I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth Wishing Section 169

In the time of Snow None, he was just a moment, but it seems to have a lot of things between this.

In the face of the eyes of the spare, she wanted to retreat because she was holding her arm because she was born. She was standing in place.


Snow is a lip, restrained, I want to say that I am because of the side face of a sputum.

After this, the head is low, maybe there is a few points to sustain the idea of ​​the sputum of the heart in my heart.

"Okay, sputum ... Let's go home first, stay here can not eat snow to do the rice."

Although it is not an indispensable, it is not indistinguishable, but the turmoil that gradually rises gradually and also decides to leave forever.

"It's also!"

The sputum wants to lead the snow or wait for their car to wait, but the snow seems to have some doubts.

"What happened, snow?"

"Yaoli, Qingzi ..."

Snow is asking for help, and also there, maybe in your heart is the only thing that can let her temporarily come out from the rhythm of the sputum.

"Ms. Jing, I raised a cat at home, I need to take back to take care of her."

"Cat? I also like it too! If the snow, I feel that I can't rest assured that she will bring her home."

Such a little twirlial folding is certainly impossible to have an impact on the sputum, she even noted that the snow is the title of the cat and the only used it.

"That ... respectfully, it is better to live."

Snow nodded, and the son's name made her heart a little down, and it was not so excluded about the peak.

However, Snow did not notice that she didn't even have a little resilience in front of her son.

Yaowei, this is what you are doing your mother ...

Walking around the southeat, Snow feels that even with a slight hairdress of steps with some kind of attraction.

Peeking and looked away and the eyes were spotted, and a smile that was also coming fade and yarn.

These small details promote the further fermentation of the idea in the heart, she is somewhat curious, the woman who has gone and also, and how is it.

Chapter 56, Chapter 56, He has never understood

"Sorry, snow is ..." is this character. "

When preparing for dinner, the kitchen is only a private space belonging to the snow, and two people can still have some communication in order to prepare for dinner in an orderly manner.

"It is also bullied by my heart before blowing the judge ..."

Snow is cutting the fruit cuts in the salad. When he heard and also, the knife in her hand hit a crisp on the cutting board.

"But it seems that the relationship between Ms. Yacheng is really very good. I call the name of the elder, and I am so intimate ... I am very envious of the truth."

"This is ... From my memory, it is called the name of the son, and there is a yang."

And also recalled, there is therefore a smile on the face.

"Although I said that I have considered the mother's mother, I always feel some awkward, it may be used to it."

"I really want to know what kind of time when Ms. Yang Sizheng is blowing, saying that I have never listened to Ms. Yangzi, and I also know that she is also the most recent."

Always along the way, while chatting with us, Snow is spent on this issue.

For "Yacheng Yizheng", her understanding is only limited to the name and the smile when I say "I am a wife".

"That fool woman ..."

When I heard and opened the first sentence, the snow was stunned, and the education she accepted, even if it was a reputation of the mother, it was already greatly disrespectful, let alone the "stupid" adjective.

After aware of the reactions of the snow, and shook his head.

"From the small to big, I was tenderly by the Yangzi, and listened to her to grow a variety of truths as she expected into a 'man' ... I have to talk about it, probably just like the peony? But in memory, The Yangzi is quiet, and people feel natural. "

"But this, call your mother, or too rude?"

Obviously, this is just this level of telling that the snow is accepting the "stupid to call the mother",

"Yaowei is not saying? Ms. Yangzi can be very petted, for the love of his mother, no matter how big, there is the greatest respected!"

"I feel that the positive is stupid ... In fact, it is also a thing in the last few years. She doesn't have to tell me something you followed by yourself. When I was a child, I just hated the man, and I was a little bit. I will think ... "

When you say this, it is not only tone, but also the action of cooking food in your hand.

Because the space in the kitchen is not big, the snow does not look back, she can only wait and pick up my emotions without judging and mood.

"Will you want to ... Why is it a happy expression when talking about things, and that a man brings you so much pain ... Isn't this a stupid?"

"So, the jerrine will have no trust in love and even disdainful attitudes, and make me give up my feelings for you in the most moderate way?"

And how it is also a kind of attitude towards your feelings, and the snow is actually very clear. After all, at this point ... and never have much concealment.

His care, always has another option called "independence", but after choosing the dependence, you will be able to bear the damage but cannot ignore.

It is also a cruel person, and the snow does not deny this, but he is gentle, but it is also a greedy thing.

"I said, Yahun ... I won't give up."

"Snow is to stay with me, of course, I have no problem, I also said ... I will let the snow are independent."

The topic is here, but when you hear the screams from far and near, two people will look at the direction of the door.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, the full of the cats appeared.

"He has finished eating!"


And the attention is still completely concentrated on cooking, so he just looks up and look at the peak.

"I can't come up with the snow, I can only get trouble I go to the refrigerator."


The sound of the sputum deliberately eloquent is between spoiled and complained, but such a tone has no violation in her here.

"I am going to help Ms. Yuzi? Is it like previously the same? Two vanillated pudding and two mourning masters?"

Long-lost coming and also home, most of the snow is shocked, is actually a variety of sweets that are filled with refrigerator insurance.

However, after almost simultaneous seeing the preference and the gauze's preference to the sugar, her shock has been raised again with a level and transferred.

After washing, the help of the hooded dessert from the refrigerator, and the Snow did not have a violation of the man.

"However, whether it is Miss Winter Malays, Ms. Winnish, it is necessary to have a slight control on the dessert, and the direct impact of sugar intake is the body."

"But I haven't had this feeling at all ..."

After listening to the snow, the old smile showed a thinking look.

Just, after a few seconds, she returned to the look of the eyebrow.

"No matter what, the sugar is very important! Not only can people get people, and they can taste the sweetness, they can get better!"

"Although this is scientific basis ..."

The character of Snow makes her completely no way to be more true, but the momentum is weak when the smile is smile.

"But the right amount of control is still necessary."

"If you say this, I also have control over the intake of sugar!"

The heat contained in the dessert in the hand is enough to make anything concerned, but the sputum is not a little bit of a little.

"Because I want to get a lot of good mood, I control the sugar control in the extent that I can meet this wish! After the meal, the snow is also accompany us!"

"I still can't ..."

The snow shook his head, she has always been plagued by weight.

Because of the lack of this understanding, she is actually uncertain about the most recent weight, is not as good as the physique is improved.

"It's really regrettable ..."

The sputum seems to be a bit lost, but this is also her expression.

"Don't drink some wine together? Wine is not a problem, it is a juice!"

"Ms. Jing ... I will refuse."

In addition to weakness, Snow is finally understood and the unable part of the personality is coming.

The "tertiary" mentioned before, probably nothing to modify the phrase of the statement, but ... doing something.

Section 224, Chapter 57, Practical Teaching

"Just now, what do you want to do?"

It is not known to Snow, and you can see the abnormality of the peony.

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