I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 533 Top-quality Equipment King Cobra

"It's done."

Fang Bai held this slender vine-like staff and looked at the empty buckle on it.

But at this moment, there are already wisps of red thread floating on it.

In Fang Bai's perception, an even stronger magnetic field gathered at the top of the magic circle after four more refinements.

The fire element crystal core continuously pours out fire elements, flowing through its thread-like passages. After passing runes one after another, the non-threatening fire elements gradually become violent and filled with the aura of destruction.

When the power of these elements flowed into the grasping button, it had turned into red threads. Fang Bai could clearly sense that each strand of red thread had the power equivalent to a high-explosive fireball.

However, under the constraints of the strong magnetic field, these strands of red thread slowly floated like completely harmless fire elements.

Under Fang Bai's gaze, the speed of the fire elements gathering became faster and faster, and the red threads on the catch button became denser and denser. After a while, the red thread suddenly filled the inside of the catch button.


The power of thunder integrated into it through the fourth refinement method suddenly strengthened the magnetic field and burst out, and the red thread was suddenly compressed.

One side was compressed, and there was a steady stream of red threads pouring into the staff.

The two were superimposed on each other, and after a while, a pure red diamond-shaped gem appeared in the buckle. It fit perfectly and looked like a fire element crystal core, just like the substance.

However, Fang Bai could detect the terrifying power in it with his mental power, which was enough to flatten the mountains.

"The power of the fireball technique should have passed the legendary threshold, right?"

Fang Bai muttered.

"It should be here, the legendary fireball technique."

"Without any operation from the mage, a legendary fireball can be condensed every once in a while, which can be maintained for a long time, but only one can be maintained at the same time.

The power should be good. In addition, there are three legendary thunders that can recover on their own, but they have single-target killing and paralysis effects.

However, compared to the fireball technique, there are legendary fire element crystal cores, which can be used continuously. If the thunder is used up, you can only wait for him to absorb the thunder element by himself or use something containing the thunder element to replenish it.

Well, if a legendary thunder crystal could be fused in the process, this problem would not occur at all.

But I only have one legendary thunder crystal. If I want to use it myself, I can’t refine it.

Forget it, three legendary thunders that require long-term energy storage, and one legendary fireball that can be released continuously.

No matter where you put this piece of equipment, it is absolutely the best equipment.

Even if it only has these functions, it is still the best equipment. "

Fang Bai is quite proud. He is now more confident in his forging skills than his strength.

Not to mention other places, there are no blacksmiths who can surpass him in the entire Yabang Kingdom, but they are definitely rare.

When it comes to improving the strength of materials, he is definitely the strongest, no one else.

But what satisfied him most about this staff was not the three thunderbolts and the fireball technique.

What really makes him satisfied and proud is its function.

"Fei Rui is very fond of fireball and has been studying fireball recently.

This magic circle contains magnetic crystals and fire element crystal nuclei.

Internally, the fire element crystal core is used to control the fire element, and externally, a strong magnetic field is used to forcibly constrain the fire element structure.

One allows Feirui to freely experiment with the power of fire elements in different structures, and the other allows Feirui to use some extremely unstable but powerful fire element structures in actual combat.

Among fireball spells of legendary level and below, there is basically no danger of losing control, the stability is greatly enhanced, and the upper limit of power accumulation is greatly increased.

The time required for condensation is greatly reduced, and the power is doubled.

Even in the realm of legendary fire magic, its spell casting speed and spell control capabilities will be greatly enhanced.

If converted into equipment attributes.

Name: Unnamed.

Type: Thunder and fire elemental staff.

Level: Level 4.

Legend: 0.


1. Legendary Fireball*1;

2. Legendary single lightning strike*3.


1. The control of fire element spells below the legendary level is greatly enhanced, and the control of fire element spells of the legendary level is greatly enhanced.

2. The power of fire elements below legendary level is greatly enhanced, and the power of legendary level fire element spells is greatly enhanced.

3. The casting speed of fire element spells is greatly enhanced.

4. The upper limit of fire element spell charging is increased.

5. The research and development capabilities of fire element spells have been greatly increased.

6. The power of thunder element spells below the legendary level is greatly increased.

7. The ability to control thunder element spells below the legendary level has been greatly increased.

8. Magnetic field spells below legendary level



Looking at the attributes on the attribute panel and the last forger's name, Fang Bai's raised corners of his mouth were harder to suppress than even AK.

