I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth Wishing Section 145

At the same time, at the same time, it was originally she thought that it was just a strong middle-aged middle-aged man who was passing by it. The hand was in the shoulders, and her look would be angry.

"And Jun ..."

"Rell-in disturbing is really sorry! But just like the rumors say, the most beautiful girl will always be around and side!"

The words of the middle-aged people talk are like his voice, and there is a lot of rudeness on the original move.

Just, and the action of the dining is not affected, fully chew the food in your mouth and swallow, he put down the knife and the middle-aged people.

"So, who you are?"

Ancient dragon water that does not meet taste is also inevitable, and the floor in this restaurant is a 36th floor. He does not mind to throw this man from a height of more than one hundred meters.

"My name is Yumian outlet."

The man said such a name, and after aware of the frowning of doubts, he further explained.

"The founder of the purgatory."


After the mouth, I also opened my hand on my shoulder.

"It is said that you said with the original hallway, 'You are here' this, I thought you can hear it!"

The smile of the Outu is still refreshing, but this more fell, and his eyebrows are like a lion, and the momentum of the madness.

"Take a way, this is the original father told me, after that, I have been thinking about how the first time I met with you."

"You will not be born with my hand, can you live in my hands?"

And asked, he is not good at speaking, he has always responded to these things in such a rough way.

"My muscles are cumbersome? I spent a lot of thoughts of training skills! You won't kill me, because I can give you something."

Perhaps because of the perspective of outline, the field is out of light at this time, even there is something to say some jokes.

"For example, I can tell you that after I separated from you, the next trip to the original father is to meet the four pagodae, which is the second meeting since a month. But I can know the things only. It is limited to this, after all, that is not the presidential voting election of the national publicity. "

"and so?"

"So, I will give you what you want. Then ... Yahhot and also, come here!"

Throw the chip on the table, then set the purpose, this is the most commonly used inclusive way in the field.

Despite rude, it is unfavorable, because he gives the chips, it is difficult to reject.

"About this matter, I will confirm it."

And nodded, did not give a clear reply.

He won't be stupid to believe in the word of Tin's outlet, and it is also impossible to think that the original landing hall will stand in herself.

In the case of reward, talent can have some choice, and for the sum of it ... no matter how the situation changes, he has a unique capital.

"No matter what, Yachank and also, remember to contact me after you make a decision."


"Of course, I can play this phone when I want to find some fun, this is my private number!"

"I will remember you, and I will look out."

Of the taste of the ancient dragon water, and the impression of the light of the field is actually good, at least the judgment of the senses.

"The last thing, my muscles are really cumbersome? Although I know that my talent is limited, my exercise is only this level in your opinion?"

The problem of is quite unexpected, maybe he is in the fighting field, it is always what he is proud of.

"You don't say it? You just exercise."

And the first time, I was looking forward to the light of the field. His calm eyes were really lacking a certain credibility before the latter.


"And Jun ..."

In the communication with the light of the field, the yarn is always unfair, she knows that she can't help it in these things, but he still wants to be able to share some sadness.

"The original temple, the field out of the field, the four palace softening ... These people are in the final analysis of a group of interest creatures, there is no right for them, and there is no mistake, only the interests, there are more interests."

And also put the business cards left in the Outlet in the hand, the biggest value of this small paper is not a customized platinum, but the contact information written above.

These two years, and also think that the most useful thing to learn from sheath incense is the judgment of "value". This seemingly volatile thing makes him to review himself with another angle.

"In their view, it is more important than the danger that will be killed by me, so they will choose to negotiate with me, but it is because of this danger, let them only choose to follow. I have negotiated. "

"Can you, change a way?"

And the gauze, holding and also palms.

"He is too dangerous."

"So I said ... I have shackles on my body, so I can only get something I want in the way."

And shook his head.

"However, my sister is actually worried, this level is not as good as ... an adventure game, a risk game that makes me."

"I remember ... You didn't say this before."

When I just came back, I also said these things, then I was on the same time as if I was carrying a mountain, now ... When I said these things, he seems to be just in helplessness.

Still, the mountain peak is generally loaded with a shackle of his hands and feet?

"Because, I realized something ... I also found that I have changed a lot."

And also collected the business card, and then picked up the knife fork again, but these movements were only concealed for emotions, and he had such a move in front of the yarn.

And the and yarns that look these in the eyes are used to respond with consistent eyes.

"Sister, can't you ... don't turn it into other things? Don't change ..."

This is a promise, too ... beg.

Obviously, this is not over-demanding, but it has been used in such a tone, and the gauze realizes that the uneasiness in the heart has accumulated this level.

"Will n't, and Jun."

"Sister ... the best."

Section 190, twenty-three chapters, seemingly opened

The so-called high school life, in most cases, its essence has not changed.

Therefore, even feeling that it is a quite subtle situation in a very subtle situation as an opening, and the mood is still not affected.

As a "foreign body" that suddenly appears in a new environment, and still consciously, let alone he has never had any idea to enjoy this time.

Perhaps the only known is a happy, it is possible to be in a class.

However, this life is in the way, actually starting with a boys ... this makes and look at the little fat man in front of you, I don't know what to do,

"You are that ... Yaowei and Mr.?"

The little fat man on the eyes is full of apple muscles and it seems to have some eyes, but he can confirm that you will meet with the other party.

Compared to these, let him care about this little fat man, obviously, the other party not only knows himself, but also knows his identity.

"So? Are you?"

"My name is the big house, the big house is fortunate! Do you really do it?"

When you were asked, when the name, the little fat man looked very excited, but he was tonifying again when he was emphasizing the question just now.

"You are ... Mr. Jian's son?"

From the child's surname, and it is also understood why he is familiar with each other.

He did have never seen this little fat, but he met his father, the president of Yi Guiwu bookstore, the big house, the mountain, the mountain, the wine friends who met in the Boxing Association, starting from the boxing, each other Did you drink yourself with him.

In this way, this is simply engraved from a mold.

"You are really ... Yachan and also !?"

The emotional emotions of the big house have become more and more high, and even doubt that he will not take out two metal flat pots from the pocket of the school uniform.

"Okay, quiet ... I am really what you think, what do you have?"

Looking at this side of this side, I watched it, and I couldn't help but sigh.

Although the Xi Zhizhi Academy did brief the descendants of the top class of the country, it can also encounter a person who recognizes himself, which is not in the same way.

"Just ... that ... please teach me how to fight!"

After short-lived, the little fat man said loudly after the 90th, his voice was completely attracted to the eyes of the whole classroom.

"Hey, feed ... you will be very troublesome."

And I don't know what to do for a while, even if you look at the big house, he can't throw the other son from the classroom.

But in addition, he can't think of any method that can completely reject this guy.

"Speaking, whether it is ice room, or golden field, it is a good fighting skill, you let them teach you? Take Jintian's personality, should you teach you?"

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