I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 74: Destroy That City! [2/5]

The Green Spider Demon Emperor dared not go to the area with the six stone statues again.

This time, the backhand of the demon emperor completely frightened him. Since 60,000 years ago, he came across the long river of time and attacked brazenly. This kind of heaven-reaching method was simply horrifying to him.

At least before breaking through the emperor, he would not go there again.

However, it did not go to that area, but it did not mean that it would ignore it.

The female emperor of the sub-immortal clan was recovering, and the broken heaven was also brewing a plan. The city and countless ants were the best proof.

After all, it was different from other demon emperors. Other demon emperors had a way out. At most, they could just leave and return to the source of darkness.

But it had no way out and could not retreat.

It must kill the female emperor of the sub-immortal clan at the beginning of recovery and destroy the plan of the broken heaven.

Moreover, it had already understood the backhands of those emperors.

These emperors' backhands needed an opportunity to appear. 11 And this opportunity is likely to be the division of realm strength.

Thinking of this, the Green Spider Demon King asked: "Whose jurisdiction does that city belong to?"

"Master Demon King, that... that place belongs to my jurisdiction!" The dark creature who spoke was named Lan Xiu.

Lan Xiu's voice trembled slightly, and he didn't understand why the Green Spider Demon King asked this.

Just now, two warriors in the Heaven Realm were called into the hall and never came out again, leaving only a small piece of crisp meat and some bloodstains.

The structure of dark creatures is a pyramid structure.

Each Demon King controls a large number of dark creatures and stands at the top of the pyramid.

And down below, these dark creatures are divided into several areas, which are governed by warriors of the next level of strength. And each area will be subdivided into many small areas, and then managed by the next level of dark creatures... and so on.

The internal law of the jungle is respected, and the strong are respected. You can kill at will as long as you are strong enough.

At the beginning, after the Green Spider Demon King threw himself into the darkness, he killed a Demon King with his own hands and sat in this position.

The female head of the Green Spider Demon Emperor stared at Lan Xiu and ordered: "Go back and inform those reptiles to flatten that city tomorrow. As for the ants in the city, kill them all. Don't test any of them!" As he spoke, the shadow of a moonlight grass appeared in the hall. It pointed at the moonlight grass and continued: "In addition, pay attention to this plant. Once you bring it back, this demon emperor will reward you handsomely!" Trample... flatten that city? Suddenly, Lan Xiu's expression changed drastically, and his eyes were full of horror. What happened just now is still vivid. A great emperor came across the long river of time. What a terrible thing. You know, in front of the great emperor, even the Green Spider Demon Emperor has no power to resist, let alone it. This order is simply to let it die! For a while, the eyes of the other generals looking at it were full of sympathy and secret joy. It has been said that the dark creatures are extremely bloody inside. Once Lan Xiu dies, they can take advantage of the situation to annex the dark creatures and the scope it controls and strengthen themselves. At this moment, the Green Spider Demon King suddenly said: "By the way, you don't have to go in person! Just let those reptiles go!"

"Yes, sir!"

Lan Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes filled with ecstasy of surviving a disaster.

So the other generals looked very disappointed.

The reason why the Green Spider Demon King said this was that he was worried that Lan Xiu's cultivation level would be an opportunity to launch the back-up plan of the other emperors.

The reason why he was lucky enough to save his life this time was thanks to the fact that the Silver Scale Demon Queen was strong enough and there was a living ancestor of the Great Emperor at the source of darkness.

But after this war, the Great Emperors at the source of darkness suffered a great loss and obviously would not make a move again.

When the time comes, the Great Emperor's back-up plan will appear, and then he will not be so lucky.

Thinking of this, the Green Spider Demon King felt that it was not safe, and ordered: "The creatures with the cultivation level of the Earth Profound Realm don't have to go, just let...the little guys in the Godly Realm take the reptiles!"

The Earth Profound Realm, which can use the power of rules, is not safe either.

Therefore, the Green Spider Demon Emperor finally decided to let the dark creatures of the Divine Realm take action.

When it came to the sky above the city before, its divine sense spread out, and it had long been aware that the ants in the city were very weak, and the strongest was only at the Divine Realm.

The cultivation of the Divine Realm was enough to flatten the city!

As for Qin Ge, after merging with the Heavenly Dao, his aura was blocked, so it was normal that the Green Spider Demon Emperor could not detect it.


After giving the order, the Green Spider Demon Emperor closed his eyes again.

This time, the source was injured, and it might take a long time to recover. It must recover its cultivation as soon as possible, otherwise it is very likely that other demon emperors will attack it.


The six warriors walked out of the hall quickly, and Lan Xiu glanced at the other 200 people with cold eyes and disappeared on the spot.

The City Lord's Mansion.

Qin Ge was holding a jade bottle and watering the moonlight grass.

The water in the jade bottle is spiritual root water, which can only be condensed in places where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely rich, and it is very rare.

These spiritual root waters were recently released by the meritorious mission and were found by players from the ruins of a sect.

If someone used spiritual root water to water the moonlight grass 60,000 years ago, he would probably be beaten to death.

This is too much of a prodigal son!

Spiritual root water is extremely precious. Even the strong men in the Tianzun realm don’t have much. It is generally used to cultivate holy medicines and divine medicines.

Qin Ge certainly knows how precious spiritual root water is, but in his opinion, this moonlight grass is more valuable than any holy medicine or divine medicine.

At this time, the light ball on the leaves of the moonlight grass has undergone some changes.

The light is restrained, like a white cocoon, and then slowly turns from virtual to real.

At this time, Tiandao suddenly said: "I sense that the dark creatures nearby are becoming restless and seem to be gathering!"

"Restless? How many?" Qin Ge asked.

"Hundreds and tens of millions!".

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