I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to the youth wishing section 159

"I want to understand the move from the side of the side of the couple, then the best way is to communicate with the other party ...?"

Although he said hesitated, the fact that placed in front of me, let Silver Royal Dream can't refute.

And there is a love experience, and it is true that the girl is welcome, and it is completely different from him to put it out. Under such circumstances, he does not think that he needs his mouth hard.

"If you talk about what they talk, Xue is telling me, of course, we are the same here."

And it is also the same as a wins in the grip, it seems that everything is in his mastery.

"This way, silver your mind can be conveyed, Hui Night is also."

"After the other party wants to express, how many still appears?"

Stone raised the head from the computer, and the silver royal line, he did not trust it.

"And, I don't think it is true that you are saying is correct, and the perspective of love with ordinary people is not the same."

"But ... we can determine the heart of silver, while the night is there, there is snow that is so clear."

Even if it is questioned, and the intensive interested is still no impact.

"But I also think that something is not so simply like this."

"If you are confirmed, if it is my own passion, isn't it too long?"

In terms of love, the silver royal line probably stayed in the level of primary school students. When this sentence is said with a granular tone, his face is even slightly red?

"Who will not like to have two girls? The desperation after being refused is part of the youth!"

And also vigorously patted the shoulders of silver, it looks completely a look at people.

After the eyes of the two people, he shrugged.

"To tell the truth, I also want to make this part."

"Is this actually your voices?"

The expression on the stone becomes gloomy, and his lips turned, it seems to say something in very fast speed.

"Because it is really interesting, who is entangled in who contributes to what ..."

And there is no such thing as this.

"I think, after the end of the student event, silver, you are directly confessing to the night, it has become a way to master the so-called active and passive position after a couple. Moreover, the words of love are natural."

"Is this?"

Silver royal lines have not much alert, and that the stone knows that you can do it again, it is no longer talking.

"I said ... You have experienced so many things together, spend so long, in the case of being able to see yourself, why do you want to hesitate?"

It is fear that the feelings you have delivered will be treated roughly ...

Nothing, and also appeared such an answer in my mind, he would blamed this for no long aging, and didn't think about it.

"I remember that you will catch your hands together when you have a summer offer? At least one end of the summer?"


Silver Royal is ending in the seventeen years of summer, but there is no summer in the summer of life.

At the end of the summer, there will be a grand ceremony, then ... should there be any life?

Some inexplicable feelings from the heart of silver, this kind has already been planted, and now it is only a quarter of his brutality.

"I know."

"That's it!"

Looking at the eyes of Silver Royal Bank became a firm look, and the voice increased, he waved his fist and looked a little excited.

"To be honest, if you disclaim you with Hui Night trapped in the sports warehouse, it is not a small Mid, I will wait for you to kiss enough to open the door."

"Can you not say such a shy thing ?!"

Silver's face is completely red, but in anxious, he did not deny himself to kiss this.

"Don't ridicule me in this way when I just went to determine my mind?"


And the concerns are obviously different, from the eyebrows that he pick up, maybe it will appreciate this love comedy on this love comedy on the best seat.

"This afternoon?"

"It's a bit too fast ?!"

There is a huge fluctuation in the stone on the stone.

Especially when it is noted that the gas field on Silver Royal Bank did not shake because of the sum of it, he really didn't understand why his own president would be contaminated into a love brain.

And it is still for the devil, four or three guilty, who can kill the two or three people ...

"Since I doing a war, then, of course, it should be a drum!"

Silver Royal Dragonfly stood up, he waist his back and his eyes were firm, and there was a glitter on the golden chain in the chest.

Section 210 Chapter 43, Devil reached a wish

"That is to say, today's silver president is completely the result of the ghost fire in the back of the fan."

Recalling the scene in the student event room for a long ago, Snow is really unknown to think.

Therefore, although the results are not bad, but she is not so friendly when she is talking to, especially in confirming that the confession of the silver royal line is and also under the condition of poor mind.

"But the result is not bad, isn't it?"

Holding the snow is gently shaking, and it is a little joined in the same way.

"The two people are now completely immersed in pink love, thinking about thinking about it."

"But now the situation of the Fujihara Secretary is not interesting."

Silver Royal Bank successfully intended with Hui night, Snow was blessing in his heart, but he missed this scene of this scene because of the event of the Table Tour Department.

The specific manifestation is that Line, which is also with Snow Nime, is now in a bombed state, and other members of the student meeting in the same situation. It does not need Line's stone on the difficulty.

Only, everyone understands that tomorrow's students will start the beginning of the nightmare.

The thousands of flowers that are addicted to the "Love Topics" are crowded in this case, and it is conceivable that the knowledge will face how to have a storm.

It is said that he is familiar with Hui's night, she is going to the road of four palace at home.

"However, the purpose of Yacheng is more than this?"

"This is right."

And nodded, but I saw it from tone, he only admitted that I had a little bit of Pudding.

"The Sale of the four palace has a love object, but also a common person in a home background ... Think about it, when I just became close to your parents, I knew that the four palace homes will be known. What to do. "

"That is really ... bad ..."

Snow did not consciously played with his own red rope bundle. Obviously, the things that recalled were not beautiful for her.

However, even if so, she still puts the attention and also the purpose.

"However, once the two people are in love, the resistance caused by the difference in family background does not appear naturally?"

"Waiting for them to fall in love ... I don't have such a good patience, I don't allow time."

And replied, his expression has finally been more cautious in the expression.

"Now I am conflict with the four palaceists, of course, it is also to add trouble."

"If you know, you are not well in your heart ..."

While smiling without psychological burden, using the feelings of others ...

Snow is not a speech that the speech is already one hundred percent.

"How can I say that it is good? There is no evidence of guilty. Single Know the truth of the truth, but standing here!"

This is "wrong", and it is obviously aware of it, but when he faces the snow that is justice, he still said this.

"And, I really intend to help them! On this matter, it is also one hundred percent of the one who stands in the love comedy."

"But I am ready to keep back."

Snow is used to have learned the words recently learned, she thinks this word is just right in the context of the spot.

"No, no ..."

And rarely use this continuous monono god vocabulary when speaking, at this time, he may want to emphasize his own point in this way.

"I am sincere, sincere, sincerely hope that the love of the four glasses of Hui Night and Silver Royal Bank can cultivate."

"For Yushi, what I want to see is this love in a cruel reality like a scene that is swaying in the wind? Love comedy ... Is it true to love tragedy?"

The words of Xue Num have a bit of a bit of literary modifications, with her character, standing at this time behind the scene, can't change it.

"I promised that Bai Yin Royal Bank will help him ... and I will take a thing to say, so I will let him bloom, good start."

And also lifted his fingers gently shake, as a saying half, his fingers also stopped.

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