Ice cold!

When Fang Bai stared at this eye, his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body was shivering.

But using mental power to scan it found nothing, it was as if the mark did not exist.


However, this feeling only lasted for a moment before a virtual panel that was different from the property panel appeared in front of me.

"The mark of the evil god is found, the emergency procedure is activated, and it is being cleared."

At this moment, Fang Bai found that the small white tower in his mind was moving, and he quickly looked inside.

I saw a faint light emitting from the small white tower suspended in the middle of my mind. The light condensed into a beam and fell towards Fang Bai's palm.

Fang Bai felt that he could stop the White Tower. It seemed that the White Tower would stop as soon as he thought about it.

A thought came to mind.

The beam stops.

Sure enough, this was not Fang Bai's illusion. This small white tower was indeed under his control, and he could control it freely with a single thought.

"Keep clearing."

Fang Bai's thoughts fell, and the beam of light immediately fell on Fang Bai's hand, directly hitting the mark in the center of his palm.

Fang Bai felt a burning pain in his palm, and the next moment the bloody sword-shaped mark was wiped away, and the feeling of being watched and cold all over his body just now dissipated.

At the same time, the words on the virtual panel also slowly changed.

"The mark has been erased."

"The mark of the evil god has been recorded, named: Blood Blade."

"The plane of the evil god has been locked. Do you want to enable cross-border teleportation?"

Looking at the words on the virtual panel, Fang Bai couldn't help but open his eyes wide and look at the little white tower in his mind again.

"You can still locate and teleport?

So awesome? What on earth is this little white tower?

It's just a stress reaction to the evil god's mark. At most, it can be called a protector.

After the mark can be erased, its first prompt is not to help the owner hide, but to help the owner locate the location of the evil god, and then ask whether to enable teleportation? !

What is the origin? "

Fang Bai looked at the little white tower in surprise. There was something wrong with his previous master!

Is the default reaction when encountering the Evil God is to teleport over and directly attack the Evil God?

Fang Bai quickly closed the properties panel, fearing that he had made the wrong click.

No matter how awesome he is, Xiaobaita is still awesome, not him.

What if I'm wrong? Even if the evil god shows up his health bar, he can't beat him.

Talk about it later, talk about it later.

Fang Bai didn't realize that not only Xiaobaita and his former master, but also that he had no respect for the evil god.

You know, Fang Bai deeply understands that this is not just a game.

Fang Bai couldn't help but recall the word "Blood Blade" again and wanted to recite it, but he still held back.

If someone mentions the right person, it won't be fun to look at you again.

"We'll talk about it later, when there's a chance."

Fang Bai chuckled, and the depressed mood just now was gone.

"But, can this little white tower be used?"

Fang Bai went to control the Little White Tower with some anticipation, and then received familiar information again.

"Please find a place to place it as soon as possible."

Seeing that he was still like this, Fang Bai shook his head slightly and got out of his mind.

Turning his head to look in the direction of Bagh Town, he recalled the word duel on the attribute panel just now.

"That means no, otherwise I will just call a dump truck to kill you!

You dare to have a fight! "

Fang Bai narrowed his eyes.

"Who is afraid of whom?"

Although there is no longer a forced duel by the evil god, Fang Bai will still go to the appointment on time.

Just kidding, if you duel with me as a player, who is afraid of whom?

Since you invited me, let's have a fair and just knight duel with you!

Fang Bai returned to the blacksmith shop and sank into the fantasy space. Without any hesitation, he immediately started preparations.

He will go all out for this fair duel!

This is his chivalry!


Make a gun!

In the fantasy space, Fang Bai narrowed his eyes slightly while playing with the seamless steel pipe.

The quasi-three-refined seamless steel pipe shone coldly in Fang Bai's hands.

Circles of spiral rifling can be seen through the hole.

When a blacksmith reaches Fang Bai's level, it basically means doing everything by hand.

Perhaps what the mechanical blacksmith replaces in the mage civilization is the industrial machine tool in the technological civilization.

A higher-level mechanical forger means a more advanced machine tool with higher processing precision and wider processing range.

Fang Bai thought like this and immediately continued to forge.

After a while, pure steel bullets as thick as a finger appeared in Fang Bai's hand.

Fang Bai held a closed barrel, and with a thought, the condensed spell scroll took effect directly.

A fist-sized fireball appeared and was compressed to the size of a thumb. The next moment, the fireball flew into the barrel from the front, followed closely by a bullet.


The fireball exploded out of control, and the barrel of the gun turned into countless fragments, wrapped in flames and tearing Fang Bai's body apart.

The bullet fired from the gun tip lost its accuracy and hit Fang Bai right between the eyebrows.


Immediately after his body was torn apart, Fang Bai's head also shattered like a watermelon, with red and white stuff sputtering out, and then disappeared in the flames.


Fang Bai, who had only recovered from the pain of death after a while, breathed in cold air.

“I just want this taste, it’s strong enough!”

After Fang Bai regained consciousness, he immediately recorded it in the experiment notebook.

Although he was killed just now, this was his fantasy space, and his mental power was always paying attention to every data.

Therefore, the cause, time, power of the fireball explosion, the trajectory of the bullet, the process of the barrel breaking, etc. were all under his attention, and every detail was recorded.

"The strength of the barrel is too low, and the strength and toughness are insufficient. Materials that are accurate to the third level cannot be used. At the very least, it must be a third level barrel."

"The compressed fireball lasts for at most one moment, and it cannot collide with anything during this moment, otherwise it will explode immediately.

And in this instant, I had to complete the process of inserting the fireball into the chamber, loading the bullet, and aiming.

This is not realistic at all, so front-loading is not possible and must be done at the back. "

"And then there's the rifling."

"There's something wrong with the bullets, too."

"The length of the barrel also needs to be modified."

Each data was recorded in the experiment notebook. Based on these records, Fang Bai quickly designed new drawings.

Soon after, another experiment.


The firearm itself turned into a grenade again, turning into fragments and flying fireballs all over the sky, proving that even the third-grade steel pipe could not withstand the internal explosion of the fireball.

But unlike before, this time Fang Bai was not within the explosion range.

Fang Bai is not stupid either. Although he won't die, it will hurt him if he explodes in vain.

"Speaking of which, just using it as a grenade is more powerful and more lethal than the original single fireball technique.

If I can specially make fragments with strong armor-breaking properties and mix them in, maybe the fireball technique can also have an armor-breaking effect. "

Fang Bai put this idea aside for the time being and started experimenting with the last barrel.

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