I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 63 There should be a lot, right?

Fang Bai couldn't help but trembled.

This feeling is so good.

It feels so good that when he plays chess and raises a human shield, the opponent's eight chess pieces can't even beat him to death!

It feels good to breathe!

"Tsk, why do I like piling up meat so much? This is how I used to play games.

It's still the same when I play this game now. "

Fang Bai couldn't help feeling a little emotional, and his movements gradually stopped.

Although I really want to get this armor out right away, I can't delay studying and researching.

But just when Fang Bai was about to enter the fantasy space, he found the Warcraft Rhino getting up, yelling at him and walking towards the valley.


Going back?

"Are you going back? Come back tomorrow."


The Warcraft Rhino barked at Fang Bai, and then barked at the little rhinoceros, as if saying goodbye.

But the little rhinoceros got up when he heard Didi Liu and shouted again and again.

"Moo, moo, moo, moo."

The little rhinoceros looked very happy, but when the Warcraft Rhino heard the footsteps, the little rhinoceros was startled and hurriedly hid behind Fang Bai.

The Warcraft Rhino glared at the little rhinoceros and then turned and left.

"What are you doing back tonight?"

Fang Bai shook his head slightly.

Use your mental power to scan the little rhinoceros from the inside out and observe the progress of the gold element absorbed by the little rhinoceros.

"Well, it's about 30%. Not bad. It's pretty fast."

Fang Bai nodded with satisfaction, and then sunk his mind into the elemental space to study.

As soon as he closed his eyes, the little rhinoceros opened his eyes, and his eyes moved around, observing the surroundings carefully.

The learning process is really addicting. Using the mechanical power armor drawings as a template to study, Fang Bai felt that he had made considerable progress while studying.

This drawing is so beautiful. You can deeply appreciate its charm every time you look at it, and you can gain something from it every time you study it.

Studying went very smoothly, and Fang Bai gradually improved. However, Fang Bai was somewhat stagnant in his research.

Regarding the optimal structure diagram of the human body, since only the body structures of male players such as Zhang Zhong were scanned, the samples were too few. Fang Bai even went to the real world to find various information and pictures to understand the human body structure, but gained little. Progress stalled.

However, there have been some gains in the structure of gold elements.

After all, the essence of the third refinement is to shape the internal structure of the steel ingot and the structure of the gold element through forging, so that the internal structure of the steel ingot and the internal structure of the gold element merge and undergo a qualitative change, thereby forming a third refinement metal similar to elemental metal.

Fang Bai has learned the third refining process. Naturally, it cannot be just the third refining of iron ingots. Otherwise, it would also be impossible to complete the third refining of alloys mixed with elemental powders.

Three refining is a method, a method of adjusting the forging method, hammer drop method, and strength according to the different structures of the materials.

The forging method and the hammer-dropping method are just the results of the three refinements, not the process.

Different materials are made in different ways, but Fang Bai can complete the three refinements.

Thinking from this perspective, the human body itself is also regarded as a forging material, a forging material with special properties.

After all, it has entered the category of ordinary three refinements.

It's just that this material is a little different from ordinary forging materials, and it's a little more challenging.

As a result, Fang Bai forcibly brought the formula of the Three Forging Refiners into the nature of the human body, which resulted in a completely unfeasible plan.

Although it is completely unfeasible, at least there is a plan that Fang Bai can adjust, optimize, and modify.

Three refinements and forging, this is exactly what Fang Bai is good at.

Now this solution has been iterated to the seventeenth generation after a long period of research, and the progress is gratifying.

Ten hours in the outside world and about a month passed in the fantasy space, and Fang Bai slowly came out of the fantasy space.

With his increasingly powerful mental power, Fang Bai adjusted slightly to adapt to the tearing sensation caused by the different flow rates of time.

Looking at everything in front of him, Fang Bai summarized the night as usual and wrote it down in his fantasy space.

“The research on shaping the structure of gold elements is progressing well, and the plan has completed two more iterations.

In the fantasy space, there are countless human consumables”

Fang Bai pursed his lips slightly as he recalled the countless ways he, Zhang Zhong, and Little Rhino died.

Fortunately, he has room for fantasy. If he didn't have room for fantasy and still wanted to study the method of body training, ten thousand lives would not be enough.

“With countless human consumables and high-frequency experiments, the plan can be iterated continuously and stably.

Although there is still a long way to go before official use, we can basically see the end. It’s a matter of time.

But research on optimal human body structure”

Fang Bai pondered slightly.

"There are too few samples and too few methods. There is no shadow on whether it is a method to stimulate the body's active growth or a diagram of the optimal human body structure. It is still just an idea.

For the former, no method has been found in reality, and for the latter, the knowledge of mages and extraordinary methods I have currently come into contact with are too little and too barren. No matter how much time or ideas I have, they will have no effect.

A good woman cannot make a meal without rice, and the same is true for the latter. Without enough human body structure samples for comparison and testing, it is difficult for me to deduce the optimal human body structure.

No matter how much time you have and how powerful your computing power is, nothing can be created out of nothing. "

"And it's definitely impossible for these two to come to your door if you continue to stay here.

It’s not like I’m writing a novel, so where does the treasure-delivery boy come from? "

Fang Bai smiled and then fell silent, looking at the mineral deposit quietly.

"I came back here again because of iron deficiency to complete the physical training."

"The content of gold elements in the body here has reached 100%, and the third refinement has been completed."

"Here I successfully changed my profession, made a mechanical power-assisted armor, and met a baby rhinoceros."

Fang Bai looked at the little rhino, which happened to be looking at him. When it noticed that Fang Bai was looking over, it immediately turned its head to the left, not looking at Fang Bai.

"But I can't stay here forever, working behind closed doors will lead to no results. It's impossible for me to obtain all kinds of mage knowledge and extraordinary methods out of thin air, and it's even less possible for me to obtain a large number of human samples out of thin air.

And there’s this thing.”

Fang Bai sank his thoughts into his mental space and looked at Xiaobai Pagoda who occupied the mental space and kept swallowing up his mental power.

In addition to being more friendly, the Little White Tower still only sends out information asking Fang Bai to find a territory to place the White Tower as soon as possible.

But no matter how Fang Bai placed it in this mineral deposit and forest, it would fail.

This was not considered his territory.

“You need a piece of your own territory to place it, so what will happen if you place it?

Will the White Tower be recreated at that time? Can I get a white tower that can suppress the dragon? "

Fang Bai couldn't help but think about it for a moment, and then he woke up.

"Lack of communication, my information exposure is still too narrow. I don't know, maybe other players know? Without communication, I will never know.

It's time to go out. "

Fang Bai took a long breath and said softly.

"I don't know what it's like outside, and how many extraordinary professionals there are."

"It should be a lot, very exciting, right?"

Fang Bai was looking forward to it.

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