I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to the youth Wishing Section 116

The stone is refurbished by a thousand flowers filled with a full voice, and she doesn't know how to have a small carton in her hand, may be a life to simulate the big rich man with unrecognizable spit as garbage.

"Believe one, this game can be improved according to the suggestion of the last time! You will be super fun."

In the Fujihara, you forgot what excuses used to call us?

Snow was originally thinking so, but considering that it is not the servant, it is a temporary station of the Qi Zhisheng College Student Association, she just watched a thousand people.

"Don't play."

"I reject."

Have to say, the last game experience is a very bad memory for silver royal lines and brilliance.

They got a person who watched his favorite and gave birth to many children and lonely ended. The other has experienced a series of physical and mental tortures such as middle-age crisis financial crisis.

At least in the attitude of the game provided by the thousand flowers, they have a stunning tacit understanding.

"Hey ... how can you!? Hui Night, play with me ..."

Thousands of flowers have made their strongest kills - spoiled, then ... the effect is pulled out.

However, when Hui Night has to say "I don't have a good way to get the thousand flowers", the silver royal line is almost the rhythm of the brilliant night opening.

"So, the classmates under the classmates and the snow are the students of Feng Ziqi. As a member of the Student Association, thousands of flowers have to take out some episodes, and there is also Hui Night, as the Vice President, can't let too let go Thousands of flowers. "

"Mr. Xuanwu and Snow are coming to accompany us, this is very early! The president is really too serious, not to mention ... Is it still done now?"

Although there is no position or attitude, it is not necessary to stand, but it is judged from tone, and the thousand flowers are the occupied one.

"Is there something?"

Sure enough, it is the lack of intelligence ... Although the silver royal line still does not move, but the heart is secretly sighing.

The first encounter at the bonfire party, and in Feng Zhiqi's meeting, these are what they already know, but ... I have not excavated things, how much?

"It's okay to say, but if you want to play, will you bother you?"

And also able to feel the alert and hostility of silver royal line, but he naturally does not compare with the opponent's needle.

It is better to say that the attitude of the other party will be its own arm.

"Moreover, do you have to play the table game to play with me?"

"I almost forgot! Mr. Xuanwu is able to show any points you want ... What should I do?"

Have to say, this is a very distressed thing, but it is still within the scope of the three IQ.

"Since Mr. Xuanwu is a couple, then ... In the game, according to the number of points in the game, it will be better than before, this kind, Mr. Xuanwu wants to cheat, there is no way?"

"If it is my own words, I will hold the mentality of playing, but in the case of helping the snow, I am sure every effort to go all out."

And laughed and laughed, I still didn't forget to touch it on the head of the snow. The original gesture's portainee has become cute next time in this relative.

"In front of others, please don't do these shy moves."

Snow is not to know, the red face says that such a serious thing is a lovely gesture in others.

Although I said that "Snow is very cute", the snow is still lacking in this understanding of the charm of girls.

She self-thinking at this time is strict, but in the view, it is simply nothing to follow.

"Sure enough, it is a couple ..."

In the world of thousands of flowers, if something can be over "Table Games" in your leisure time, then everything related to love.

Love gossip, love dremy ​​... As long as you follow your love, then you will never let go for a thousand flowers.

"So, I remember that at the previous campfire evening, although Xuanwu did not have a couple who had a couple, but the super intimate, now in love with the snow ... it is difficult, and Mr. Xuanwu is the legendary pair of legs. No burdening slag men? "

Well, I am.

"Scabei sister knows that I have the relationship with Xue Nai, the snow also knows what I follow the scabbies, I feel that in such cases, I am likely to lame?"

You have to get it, you will get into eight jars.

Just like and impossible to declare the recognition, the snow is also just a surely replied to the eyes and also eyes.

"It's really complicated ... Is this the world of adults? However, Mr. Xuanwu is clearly with us."

About "Love" understanding, thousands of flowers are obviously only in the "topic" and "gossip" to extent, so she can't find the vulnerabilities existing in the words.

"You can interact with the masters of Miss, and those in the underground boxing race, the vine is too small to see the classmates."

The person who gave a fatal blow is stone, and he has always been silent. He seems to have to catch the key, straight and look at it, he will return his eyes to the laptop in front of him.

