I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 54: I'm So Lucky! [Please Collect It! ]

The humanoid creature moved too fast, and several times it broke through Sheng Rui's restraint and rushed into the crowd.

Fortunately, Director Ao, a heavy armored warrior, has been protecting them, and with Chen Weifeng's control, the crisis was resolved.

Otherwise, once Shi Yue and Baozi were killed, they would lose their long-range main output and recovery, and they would be 100% wiped out.

As time went by, the balance of victory gradually tilted towards Director Ao and others.

Under the thunderous bombardment, the humanoid creature was like a piece of charcoal, emitting bursts of green smoke.

The original strong stench in the air also turned into a burnt smell.

A series of shrill wails echoed in the jungle.

Director Ao frowned and worriedly said, "Will it attract other monsters if it calls like this?"

"It's possible, a quick battle!" Sheng Rui said seriously.

This humanoid creature has realized that something is wrong, and tried to escape several times, but was forcibly dragged back to the battlefield after Sheng Rui activated the Tianjiaoli skill.

Hearing this, Director Ao glanced at the skill CD and immediately swung his sword to cut out a scarlet sword energy.

Killing sword energy!

This sword energy was like a blood moon, extremely strange.

In the extremely horrified eyes of the crowd, the blood-colored sword energy actually directly cut the humanoid creature in half in an instant!


The damage value of up to four digits slowly floated up.


The humanoid creature didn't even have time to wail, and the two halves of the body fell softly to the ground.




This horrible damage made everyone gasp.

Sheng Rui widened his eyes and looked at Director Ao with horror on his face, and said in disbelief: "Old Ao, you TM are cheating!"

"I'm not dazzled... 3899, this damage is too exaggerated!" Shi Yue was confused.

Director Ao himself was also stunned, with a blank face.

After a moment, he suddenly slapped his thigh and said in surprise: "Haha, I know! It actually triggered! It's really a magical skill, awesome!"

"What magical skill, you TM tell me! I'm so anxious!" Li Weifeng shook his shoulder and urged.

After calming down his excitement, Director Ao coughed twice and explained: "The skill of the Shura clan, the killing sword energy comes with a beheading effect. When the target's health is lower than 20%, there is a 1% chance of triggering. Once triggered, the target can be directly beheaded."

To be honest, it is extremely difficult to trigger this beheading effect.

First, the target's health must be lower than 20%, and then when the skill is released, there is a 1% chance of triggering.

The killing sword energy also has a CD, and it can't be released several times in a battle.

And this probability cannot be superimposed, it is always 1%, it should be extremely difficult to trigger.

I don't know what kind of shit luck Director Ao had, he actually triggered the beheading effect at the critical moment.

Sheng Rui said speechlessly: "Your luck is second to none!"

"To be honest, Lao Ao, you can go buy lottery tickets!" Shi Yue encouraged.

First, he paid 10 fairy jades to learn the skill, and the one in a million chance was hit, and now such a low probability skill effect is triggered, and it all happened within one day, which is second to none!

"Fuck, this monster gives a lot of experience!"

At this moment, Sheng Rui suddenly exclaimed.

After hearing this, everyone glanced at the experience bar and found that this monster actually increased their experience bar by 10%!

Shi Yue was surprised and said: "Awesome, that is to say, if you kill nine more monsters like this, you can level up!"

"The monster exploded equipment!"

Director Ao said, and walked forward quickly, picked up the exploded equipment, and displayed it in the team interface.

[Insidious Staff] (Green)

Spirit +49

Constitution +20

Special effect: When releasing the skill, there is a 30% chance that the target will be infected with corpse poison, causing 1% of the target's maximum health per second, lasting 3 seconds!

Equipment level: Blood Sea Realm Level 5

Equipment requirements: Hundred Flowers Clan, Sub-Immortal Clan


"Green... green equipment!"

"The attributes are too damn powerful!"

"How much is this worth? At least a million!"

Everyone's voices trembled.

Although it has been almost a month since the game was officially launched, green equipment is still a rare commodity due to the low explosion rate of the game.

On the official forum, many rich people post messages every day to collect green equipment, and the prices they offer are at least six figures.

The key is that the attributes of this green equipment are too strong, and it comes with corpse poison special effects. After the Sub-Immortal Clan players equip it, their output will instantly increase by several levels.

If you meet a buyer you like, it is no problem to sell it for two or three million.

"How to deal with it?" Sheng Rui said, looking at Director Ao, hoping that he would make a decision.

Director Ao pondered for a moment and nodded: "I personally suggest that this staff should be used by Shi Yue."


Shi Yue was stunned and waved his hand: "But I don't have that much money!"

"No, you don't need to pay!"

Director Ao shook his head and said: "You are the only long-range output in the team. This staff can make you more powerful. In this way, the efficiency of our team's monster spawning can be increased several times in the future, and the probability of exploding good equipment will be higher!"

"That's right! And this monster is almost always dealt damage by 66. According to the DPS distribution, it should also be given to you!" Sheng Rui nodded.

For this staff, it is impossible for Shi Yue to say that he is not tempted.

I believe that any sub-immortal player can't resist the temptation of this equipment.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Yue said seriously: "I can't take it. Everyone in the team has contributed!"

Chen Weifeng also advised: "Don't be hypocritical! This staff is in your hands, and we can also benefit. The meritorious mission has just begun. With this equipment, it will be easier and more efficient to kill monsters next time!"

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