I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 545 Cloud Countermeasure Technology




Batch after batch of parts were formed and then put into the Dusk Plain to absorb the power of dusk.

While Fang Bai was conducting his own research in the fantasy space, he was completing the forging work with extremely high efficiency. One person could keep up with everyone else's pace.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the parts of the first-generation mecha, or Unit Zero, are in full production.

Like Fang Bai's place, almost every part used on Unit Zero is custom-made in the laboratory.

Every part is strived for excellence, using the best materials, the most advanced technology, and the highest standards. Any slightest flaw will be made over.

Each batch of parts produced will be scanned into the fantasy space for assembly and testing, and will be tested in stages.

Such testing will be carried out throughout the entire production to ensure that every part of the No. 0 machine is perfect.

At the same time, regarding the combat method of Unit Zero, the combat system established around Unit Zero has also officially entered into the deduction.

Mecha is the first creation that has ever been created since the beginning of the world.

The emergence of mechas must be an impact on existing warfare.

The coordinated response of mechas and armies, mechas and fortresses, mechas and armored troops, mechas and infantry, etc.

The uses and combat methods of mechas under different situations.

All of this is based on fantasy space.

after all

After the mecha is built, it's impossible to just use it for one-on-one combat, right?

Are the mechas really going to conquer the world?

How can there be such a completely invincible and invulnerable creature?

The King of Land tanks also require the cooperation of infantry on the battlefield.

In addition, because of a report submitted by Tang Wen, the direction of scientific research within Tiangong Pavilion has changed a bit.

A special project team appeared and began to sort out Tiangongge's existing technologies. While conducting technical research, they also kept trying.

These theoretical technologies are transformed into practical application technologies and then produced into equipment.

Among them, long-wave wide-area detection radar, short-wave surveillance radar, fire control radar, ballistic computer, interception array, over-the-horizon enemy tracking technology, third-level vehicle-mounted Yuanling rune heavy artillery, infrasonic cannon, element interference cannon, and anti-element wave tracking cannon Waiting for one technology after another to be born.

Under this background, Tiangong Pavilion, which pioneered the cloud system, took the lead in proposing cloud measures for cloud systems.

""Some discussions on the applicability of cloud gas combined with the Fire Elemental Realm, Thunder Valley and other places"——Su Shiping."

The clouds are very strong, but this is after the clouds rise.

In places where clouds cannot rise, the army will not lose all ability to resist because of the existence of clouds of energy and blood.

But this also means that Yun Qi is no longer invincible.

However, due to some factors, this paper was not included in the public technology library of Tiangong Pavilion. Instead, it was included in a secret library after being read and verified by a few people.

And not long after, a technology emerged.

Cloud gas countermeasure technology.

Tiangong Pavilion started a project as soon as this technology was born. After completing the layout, it immediately entered the accumulation stage.

As long as someone dares to use Yunqi in Tiangong Pavilion.

"As long as we use Yunqi in Tiangong Pavilion, everything will be fake, everything will be broken, and it will break if we rub it!"

In the conference room of Haoyu Group, Director Zhu said loudly.

“I have to say that Fang Bai is indeed a genius, and only a genius can develop the cloud system when surrounded by powerful aborigines.

Directly avoid the strong track of the indigenous people, find another way, and overtake in the corners.

We must admit this. "

“But the stupidest thing he did was make the technology public.

If it wasn't made public, Gongge would be invincible that day.

As long as Fang Bai relied on the extraordinary army he had built at the beginning, he could summon an army of 100,000 troops just by climbing up and calling.

Then they must attack the city and seize the territory and separate one side.

But it has to be said that the talent gave Fang Bai unparalleled scientific research ability, but it also deprived him of his sensitivity in this area.

This also laid the foundation for his subsequent sorrow. "

"However, for Fang Bai, we can give him a chance. As long as he serves our group, we will definitely not repeat his mistakes.

And I guess Fang Bai never imagined that he would fall under the cloud system he created.

After all, there is no such thing as personal heroism under the clouds. "

The fat on Zhu Dong's face trembled slightly in excitement, and then he looked at Fan Hu next to him.