"Yacheng classmates, should it be an ordinary boxer or a fight home?"

The strongest boxing skillsman ... Yachel and also.

Only on the computer screen of the stone can see, it is showing that is the same information, although it is just the most lightweight part, but it is also enough to realize how dangerous this person is.

Although there is no business in this area, there is still aware of this, because his home's toy companies are also one of the boxing associations.

He even viewed a boxing of a boxing, the Hean Spring male named "Destroying King", with an overwhelming advantage to win in a new generation of game consoles, and their own fighting technicians were broken the arms at the time. And right legs.

He forgot could not attend the tragic scene in the fighting skills, and the same age in front of him, there was a danger of far-river spring men ... monsters.

It seems that there is a need to do it with the remaining student members who have unconscious students.

Section 150 Chapter 146 Yacheng and the Pig Turp

"Although it is true, but here, I am just a regular student."

And also calmly admitted that "unusual" in his body, but his explanation really listened to some intriguing.

"Even I have recently worried about learning grades. If there is snow, I will have a lot of courses."

"That's because it's too much to relax."

Everyday noon is the most enjoyable time since this time, therefore, she is talking about these things, her face has not yet faded down, equipped with a slightly red cheek, and there are also many natural temperament. A few points close to warmth.

At this moment, the people of the Student Association of the Xiko Academy seem to have seen the bright light of the morning sun that is reflected by the dewdrops.

That is only that the relationship between the couple has already finished the so-called "love ABC" stage, and the god is bright.

"It's so ..."

Even if you want to find shadows hidden in this ray, the stone can only stay in this lack of significant sigh.

He believes that you can learn about 5% to 6 percent of the eyes through your eyes, but whether it is still snow, the bright crystal light is not fake.

"Generally speaking, this is basically the case, saying that all the ordinary people are in the case?"

And also calmly realize the whole dialogue, even if he transferred the topic at this time, people feel that there is a meaningful meaning.

"Said so much, it is better to play the board game brought together. If it is really like a thousand flowers, the game rules have improved before it has been improved," should be no problem. "



"Although this is an extremely familiar game rule for Yacheng Jun and Xi Zhi College, I feel that I still need to be familiar with it."

In the face of "the same as ordinary luxury games", the lack of the rules of a little actual meaning, the lady under the snow is very distressed.

"I didn't have access to such desktop games, according to the intelligence of the jun, this should be based on the throwing dice point to determine the process of the game, I am also not good at this point."

"If you play games, you have to relax, snow is!"

If you say, who is the most exciting in everyone, then of course, it is a thousand flowers. At this time, she occupied the next position, smiled and gently hit the shoulders of the snow.

"If it is a novice, it will generally have the luck of ordinary people!"

"However, before the Fujihara Secretary, Yahun can be able to make a victory of the winning party because of any of the points you want, I didn't master this skill. How can you be better than me? ...... For example, there are five or six times in ten times to get the number of points you want ... "

In the end, Miss, which loved more real snow did not understand the essence of the game.

"The dice is just to look at the luck, and the skills like Xuanwu itself is a foul!"::

During the speech, thousands of flowers have spread their cards representing the incident, obviously, can't wait to start the game.

"If you say it back, even if you want to take care of your girlfriend, under the premise of the incident represented by the plaid, the number of rinsing points may play unexpected effects, Mr. Xuanwu!"

"I will try my best to protect the snow."

Get the dice to the weight, and also express quite a bamboo in the chest.

"Since the scorpion is in my hand, then start here from me ... is wrong, if it starts from me, then it should be coming first."


Snow is a card on the desktop in front of the desktop. It is not allowed to fall into the meditation. After he picks up the dice from and also, she uses the hairdressing hair, and the eyes are completely serious.

"I will cheer."

"Is six!"

In the face of snow, it seems that the flag of the flag is average, the thousand flowers can't help but survive, but just put the laughter who represents and also places it in the corresponding geothertal, and the smile on her face is very scheduled. .

"Yes ... incident plaid!"

"That is, there is a possibility possible?"

Lenovo has experienced "start killing" experienced on stone, and also speculating the possibility of this situation.

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