"Don't you need to read books if you are extraordinary?"

Fang Bai laughed out loud.

"Of course you have to read, but the books you are reading are not extraordinary."

Facing the confused Xu Wen, Fang Bai asked with interest.

"Then let me ask you, what is the definition of science?"

"Science is science. Modern technology and modern science are all science."

"What you said is too general. To be precise, scientific explanation is: a method that is tested by practice and approaches the truth infinitely.

And extraordinary things also have rules and a truth. If you want to learn extraordinary things and become stronger, you naturally need to learn.

Nature also conforms to science, and it can be deduced from this.

Transcendence is just a new discipline under science. Is there a problem with saying that? "

Fang Bai's explanation made Xu Wen open her mouth slightly, stunned for a moment.

"Then what you're reading is just a book on mechanical engineering. Is there any connection there?"

"Then let me ask you, what is an extraordinary book?"

"A book that describes extraordinary knowledge and can make you stronger through practice."

"Then this is it."

Seeing that Xu Wen was still puzzled, Fang Bai didn't say much but smiled and let Xu Wen figure it out.

Once you understand, you will understand naturally, no matter how much you explain. Fang Bai doesn't want to explain anymore, just let her guess on her own.

In fact, in the final analysis, Fang Bai believes that the extraordinary is not completely divorced from reality.

It doesn’t mean that if you are extraordinary, you don’t need to breathe or obey gravity. It doesn’t mean that if you are extraordinary, you don’t need to eat.

All are needed, and transcendence is still a phenomenon based on existing physical rules.

That being the case, knowledge in reality will not be invalid.

Fang Bai's ability to forge a mechanically powered armor and use it to directly confront the combat professional Bage is the best example.

This shows that Fang Bai's learning is useful and effective.

In addition, what Fang Bai actually values ​​​​is not just the knowledge in the book, but the way of thinking of the writer.

According to Fang Bai's understanding, university is just that. In postgraduate and doctoral studies, tutors are more about cultivating a way of thinking that belongs to scientific research.

Think boldly and verify carefully!

This is the essential difference between graduate students and college students, and it is also the most significant ability improvement for graduate students.

Not just the knowledge learned in textbooks during graduate school.

And this is why many companies and units impose basic restrictions on academic qualifications when recruiting.

One is the learning ability, and the other is the way of thinking.

As long as the way of thinking is advanced enough and the learning ability is strong enough, no matter which industry you enter, you can quickly adapt and grow, even if you start from scratch.

Including extraordinary!

Of course, the variable of extraordinary talent cannot be included here.

But then Fang Bai still took out Bage's secret book and notes.

If you want to have extraordinary knowledge, you still have to look at extraordinary knowledge first.

After a while, Fang Bai sank into the fantasy space and started studying carefully.

At the same time, the mental power also spread out, completely covering the street in front of the blacksmith shop, using mental power instead of physical contact to scan the passing players one after another.

The sample library is gradually becoming more abundant.

"Dou Qi, capture the elements in the environment and integrate them into the body, then temper them with personal will, and finally form your own Dou Qi?"

Fang Bai browsed through the Dou Qi secret book roughly and got a rough impression of Dou Qi.

“This secret book is not meant to be profound, it is probably just a beginner’s guide.

Also, he is a knight, the lowest noble in the Bean Kingdom. Judging from the age of the castle, he should be from a family that has just become a noble. It is good to have one, but you cannot expect it to be very advanced. "

Fang Bai thought for a moment and then started to study it again. Compared with the ten minutes of the first time, the second time took much longer.

It took more than an hour for Fang Bai to finish watching it.

“Different professions have different fighting spirit characteristics, and as individuals’ elemental attributes are different, the characteristics will be biased.

Finally, the fighting spirit formed changes according to the differences in personal personalities. "

While thinking, Fang Bai had some doubts, and started reading for the third time with doubts.

The third time took five hours.

After reading it for the fourth time for a whole day, Fang Bai was almost thinking about it word by word, sentence by sentence.

After reading it for the fourth time, Fang Bai casually threw the secret book into the bookshelf.

As for the two notebooks, Fang Bai had no intention of reading them.

Fang Bai was disdainful.

These nobles may not have as high a vision as him, and their abilities may not be stronger than his. The secrets need to be learned with respect.

However, don’t read randomly the practice notes that have other people’s characteristics and special features, as they may have counterproductive effects.

Close your eyes and think.

“The fighting spirit of the warrior profession is relatively violent, with strong power amplification and high destructiveness.

The guard profession has stable and thick fighting spirit, high defense and strong recovery power, but its destructive power and attack range are much smaller than those of warriors.

The archer's fighting spirit is light, agile, and swift, and the arrows he shoots are silent and high-speed.

However, people with the same profession but different shapes also have different shapes. Some archers have a stable character, and the arrows they shoot are very powerful and heavy, like a hammer blow, but their speed and armor-piercing ability are slightly inferior.

Soldiers are the same, some are steady, some are violent, some are jumpy, and there are thousands of them.

And this is fighting spirit. "

Fang Bai was thoughtful.

"Bag's profession should be guarding, with earth element fighting spirit, and his strength should be biased towards defensive counterattack.

It was really tough that day. First, I killed him with an axe, then with a rhinoceros stab, and finally with an enhanced fireball.

And the vision of Bagh's armor at that time should also be fighting spirit.

Resonate with the armor with fighting spirit to gain the boost brought by the armor.

This is equipment. The effect of the equipment is that violent fighting spirit can increase attack power, and thick fighting spirit can increase defense power. By matching different equipment, professionals can form a variety of combat routes. "

At this moment, Fang Bai's world suddenly became clear.

"No wonder Bage treats me like a barbarian, no wonder he still looks down on me so much even if I change jobs.

I see. "

"Changing classes is just to lay a transcendent foundation, form your own fighting spirit, and then create a combat route based on the nature of your own fighting spirit. This is a truly formed combat professional."

At this moment, even Fang Bai was a little excited.

Calm down and use your mental power to slowly capture the gold element in the fantasy space.

For normal professionals, this step should be completed with natural materials and earthly treasures or crystal nuclei of the same attribute. However, for Fang Bai who has mental power, he can use his mental power to capture it from the environment.

Wisps of gold elements were controlled and pulled into the body. These gold elements could not be integrated into the body and were like foreign objects.

This is normal.

After pulling in a certain amount of gold elements, Fang Bai stood up and began to exercise.

The exercise is not complicated, but it activates every muscle in the body.

As the exercise intensified, his muscles were completely awakened, and Fang Bai's heart rate also increased step by step. His strong heart squeezed the bright red blood throughout his body, washing every muscle.

During this repeated process, a light red aura slowly emerged.

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