while talking to himself.

Even when he left, Tim's head was still buzzing and he didn't react.

His face was filled with embarrassment.

Fang Bai shrugged helplessly.

He didn't want to do that, because Tim was so excited all of a sudden.

He was shocked.

Shaking his head, Fang Bai waited.

After a while, Tim came in again, as if nothing had happened before, his face was normal, and he said after a moment of silence.

"These basic knowledge are the simplest things, not difficult.

They are all for apprentices of mages to learn. Every apprentice of magic in the Mage Academy can fully master them during the entrance examination and directly advance to the level of mage. Although you learn a little faster, it's not surprising."

Tim ignored the fact that normal apprentices of mages only need to fully master one twelfth of the knowledge, and the learning time is often ten years between the ages of six and sixteen, and it is the ten years with the strongest learning ability and the strongest acceptance ability.

Is it important? It's not important.

Then he heard Fang Bai say with true feelings.

"Yes, that's true."


Tim decided not to repeat the topic and pointed to a new batch of crystal balls next to him.

This batch of crystal balls is no less than my previous crystal balls.

"Apprentices lay the foundation, master the mainstream spell structure, master all low-level spell models, master some basic knowledge and skills of spellcasting, and become mages after reaching the mental strength standard.

The learning content of professional mages is the composition and distance of spell structure, mastering the ability to deduce high-level structures from low-level structures, and mastering all mainstream mid-level spell models, that is, four-, five-, and six-ring spells, and at the same time have the ability to develop four-ring spells, so as to become elite mages.

These are the learning materials, including spell structure, model deduction formulas, etc. You study for a while first, and I will take higher-level ones after you finish learning."

Tim looked at Fang Bai and silently raised the promotion requirements of mages "a little bit". After saying that, he looked at the crystal ball that was several times larger than before. The most important thing is the content inside.

In terms of complexity, these contents are not at the same level as before.

This time it will take a while to study, right? If you have the ability, you can continue to study like this!

Tim muttered to himself, but he didn't show it on the surface. But he was stunned the next moment.

He saw the crystal balls passing in front of his forehead one by one under Fang Bai's mental control, reading the information in them with mental power.

Then, like a jugglery, they passed one after another, and the average stay time was less than a few seconds.

If they just passed by, Tim wouldn't be so worried.

But they can stay for a few seconds.

It takes less than a second to read the information.

No way, no way?

Tim's heart couldn't help but beat, and his eyes stared at Fang Bai.

His mind couldn't help but be drawn to Fang Bai. When all the crystal balls were passed by him, Tim's heart almost jumped into his throat.

The next moment he heard Fang Bai say with his own ears.

"I've learned it."

He couldn't help rubbing his ears.

Yes, I heard it right. (End of this chapter)

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