"Fan Hu, how was the exchange for the military code? Did it go well?"

"Director Zhu, you can rest assured that I will do this. Although I have gone through many twists and turns, I have still found a channel through which I can acquire extraordinary substances and settle the matter with real currency.

Even though the premium is too high, although there is no set price, I am afraid it has fluctuated between two and four times. This is really a sign of my incompetence. "

Fan Hu said this. Dong Zhu frowned slightly when he heard it at first, but then he relaxed.

"Two to four times?"

“Okay, as long as you can buy it, it’s your credit if you can buy it.

As long as we can seize this precious opportunity, win the Tiangong Pavilion, and win the Cube, what if we spend all our wealth?

In that world, we can just like the Red Alliance, conquer the world and separate one side.

Build a country and rule the roost and become a well-deserved king! "

"Extraordinary, that is the future!"

"At that time, each of us will have great strength, long life and endless wealth.

So you go ahead and do it. I will try my best to raise the funds needed."


Hearing the future described by Zhu Dong, Fan Hu was shocked and immediately excited.

At this point, they took this road, which is really a road to heaven!

After discussing some more matters, the meeting ended. When others left, Zhu Dong waved and asked Fan Hu to slip down.

After everyone left, in the quiet meeting room, Zhu Dong lowered his head and asked faintly.

"Fang Bai. Did you find it?"

"Yes, it's in a small village below Longyuan City.

He lives with his parents."

"Well, OK, then have you tested the strength that players can display in reality?"

"I tested it again. Just like I reported to you before, the master-level extraordinary people in the game are also like little supermen in reality.

Ten or a hundred enemies are no problem, and they generally have a very keen sense of killing intent.

But without elemental power, there is no extraordinary power.

Although the transformed body is invulnerable to swords and guns, it can also withstand some small-power pistols and submachine gun bullets.

But it definitely can't withstand full-power rifle bullets and sniper bullets. This has been tested abroad.

But the long gun is very difficult to deal with."

After hearing this, Director Zhu didn't say anything else. He stood up and patted Fan Hu on the shoulder, turned around and left, and only his indifferent voice sounded.

"You should be very filial to your parents for a long time after you grow up?"

Fan Hu didn't say anything else. He narrowed his eyes, and ideas quickly emerged in his head.

This is not an easy task.

However, it is very feasible.

Although the physical body of a superhuman without the cooperation of elemental power, fighting spirit and other superhuman powers can be very powerful, it is also limited.

A superhuman is a superhuman if he has superhuman energy. If he does not have it, he is just a mortal.

And mortals, no matter how strong they are, cannot defeat guns and cannons.

How can flesh and blood be compared with long guns and cannons?

Fan Hu left with an inexplicable expression.

Of course, he did not go to Fang Bai now.

This step is very difficult.

Even if there is a chance to do it, it will cause extremely serious consequences.

Even for him, for Zhu Dong, and for Haoyu Group, it is the same. If you can avoid it, don't do it.

So although Zhu Dong did not say it clearly, he also knew that this was not to be done now, it was just a back-up.

A back-up that played a fatal role at a critical moment.

Instead of saying that it should be done now.

Now you just need to be prepared.

If it really comes to a critical moment, then this step can change the situation.

If everything goes well, it will be removed quietly without leaving any trace.

So Fang Bai.

"Your life is in your own hands, I hope you know better.

After all, it's better not to make it too embarrassing if you can."

The gun, if it is fired, it will be a big deal.

If it is not fired, it will have the deterrent power it should have.

Twilight Plain.

Fang Bai did not know everything that happened in Haoyu Group.

Although he has condensed the rune of his real name, and although the power of faith condensed in his two titles is enough to give birth to a god.

But he still did not have the ability to sense when he was mentioned, and to sense when there was malice.

At this moment, his main mind is immersed in the fantasy space to continue research, and part of his mind is in charge of the parts production line.

But what is not known is that he still has a part of his mind left in reality.

Usually, searching for information, answering calls, going to the toilet, and eating are controlled by this part of the mind.