To a mage, control over spells means most things.

Elemental metal magnetic crystals are used to construct the magnetic field, metal willow wires are used to stabilize the magnetic field, fourth-level thunder forging techniques are used to strengthen the magnetic field, and fire element crystal nuclei are used to fuse to increase the ability to interfere with fire element particles.

Coupled with the rune array simulation field, the effect of controlling the fire element with the magnetic field is completely achieved.

This ingenious thinking directly breaks the inherent thought that only by strengthening mental power can we strengthen control.

The forging of this staff combines Fang Bai's rune attainments, field attainments, fire element spell attainments, magnetic field attainments, forging attainments, and micro-level mental power control, all of which are indispensable.

In this way, without any mistakes, this staff was perfectly forged.

How could Fang Bai not be proud and excited?

Let’s not talk about whether it is functional or not.

At this moment, Fang Bai wanted to post a circle of friends to let the whole world know that he had forged a top-grade fourth-level staff.

He wanted to tell everyone he met.

"How do you know that I just successfully forged a top-grade fourth-level staff and successfully realized the magnetic field to restrain the fire element particles?

How do you know that my forging skills have become stronger again?"

In the Tiangong Pavilion, Qi Peng, who was discussing things with Fang Bai's projection, suddenly heard Fang Bai's projection say this.



Fang Bai was happy and immediately packed the magic array that still had residual heat.

This staff was given to Fei Rui.

It is worth mentioning that the legendary fireball technique on the top of the staff, like a crystal core, still exists, as if it is a component of the staff.

However, as soon as Fang Bai finished packing, he found that several strong auras were rushing towards him.

The aggressive monster and the legendary professional holding a weapon in his hand.

Fang Bai frowned slightly, grabbed the staff with one hand, and immediately prepared to pretend

"Bah, bah, I am a mage, what do you mean by pretending."

He directly locked the monster and the professional with his mental power.

The monster was one step faster and rushed to Fang Bai with aggressive momentum. Just when Fang Bai narrowed his eyes and locked onto the huge eye king snake, when everyone who was attracted held their breath and thought that a legendary battle was about to break out, the stone rolled on the tail of the scarred eye king snake with scratches on its scales was lined up in front of Fang Bai.

"I want to refine the weapon! I..."

"There is a mine!"

Fang Bai was stunned when he heard the words, looking at the huge eye king snake, suddenly raised his eyebrows and reacted.

"Oh, you are."

"The snake beaten by the little eagle."

King cobra: "."

"Why do you have so many wounds on your body? Some look like knife wounds, and some look like claw wounds.

You were beaten badly by the little eagle."

King cobra: Feeling offended.

"Are you here to forge equipment?"

Fang Bai looked at the ore that the eye king snake had just brought over. This was an ore wrapped in a spider web.

This spider web didn't look simple either. It was sticky and tough. Legendary-level beasts couldn't stick to it, but if a master-level monster got stuck in it, it would probably not be able to break free.

He struggled to open the spider web and looked at the ore with golden stripes inside.

"Energetic gold, third-level ergotic gold. Oh, there's a fourth-level one?

Not bad."

Fang Bai's eyes lit up, and then he looked at the eye king snake.

"Your ores are of good quality, but this fourth-level refined gold ore is not as good as the one from Little Eagle, nor as big as that one, and it is estimated that the content is not as high as that one."

As Fang Bai was talking, he suddenly felt that the state of the eye king cobra in front of him seemed to be a little wrong.

"What's wrong? How did I provoke him?"

Fang Bai was a little puzzled, and casually glanced at the legendary professional who rushed over.

Looking at a tall and thin middle-aged man, with a long knife slung diagonally behind his back.

The handle of the long knife was very long, and the handle was very long. It was not a broad-backed broadsword, but slightly straight, like a straight knife with a slight curve.

"Is this knife called Miao Dao or Mo Dao?"

Fang Bai muttered, he could clearly perceive that this person's kung fu was related to this knife.

I don't know what profession it is.

Fang Bai muttered in his heart, and took a casual glance. This person was quite sensible and stood aside waiting obediently. He did not take Fang Bai seriously at all because Fang Bai was only a master.

