I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth wishing section 152

One-sighted thirteen episodes are really fragrant

There is also a sticker.


Gao Lang is actually killed by the Rules of the Goldenia

Look at a bit of suffocation

Section 199 Chapter 32 Chapter Ming and Dark

"Hui Night is absent because ... have a car accident !?"

When the Thousands of flowers say this news in the Student Chamber, everyone's first reaction is this is also a prank of a thousand flowers.

Only after the depression of the thousand flower expression, everyone slowly started the formal fact.

"I heard that the car suddenly lost control, then hit the wall of the road ... Because there is a safety belt, it is not in the hands of the night, but the spirit has been very serious."

"As a member of the Student Association, I think it is necessary to send a representative to visit her."

The proposal road of silver royal line.

"Still like the last time, use the game to decide? Although this is not to play, I will not lose to the president!"

Thousands of flowers are also a strong spirit, but only the situation is that she can't do it as usual.

"Why don't you come together?"

As the beginning of the people, there is no difference in the discussion of participation in the moment, and even when he talks, the expression and expression seem to have no difference.

"Although I said that the representative is really able to bring everyone's concern, but my mind is there ... still convey this better? And, use the winner of the board game to decide who to visit anything ... Hui Night know What will I be very subtle? "

"Although it is true ... But will there be too noisy when too many people go? After all, the current brilliance needs to be repaired."

There was no rhythm that was brought into thousands of flowers, and the silver rushed, although there was no need to have the eligibility of the visit to the night, then with the idea of ​​Hui Night, but he did worry.

"If friends are all, will Hui Night will be more peace of mind? And other people who have not been able to go, I will feel unfortunate."

Others at the scene naturally won't be suspicious, and after this, the silver royal line is no longer refuted.

Ever since, the collective visit after the student will end, and it will decide.


Just like thousands of flowers, there is no need to do for the addition to the student meeting for and the Snow.

Even if the shortcomings of today's brilliant night make the work that belong to her, the work is shared to others, but with the ability of snow, it is not difficult to handle together with the same one.

"Yahun ..." - Yachel and also pet cats.

And also here, when I saw the message tips of Line, I couldn't help but sigh my mouth, and the Snow was essayed with the idea that I had to say again.

Most importantly, she borrowed this and did not convey this fact that "I guessed some things".

"If you want to ask, ask."

In the gone of the text, the snow that doesn't like the lively is not a silence, and the angle of the bystander plus the pair and also understands that she can be more close to some of the truth.

"Miss Four Palace's car accident ..."

"That is what I did."

"After yesterday, I was separated from the snow. I first went to the place where she went home. When she passed the car, I took her car, and then greeted her. "

"In that case, the car is out of control is in the difficult thing."

Compared to snow, it is much more frank, and the action when typing is also extremely high.


After playing these words in the chat box, the snow does not want to know the answer from and also.

Maybe just as saying, he did greeted the night, but the other things he did were real focus.

As for the purpose of doing this ... It is absolutely not a wonderful thing.

Thought, the snow came up the mobile phone. She looked up and also noticed that the other party always laughed and looked at this side. It was much more than a memory, and it seems to laugh. Many.


"Snow is just a message to Mr. Xuanwu? It is clear that two people are in front of them! Is it difficult to talk?"

For thousands of flowers, you can find your favorite love in hundreds of boredies.

Perhaps because the atmosphere in the student activity room is really serious, she is suppressed, she shows more vigorous vitality than usual.

"After waiting for thousands of flowers, there will be some words that only want to say to lovers."

Lying will not have any psychological stress in and, in the case of Snow, because he is suddenly ambiguous, he will follow the topic from the thousand flowers.

"Is it?"

What kind of love will love?

Such imagination will have a girl who is in an adolescence, and the love of a blank girl will be attracted in the face of this problem.

Just like the current flowers, she has been in a chat topic with the snow or also. She has been biased.

"If you think about it, it's better to keep up with your friends, you will also want to get close your own lovers ... I remember that Snow said that in the event of the community, Mr. Xuanwu and Snow are exclusive!"

"Fujihara Secret Note ... If you want to go to see the Vice President of the Four Palace, it is best to throw himself to me. This is how much the efficiency is much higher."

The stone is rare from the laptop on the screen, although the voice is still there is no spirit, but he obviously notice that the snow is repeated after repeatedly being questioned.

"If you love the topic, whether on the way to the Vice President of the Fourth Mao, it is still a time to talk. And if you have been questioned, you will be dissent."

"Hey! Will it be blind? Although I will be annoying by snow?"

Obviously, the death of the relationship between "being resentful" is more than the relationship between "being disddhered", and it is probably not able to make a heartless snow when she faces her fairy. Answer.

"If the resentment, it will not, but it is a little bit of trouble."

And also reply to the snow.

"Thousands of flowers should be noticed, the face of Snow is already red."

"Yálijun, the most troubled thing is what you just said."

After glaring and after I got an eye, Snow didn't know where I was sight. The thousands of flowers were holding her arm and gently shaking, and the bright crystal scorpion is curious.

As for the continuation of the Sagit, Miss Snow, Miss Snow, I feel that my face will become more red.

Just ... how did you do this to keep this unscrupulous expression?

Section 200 33st chapter to make a spirit quickly

In a group, there is only a thousand flowers and silver royal lines to live in the night.

In addition to playing here, the former has basically arrived at a banquet for communication. As for the latter, it is visited in shortness of the night.

"Say, today is more than a few people before, ..."

For many thousands of flowers here, there is a strange thing.

Whether it is the black war guard in the door of the door, or the bodyguards patrolled, it is never had before, but it is the servant who works in an orderly manner in the next day, but it will not see the trace.

"I thought this is normal. When I last time, I only had a buser of glow night, which is not normal."

Silver Royal Dragonfly, I watched it, although I have been a glow night, but he still can't help but praise, but when you see other people who have seen the peers, he also rests. Express more shock ideas.

During the speech, the main entrance to the distance opened, and the people who came around were a bit in a hurry.

After seeing a person, the thousand flowers will run a few steps forward.

"Yantong Buffet! I am visiting the night!"

Even if you are in a kimono, you will never laugh, but the thousand flowers don't seem to converge with yourself. When she introduced the members of the Student Association, she couldn't tell the tone.

"You can come to see Hui Night, she is resting in her room, I will take you."

After receiving the people's question, the four-way gentleman colliled with everyone to go to the room, and he naturally could not see and also, but there was only a special reaction.

"Yantar is not very busy with us, is it going to go out?"

Only thousands of flowers can only be the end of the branches on the megadownload, say that her character is from the premature of the elders.

"After all, now the body of the night has a problem, as a father, I certainly pay attention to her health."

The four palace sannee replied, but the faceless face is really can't believe what he said.

"With your father, Hui Night must be able to make a spirit! And this time our students will be dispatched!"

The tone of thousands of flowers is still jealous.

"You have all the best for glow."

On the face of the four pagoda, the face has finally brought some smiles, and there are very few people who are infected by her emotions.

After arriving at the door of the night, the four-way gentleman went to the footsteps, and he didn't go in the heart of his daughter.

"Then I will send you all this, I don't bother you to get along with Hui."

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