I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use fists to youth to wish you a wish 177th

The thousands of flowers will be detained in the direction of the sun in the direction of the sun, as if it is the authenticity of the banknote.

She is still very interesting, she now looks some lost.

"I didn't expect it to be such a boring content."

"Because I said pink, I can only think of a thousand flowers here."

And of course, it will not admit that thousands of flowers are not his first choice, but whether it is a yarn or a sputum, or I don't know where the snow is, and I don't think they have pink things.

As for Yang Nai ... To tell the truth and don't want her to participate in the game that is considered to him.

"That is to say, Mr. Xuanwu is actually thinking about finding other people helping?"

Natural and keen is not a special conflict, at least in thousands of flowers here.

"The person who thinks in the first time is a thousand flowers, but it is a bit more than things to consider."

Looking up from thousands of flowers, I also learned that the movements of thousands of flowers were lifted by the sun, but he apparently couldn't understand what fun from this childish action like a thousand flowers.

After a few seconds, he also gave the paper.

"After all, it is Mr. Xuanwu, nor is it a strange thing."

After the end of the series, thousands of flowers were once again, before this, she was so quiet, and even the eyes and eyes were no longer her usual.

"I know, Mr. Xuanwu ... Dad also said, let me try not to play with Xuanwu, tell me, I am somewhat unhappy!"


If there is such a person, I have never experienced troubles, this is not common.

For the sum of it, if it is understood that the mood of the thousand flowers does not affect him, it will not be happy, because this is just a thing that can be determined according to the common sense.

"Because ... what do you say?"

Walking and also a few steps in front of the thousand, she gently picked up the feet, and gradually approached and regarded it, until I walked from her, I also jumped and also jumped. front.

"My Mr. Xuanwu is still very good? I always feel that something is lacking ... but it should be like this. Suddenly said that people who have good relations will not let the relationship, even I will feel bad! "

"What is I can help?"

As a friend, and I feel that I can do something for thousands of flowers, even if I don't have a more than ten people in a day, he should do something.

"Mr. Xuanwu doesn't have to do anything!"

The thousands of flowers shook their heads, and the flying hair trip seems to have warm gratin.

"Mom and Dad, there are grandfather ... they are all very good people, so I don't need to worry about the parents of Xuanwu."

"I hope so ... but I think about the thousand flowers, I am a politician's daughter, always make people feel some relieved."

In addition to emotion, there is also a question from the initial encounter, there is a question at this time.

This girl is indeed a natural powder, but does not mean she is stupid, but in understanding the people after the world, it can still maintain a pure attitude.

"It's really too much! Mr. Xuanwu, which is a loss. It is often nothing to say, there should be no problem with the snow here."

After a little modified, the oral zen of Snow became a thousand flowers.

"The words come back, Mr. Xuanwu should know that Snow is coming today? It seems to be what you want to let her go home. So why is Xuanwu to accompany me?

"If the snow wants to go home, then I don't have to stay her position ... and, she has not seen it with Yang, and let them talk to chat."

I also took out the phone and saw a look, and the news sent by Xue is still not read.

He guess the mood of snow, anxious, pain, or is immersed in some kind of thinking? But I have never got an answer.

"Is Mr. Xuanwu not feel embarrassed because of Miss Yang Nai?"

"I said ... How many things can you find? At that time, I will be very troublesome when someone is watching."

The amazing language of the thousand flowers is in front, and I don't know what the expression should be facing.

At this point, he did not detect anything about any violation, and at the same time, he also realized that the existence of this matter is quite violated.

"It is said that through some of the columns after that, the change of Miss Yang Nai, as well as Mr. Xuanwu asked Miss Yang Nai, and did not understand the specific."

Thousands of flowers put the index finger in the lips, showing the expression of thinking, but after a few seconds, she revealed a big smile, as if she hidden her dilemma that did not solve the problem.

"In fact, I have been thinking about recently. Those things about Mr. Xuanwu are really ... I want to listen to Mr. Xuanwu's answer."

"If it is a story, it should be true ... But maybe it has been added to some expected ingredients, such as my purpose."

Thousands of flowers don't have a specific thing to explain, and the answer is also the same, in such a deep conversation, it is actually just right.

"Do you think?"

"Because those people ... always care, things, the things like this ... But I have just a lot of time, I really just want to play."

And also copied his hands into the pants, adjusted the steps and the thousands of flowers.

"It will be very painful by his fist, but Mr. Xuanwu still wants to fight ... When you fight, what is the feelings of Mr. Xuanwu?"

Thousands of flowers continue to ask.

"Relax, vent ......?"

After thinking about it, I also give an answer and added some other things.

"Because I am in the big, I am fighting ... so I don't have the way I am used to playing? After all the mood is not good, I will be happy and playing."


The thousands of flowers nodded, but it obviously did not understand and expressed things.

"So, the last question ... How do Mr. Xuanwu look to the night?"

"She is surnamed four palace."

And if you have some answer, but in addition to this, maybe he doesn't have anything.

Section 235 Chapter 68

Snow is almost stepped on the afternoon break. After watching and then, she did not explain the disappearance of my morning.

After all, the situation is not suitable for these things, because I have to have lunch - let's take a lot of peaks and yarn, say that two sweets will bring them as a snacks, and then buy it again. New to make a afternoon.

I will not be absent in this time, and I have not sitting with them, but I am sitting with the father and son of the big house at not far away.

"He also began to become busy ..."

Of course, it can be seen, and it is not to chat with friends in the class, but in exchange with the parent, this also makes her naturally feel.

"If you know, don't add it anymore."

"It is a man who has always been sticking to and the monarch!"

The accusation of the yarn has not avoided some cases, and even if there is a reason, the sputum is certainly impossible.

As for the snow, she seems to have been used to the scene of the son and and the yarn mouth, sitting quietly at a small mouth of a lunch.


"And also, lucky this child, didn't you add trouble?"

In the same time, when there is a decisive, the big house is always a model of a winebag, including now, there is a metal flat pot that never rarely.

However, it is a matter of affordable, but he is also reluctant to serious.

"Mr. Jian, I don't have to say such a guest truth with me?"

Together with such a large house, it is inevitable that some helplessness is also, but the so-called human change is like this, he can only accept it.

"Yahhot, don't you know that you don't conscious your position?"

Ice room cool, the big house, the righteousness of the bookstore, this time, his accompanying bodyguard is the habit of the big house, and has not been intended.

It is not necessary to come ...

"But ice room ... like you don't have differences to me, there is no difference between me, take a way ... Now, you can't even play two years ago."

About the ice room to your own attitude, and more is more willing to blame him to promise the "persuasion" of the big house, but he also knows that this is just a part of the vowel.

"In fact, I am looking for you this time, it is for private reasons ... and also."

After the sum of it, the big house is once again opened.

"About you, in fact, Avan has made a lot of efforts, but to tell the truth ... even if there is a wooden help, he can't afford the agreement of the filmmaster and the four palace."

"Mr. Jian is not necessary to tell me this, I am also clearly clear, after all, before this, I often tell me something ..."

And laugh and laugh, it is also conveyed out your kindness.

"I have always thought that it is a president of the wood ... The ability is enough, but ... strength is not enough to stand in the vertices of the Boxing Association."

"These two years, the changes in the Boxing Association are really large, and even I can't recognize it."

The large house has a good wine, but this alcohol did not make his spirit excitedly. He just thought that it was in its point of view.

"Whether Aph is still a wood, the original intention of doing things is to make the boxing will become better."

"But ... Limit the death of the dead in a box, saying that the truth is not as good as the parties sit in the office and talk about it."

And there is no hidden ideas.

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