Fang Bai's sight returned to the King Cobra again. At this moment, the King Cobra seemed to be a little indignant.

Looking at the King Cobra's huge body as big as a car, he looked at the ore on the ground.

The fourth-level fine gold ore was what Fang Bai wanted, so Fang Bai asked immediately.

"What do you want to forge?"

As soon as Fang Bai finished speaking, the King Cobra suddenly opened its mouth and revealed two ferocious fangs.

"I want the sharpest one that can bite through the defense of the dead eagle's equipment."


Fang Bai suddenly said, and the King Cobra was stunned when he heard the words. He was interrupted by Fang Bai and could only ask blankly.

"What are braces?"

"Braces are something that is put on the teeth to protect the teeth."

"Oh, then braces, braces, my sharpest braces."

"Oh, I see, it's not a big problem to forge a pair of braces with these ores, but."

Fang Bai pondered slightly and looked at the scars on the King Cobra's body.

Some holes had scratches, which were obviously caused by the legendary eagle.

Some looked like marks of knife cuts. Fang Bai knew at a glance that it was caused by his own equipment attached to the wings, and he used the wings to cut.

They all came from the legendary eagle, but it was not wrong to say that they were cut by a knife.

"But what?"

The king cobra obviously had not experienced any social beatings, and asked immediately.

The man with a knife next to him sneered in his heart. This snake had no social experience at first glance, and this forger was very poor or had a quirk. He actually needed to trick Warcraft to forge equipment. It seemed that I could

first talk about some small items, and then deliberately expose the demand, let this forger take the initiative to promote it, and then I would cooperate to satisfy this forger's sense of accomplishment.

Pretend to be emptied by him.

But this snake was probably really emptied.

Fang Bai didn't know the psychology of this legend. He looked at the King Cobra and said with a smile.

"It's okay if the teeth are sharp enough. It's good for attacking, but not enough for defense.

As snakes, it's troublesome if we are attacked.

If the heart is attacked, it's even more dangerous.

Look, I have three plans.

The first one is that I will tailor a few heart guards for you to protect the most critical seven inches and the vitals.

This requires the least materials.

The second one is a light armor similar to the Goshawk Legend. The armor covers the whole body without any holes. It is equipped with sharp braces weapons, so it can attack and defend."

As Fang Bai spoke, he projected into the air with magic. The King Cobra in front of him was in the projection. In the process of concealing, Fang Bai covered the King Cobra in the projection with a layer of light golden armor, which was shining with golden light and majestic. The King Cobra couldn't take his eyes away when he saw it.

Not only him, but even the man with a knife beside him slightly widened his eyes and breathed faster.

"This, this, that dead eagle is wearing this kind of armor!"

Oh, compared?

Fang Bai was happy.

"Yes, yes, this is the one, but..."

Seeing that the King Cobra was about to agree, Fang Bai changed his tone again, making the King Cobra's appetite whetted.

"But what?"

"But this set of light armor is only tailored for the goshawk after all, and it is a compromise for its high-speed movement and flight.

There are considerable compromises in terms of defense and accessories.

It is very suitable for the goshawk, but for you..."

"I want to customize it!"


Fang Bai clapped his hands, and the light golden armor in the projection suddenly underwent earth-shaking changes.

In just a blink of an eye, the golden armor quickly rolled and evolved. After a while, wrapped in heavy armor plates tens of centimeters thick, a huge and majestic mechanical giant snake looked up to the sky and groaned!

The terrifying and ferocious heavy armor, with a thickness of several dozen centimeters and a gorgeous and ferocious dark gold style, instantly attracted everyone's attention, making them breathe faster.

And Fang Bai left the last sentence.

"This kind of defense is definitely difficult for the goshawk to break even if it goes all out."

As soon as the voice fell

"I want it! I want it! I want it! I want this!

How much ore do you want? I'll go back and dig it!"

A moment later, the king cobra took the metal token that contacted Fang Bai and left excitedly.

Behind it, Fang Bai looked at the scratched scales on the king cobra's body, holding his chin with one hand and pondering slightly.

"So this is how the wear on its scales came from?"


"Is there really a mine?"

Fang Bai muttered, and turned his eyes to the projection in the air. (End of this chapter)

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