However, when there is nothing to do, this part of the mind will control the blood and qi in the body to temper the body and increase the strength of the body.

After the successful launch of the four-refined mechanical armor in reality, it is also his daily work to fuse the extraordinary power in the four-refined armor with the blood and qi power, and then lead this extraordinary power into the body to temper it.

The four-refined armor forged based on the power of heaven and earth does not have the majesty of the fourth-level equipment in the game, nor does it have the potential to become a legendary equipment.

But under the concentration of the power of heaven and earth, a kind of extraordinary power other than blood and qi power has been born in the armor.

The extraordinary power in the four-refined equipment.

The strength of this extraordinary power is not legendary, but it is already extraordinary. In the process of tempering the body, it also plays a huge role that is no less than the blood and qi power.

This even extends to the topic of real extraordinary, but Fang Bai currently has no time and no intention to study this aspect, that is, write it in a notebook and memo.

In addition, think about it and argue it in your spare time, and leave it for later research.

There is no rush for anything.

You can take it slow in reality. Tempering the body, forging armor, refining the power of blood and qi, and the extraordinary power of armor are just to ensure the safety of yourself and your family in reality.

Slightly supplement the sense of security, and the secret of the extraordinary in reality will come slowly.

As for how strong Fang Bai's body is now, how strong is his physical fitness? How strong is this four-refined armor?

Fang Bai has not tested it, not his body, not his armor.

Anyway, Fang Bai thinks that they are all very weak. Even if the body and the four-refined armor are added together, they are not enough for him to poke with one finger in the game.

Let's practice first.

With this little bit of strength, Fang Bai feels that it is so weak that he feels disappointed.

Not worth mentioning.

The only thing worth mentioning is that although the four-refined armor is not strong in extraordinary power, its strength, corrosion resistance, bending resistance and other properties are really not weak.

Very solid.

It can bring a good sense of security to Fang Bai.

"Is this a legendary instrument in reality?"

Fang Bai, who was tempering his body, suddenly had this doubt in his mind.

"The raw material is also a special kind of meteorite accumulated at home, and the power of my blood is also incorporated into the forging process. This step is analogous to a blood sacrifice blacksmith.

Hmm, it smells like that. "

After thinking for a moment, he gathered his mind and continued to immerse himself in the tempering of his body.

Although the body in reality is pitifully weak compared to the body in the game, it is a very comfortable thing to make the body stronger and perfect little by little. People are immersed.

This feeling of my body getting stronger every second is fascinating.

Time passes quietly like the white horse passing by.

Two months passed in a flash, and the two months were peaceful.

Pieces of elemental metal turned into twilight alloy, and then turned into parts.

There are more than 100,000 parts that have fallen into the Dusk Plain and absorbed the power of dusk.

Parts of various sizes have piled up into a small mountain in the Dusk Plain.

The forging speed is not much different from the plan. If nothing unexpected happens, the production and preparation of the entire part can be completed as scheduled.

However, when it comes to no accidents, then there are probably going to be accidents.

A steady stream of parts are put into the Dusk Plain to absorb the power of dusk. Although the speed of absorbing the power of dusk is very slow after forming, there are not many parts that can quickly absorb the power of dusk at the same time, and they have always been maintained at a similar number.

Although a lot of dusk power has been absorbed in this way, and it has also caused a large-scale flow and convergence of dusk power, basically no one will perceive the dusk power.

The Dusk Plain is also a restricted area for humans. There are not many people living and moving in it. They are scattered throughout the Dusk Plain. The density is quite high, and it is difficult for Fang Bai to happen to be in the same place.

Therefore, no outsiders have come to Fang Bai here.

However, when there are too many parts that absorb the power of dusk at the same time, the speed of absorbing the power of dusk reaches a critical point.

Once the speed of absorbing the power of dusk exceeds the critical point, it might roll up a vortex of dusk power and gradually develop into a dusk storm that sweeps most of the dusk plain.

However, Fang Bai did not let it develop, and directly took out a pile of parts that were slowly absorbing the power of dusk.

They don't have to absorb it. (End of chapter)

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