I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 91: The Soul Hidden In The Stone Sculpture

Not long after, Han Xiaoleng dealt with all those people.

Seeing that their health points were all gone, Han Xiaoleng just smiled and picked up all the equipment.

After all, he got a lot of equipment and weapons from Qin Ge, so how could Han Xiaoleng be bad?

The things installed on the three-meter Miao Dao were enough to make Han Xiaoleng dominate the world.

But the giant bird was frightened by Han Xiaoleng's strength. Under Han Xiaoleng's gaze, the giant bird flapped its wings and flew away.

But as soon as the giant bird left, many monsters ran over, like a group of wild boars with protruding mouths.

The long horns extending from their noses were very sharp, like curved blades.

Han Xiaoleng just glanced at them, then held the weapons in his hands and waved gently.

"Come on, let me see your abilities."

Hearing this, the wild boars were angry and immediately rushed to Han Xiaoleng's "300", although their movements were fast.

But Han Xiaoleng turned over and jumped, and actually cut off their long horns of scimitars.

At the moment when they were all cut off.

Han Xiaoleng's eyes were excited and excited.

But after a moment, Han Xiaoleng calmed down.

Because these wild boars have another ability, that is, thick skin and flesh.

The Miao Dao could not make them skinned and fleshy, which shocked Han Xiaoleng.

Although it was unbelievable, Han Xiaoleng still gritted his teeth and chose to jump to the stone wall beside him.

After finding an opportunity, he moved down again. Although Han Xiaoleng had a lot of equipment in his hands, the skin of these wild boars was really too thick.

Half an hour later, Han Xiaoleng didn't hurt a wild boar.

And those wild boars became more and more angry and rampant. Not only did they attack Han Xiaoleng's weaknesses, but they also made Han Xiaoleng feel miserable.

After a moment, Han Xiaoleng was knocked over by those.

Seeing that Han Xiaoleng couldn't get up, many wild boars laughed.

At this time, Han Xiaoleng just glanced at them and said decisively.

"I don't want to use magic to hurt."

Han Xiaoleng took out a ring.

It was secretly given to him by Qin Ge. Before leaving, Qin Ou thought of an important thing.

He decisively gave a ring to Han Xiaoleng, and then took Qinglin away.

The ability of that ring is that it can be used together with the Miao Dao.

When Han Xiaoleng put on the ring, he picked up the Miao Dao and swung it, and the damage to the wild boars was not so simple.

With one slash, blood splashed on the stone wall beside.





The wild boars in the front thought that Han Xiaoleng's next attack was like tickling, without any effect.

But they didn't expect that this time it was full of lethality, directly making them skin and flesh burst, and blood flowed.

After a group of wild boars fell, the wild boars behind were also scared and retreated.

But Han Xiaoleng took advantage of the victory to pursue and completely eliminated these wild boars.

The biggest also means full.

In the blink of an eye, Han Xiaoleng picked up a lot of equipment, most of which were elixirs and weapons.

Han Xiaoleng picked them up and revealed the Nanguan control.

Most of the elixirs were for blood supplements, although Han Xiaoleng already had enough.

There was a market transaction on each player's control page.

They could hang their extra items on it.

The crystals they got were like currency and could be used for the next transaction.

Just when Han Xiaoleng was happy, he had just hung up those things, and the next second, something unexpected happened.

Just after hanging up five blood-replenishing pills, they were swept away.

Of course, Han Xiaoleng's bag also had tens of thousands of crystal stones.

This was more than a good thing for Han Xiaoleng.

Although happy, Han Xiaoleng still gritted his teeth and calmed himself down.

Next, he had to continue his journey.

Not long after walking deep into the magic cave, Han Xiaoleng also saw various stone sculptures.

Those stone sculptures seemed to pose no threat, but their eyes and expressions were vivid. In a flash, Han Xiaoleng thought a stone sculpture moved, and almost took out the Miao Dao to split the stone sculpture in two.

Fortunately, these were just dizziness.

Han Xiaoleng also breathed a sigh of relief.

When he walked deep into the cave, Han Xiaoleng found that this was actually a place to worship stone sculptures, and there was no road inside.

Helplessly, Han Xiaoleng could only slowly withdraw, but when he walked out, he found that every step was extremely long.

The flickering light in front is the candle left by Han Xiaoleng.

But why can't I get to the candle after walking for so long?

Before he figured out the reason, Han Xiaoleng felt a heaviness on his shoulders, as if something was approaching.

The next second, Han Xiaoleng saw the stone sculptures standing side by side, and at the same time, he rushed towards him.

Although he was drowsy, Han Xiaoleng still picked up the Miao Dao and slashed at them.

Although the stone sculptures were split into two, this was magic damage. Even if Han Xiaoleng brought physical effects, he couldn't hurt them at all.

Even because the stone sculptures were cut, a wisp of soul sealed inside floated out.

"I finally ran out."

"I thought there would be no day to see the light of day again, but I didn't expect you to be so sensible and let us out of bed.

"Not bad, since you are so sensible, then we will give you some benefits, which can be regarded as a reward. "

As he spoke, the few wisps of light soul floated to Han Xiaoleng's side.

At this time, Han Xiaoleng decisively put on the ring, picked up the Miao Dao and chopped again. Although there was no blood bar prompt, there were treasures falling on the ground.

[Congratulations on your first-level disguise.]

[Congratulations on your first-level sleight of hand.]

[Congratulations on your first-level cultivation.]

Before Han Xiaoleng could react, the other stone sculptures leaned against the wall, and the colored steel mechanism was activated, and those stone sculptures disappeared.

Han Xiaoleng was completely stunned.

If I guessed correctly, this time I should have caught a big fish. If I let those stone sculptures go easily, I would have to wait until the end of time to receive these treasures next time.

Looking at the mechanism on the wall, Han Leng quickly started it.

Who knew that the land flipped over, and Han Xiaoleng felt dizzy.

The next second, the whole person flipped inward, and Han Xiaoleng fell to the ground .

But because of the glimmer of the ring on Han Xiaoleng's hand, the stone sculptures 5.7 had no chance to approach and could only watch quietly.

After Han Xiaoleng woke up, this guy picked up the Miao Dao again and prepared to chop over.

Seeing this, many stone sculptures were dissatisfied and then set off decisively to another place.

Even if they moved quickly, it was meaningless.

After all, when the Miao Dao chopped and broke into pieces, the souls sealed in the stone sculptures also jumped up in an instant.

Han Xiaoleng was quick-witted and solved them.

Seeing that all these guys were taken down, Han Xiaoleng also showed an excited smile on his face. Although he was happy, Han Xiaoleng's face sank again in a moment.

[Congratulations on obtaining the first-level beauty technique. ]

[Congratulations on obtaining the Charm Book. ]

[Congratulations on obtaining the Assassination Technique. ]

What are these rewards?

It seems to be useless. .

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