I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use fists to youth Wishing Section 118

"I always feel that Mr. Xuanwu is not able to say this kind of person."

"This should be often said, people don't look at it?"

" ."

Although I have known the same time, I really have such a suspect, but I can't help but smirk it.

"I also feel that I am in this past, every time I saw Mr. Xuanwu, the girls around me are different ... Snow, or I will listen to you?"

After this, it is obviously not too big. She really wants to see, the temperament is indifferent, but it is still a gentle and gentle snow is the temper. What is the temper?

"The first time is a lady, the second is Miss Winter Malays, the third time is me ... If you say that Yaowei is not concealing, there should be only so much."

Snow's statement made the little thing in the past, and she had to say that she was very suitable at this time.

"If there is a few differentities in the normal interpersonal relationship between the other party, it can't be accepted. Is that some of the heart?"

"The expression of Snow is occasionally happy, otherwise, I always feel that it is being taught."

In the eyes of a thousand flowers, the "love topic" between the girl should be a light, but the eyes of the snow are always let her associate brilliant night.

Huye Night is good, just sometimes it is too serious ... There are two brilliant nights, although it is a happy thing, but think about it, it is always a bit distressed ...

"In fact, I still have a little curious, it is the classmate and also called the classmates. For couples, is it too serious?"

There is such a couple who looks more normal in front of the eyes, and the silver royal line will certainly do not miss the opportunity to collect information. Although he is very confident to his love, it is also extremely necessary to broaden the reference sample.

"In fact, no matter whether it is a thousand flowers or brilliant night, the name of the classmates is going to be close to others."

"Although it is a habit, it is ... don't close?"

Snow is thinking, in discovering that "Yahiu Mr." and "Mr. House", "Mr." Mr. "Soamed, his own title is really hard, she can't help but frowned.

"Is it?"

"The reason why habits is because it is the most comfortable situation."

Snow is always tangled in some slim places, and it is very experienced and naturally knowing how to resolve these small problems.

"Not only for snow, this is also a case where you can feel comfortable, let alone ... this is just in general, how can there be more private names?"


If the short half of the words, the first half is a pre-empathy, then the last sentence is full of explosions.

Private title ... Think about it, you can't help but think more.

"Yahiro, please don't suddenly say such a shy thing!"

Everyone has noticed that the snow is a change, although it is a change in a more serious and formal direction, Snow is also trying to suppress his voice to a "calm" level, but everyone I know that snow is no doubt when it is spoiled.

This is why it is said, even private, although it is very formal, it can't help but don't want it.

In response to "Yahiu Mr.", will there be "Miss Snow", on this, will there be something else ... more completely loved.

"Sorry Sorry ..."

And raise your hands to make a surrender.

"We still continue to play games, who is it?"

"It's so interesting topic, but you can't continue to talk ..."

Even if it is a thousand flowers, it also knows that it is suitable, but in the face of the game that suddenly became awkward, she can't help but sigh.

"I always feel that I can't get a game."

"So, please complete the business that doesn't play. I remember that the Fujihara Secretary was used with 'entrusted servant to provide assistance. Is it helpful? "

After the snow is gently coughed, the spin is about to put the hands on the knee, and after packing the mood, she returned to the appearance of the ice in the weekdays.

"Before the game starts, all transactions have been processed."

The stone has re-opened his laptop. After the saying, he worked on the headset.

"If you are looking forward to the expectation of the Fujihara Secretary, then the student will not operate smoothly."

"Actually, I said that it is too much! You are evil eggplant, family violent, Liu Hai's gloomy guy! Go to death!"

The thousands of flowers have improved their sounds, even if they have a coffee table between the night, they can't stop her from being spoiled to Hui Night.

"Oh ... then I am going to die ..."

The movement card on the stone died in front of the headset, and he was a slightly gloomy look and thoroughly became down. He left carefully and found that it was not like a gap in the school. After a while, he is unable to sit on the sofa.

"But don't ... I am really dead."


Silver Royal Bank didn't know how to say such a few times. Because there were outsiders, his tone was a little bit because of the pause, but the answer on the stone, as always, there is no feeling.

"I thought that your student's atmosphere will be very serious. However, occasionally this is also good."

Seeing this like a comedy scene, and I couldn't help but laugh, after the cheeks, he barely as a good manner.

"This kind of scene is actually almost everyday."

Even if Hui Night calculates the only one who has held a statement in a member of the Texos Institute, but it can't be doubtful.

"All in all, I will not bother, I will not bother, the rare school garden, I will leave a regret, you are also ... I have completed the work, I don't want to relax."

Section 153 Chapter 149 Chapter Love Tragedy: Opening

How to enjoy a school sacrifice, snow is a answer, but if the problem is changed to "enjoy a school to enjoy a school," so snow can only shook his head.

Prior to this, her academic space was a man who stayed in the corner of the person. Of course, there will occasionally there will be time.

If you must say the experience of participating, then you only look at the same number of school students who have dressed in cat ear servants when they first.

Therefore, when the hand is also holding his hand on a lively corridor, a variety of emotions are mixed in the heart of Snow.

Curious, panic, happy ...

Whether it is interested in unintentional night, it is still a variety of sounds in the ear, and it is something that I want to escape for the current snow.

However, I want to go with Yahi Mr. I will visit the school.

At this point in the heart, I have never shaken it, so I have to have a side of the heart, but she is always very chest.

"Snow is a bit nervous?"

"It's true to arbitrarily."

Your own mood is also summarized in such a simple word, and the snow is a little dissatisfaction, but the sound of the ear is very gentle, so her eyebrows are equally gentle.

"Before you speculate on the hearts of others, please, please, please, please, please."

"In fact, sometimes, the reason for causing the disorder of mental clues is often very simple, this is called ... I thought about it."

The school festival project of the class has just passed is a ghost house. The previous one is the cafe, and then forward ... "Stone exhibition collected in the campus"?

For these things, and it is also interested in lack of lack, so his attention is more in the crowd of snow or crowded.

"What is the class of Snow?"

"Star icon."

Snow is not much to give an answer.

"Although I said that I personally like the stars, I can't deny it. This is an idea used to be lazy. So ... Show the class event?"

"do not know."

Although it is very calm, it is still slightly ignorant when it is said that this sentence is still slightly.

"Because of the previous things, they often talk to this, I am either sleeping, either study."

"That's what can't be a matter ..."

Snow was removed from the face and also saw the end of the corridor because of the crowded man. She also sighed.

Thousands of classes are actually the enthusiasm of the visitors, and the strange things in it will only give this emotional snow.

"Now, should you get to the lunch time?"


Although it is not short to wait in our department, everyone who has spent a lot of time with the people of the school student meeting, but I have to have a lunch.

Just, and there is no poke this, because he is more likely to go shopping, he also wants to be alone with the snow.

However, this does not hinder his bonus to enjoy the blush from the snowy cheeks.

"What will I have today's lunch? This is quite expected."

"Nothing at all!"

Snow is of course a little meaningful, and the latter has no hidden ideas after all.

"I think, at least there is snow."



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