I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use fists to youth Wishing Section 184

The atmosphere under the eyes should be a heavy and embarrassing, but such common sense does not seem to be used in Snow.

"Sex ... I don't care about it, but ... Snow doesn't want to treat it with this kind of mood?"

So similar to the same, they are used to ignoring the atmosphere. They are extremely shot at this time.

"I even as long as I have a person who is in the eyes ... I can do it for me. But ... Snow is for me, people who need to take into account, not just now, there is still future."

"Yahun ... is it necessary to continue to watch my words?"

Snow jigshered up his body, she studied and also actions, holding a knee sitting on the sofa, two people's body style gap, which makes she looks more smaller.

"I still say that I have faced my body. It's as a desire to go to it. What is the body ... I have a little better ..."

"I have to have a limit, snow is ..."

And I didn't know if I shouldn't laugh at once. After a quite subtle section changed several times, he finally controlled himself a smooth smile.

"Snow is not what I express."

"Yahun Jun also knows that I don't need you to care so much ..."

Snow is a face, and it is a little red.

"Before I approve you as a lovers, I will know what kind of person is Yushi."

"Actually, I don't know how to understand ... Why will snow will accept such a?"

And also put the chin on the knee, this posture allows him to look at the sight of love when he lows.

"Not just snow, there is poetry, sheath sister ... I don't understand, why you will like this, just speaking this, how to see it is directly or not."

"First, Yahun ... When you are with me, you can't mention the name of other girls!"

Snow is the drumming, but after this, her tone is also soft.

"Second, on the problem of Yacheng Jun, although I don't know other people's answers, I am here ... I didn't hide my own people from beginning to end, so I said that when I gave love, I have long. Accept this point of Yahun's heart. "

"But ... There is a premise of this, how can I not have love?"

Although the reason why Snow is given is her consistent style, but I still have seen the sophistication of my own use, so he can't accept this answer.

"Who can say it clearly, why do you like another person?"

Snow is asking.

"So, I can only tell why you can accept such a Junjun.

"In fact, snow is ..."

And it seems to want to think about something, and some obstacles in the heart make him three.

And Snow is to keep this patience because she knows that once there is a desire to complain, then it will naturally say it after organizing the language.

"On the night of the sports offer, I talked about it with a sport ... she told me that I didn't have the relationship, just take care of my sister ..."

"Have to say, this is indeed a style of ladies in the son ..."

In addition to this emotion, Snow did not say other words, because it was still not enough to make her feel that she could evaluate it.

"However, if I really want to say, although my sister will not say anything, will it be sad? Have to say that the sputum is still as good as it is!"

Even if you have already thought to see the circles set up in the son, this is still afraid of it.

"If your sister is not concerned, then because she is not here, I will, even if I think that my sister will be close to another man, even if I only have a little, I will want to tear the man. broken!"

"So this is the reason why Yáli is getting up today?"

The reason that caused and also found, but the snow is completely impossible to easily.

For the sum of it, the unscrupulous life is just the expression of his mood, which sounds can't make people feel full.

If you want to be almost branded in his bones, he is willing to self-bind his hands with the people you love - and he has gone from the love people, but it has become a more robust chain bunch.

"Yahun ... do you want to listen to my judgment?"

In front of and, Snow is always blunt, and she uses her firm look, her pause is not hesitating, but in further firm belief.


And nodded, indicating that Snow continued.

"Although this is very rude ... but, Yahun, every feeling in this world does not have noble and poor points, but when two feelings have collided, it will be."

Snow is so saying.

"Yahun is a person who controls and has a strong desire, but Miss Winter Malaysia is just the opposite. She is quite unwilling to your inclusion ... So Ms. Yu will say that you can play."

"But because of this inclusive, yourself ... isn't it very despicable? But I have been doing this thing ..."

Once it is studying, then it is inevitable that this dead knot - human self-private inferiority and miraculous derivatives in their sentiments are never unlocked.

And it will not be trapped here, but after countless times of inclusive, he finally walked into this cage.

"So, Yahun is going to do, just like the child say ... I have to remember to take care of Winter Malaysia, let her always have this inclusion for you, it is enough."

In fact, this is the first time, the first time I made an assertion, and I also silently accepted this.


In the title

I wrote so many first time.

You have not guessed what


Seventy-ninth chapter of Section 246 for the first time

In winter, you can feel a very pleasant thing that is a very pleasant thing from the skin's contact, but there is not much sleepiness at this time.

The rays that come in through the gap of the curtain should be derived from the street light, and the bright light of the pale reflects the darkness of the entire room, and it is also bright, and the snow is a scorpion.

"So, do you have any problems with your friends to sleep?"

In the tone of the snow, a little resentment was rejected as a girl, it was rejected so many times, even she could not be indifferent.

Therefore, after the conversation, she won't miss any of the followers with such a way, such as now, after the saying, she kissed the mouth and also kissed it.

"Is there any kiss to accept a friend?"

The sum of it has been habited and also in response to a deeper kiss before the touch disappearance brought about by this shallow kiss.

"The words and deeds are different, Yahun."

The wheezing of Snow is a little timid, but she relieves this emotional way to rely on the arms.

"You guess what I am thinking now?"

"It's not too guessed ..."

At this time, as long as you answer something, the secret atmosphere brought by the dark environment will make people feel naturally.

"I am thinking, if I want to blow a joy in the night, I should do it ... I don't know this in this regard ..."

It is more than hesitating, but it is a smile in the snow, but the second half is really feeling that she is serious.

And also here, in addition to helplessness and sigh, there is no language response, and therefore, the snow seems to have found some fun from this topic.

"Experienced Yajun did not intend to put forward some suggestions?"

"My suggestion is ... don't do this."

Perhaps it is infected by the emotions of Snow, and the smile will eventually take up the wind in the expression.

"Don't only affect the first experience of Snow, but ... tomorrow, snow will not go to school."

"It is really experienced ... but occasionally a day please leave, it is also right?"

Snow is very happy to make this joke.

"So ... even if this time, Yahun is not going to do anything?"

"Then the snow is said ... '' For Yaoyun, I didn't ask about the friend SEX."

Obviously, the topic now has more than a joke, but it is still trying to pull it actually does not exist.

"Even if I am, I will have a temper because I have rejected so many times."

When the snow is finished, a bouquet of orange light brightens her follow and also face.

In this apartment, there are some things that are arranged in a matte, such as a small lamp of the bed.

"Snow is really want?"


Whether it is asking questions or answers, it is free to make people feel the determination there in it, but these conversations are just what they have used to regulate the atmosphere.

"That just do it."


Xue didn't know that the experience of just now is not a growth for himself, after all, she is not thinking about what she can be a lot of life.

Pain, exhaustion, very comfortable but some strange feelings ... These fine things plus some of the people who are not obeyed is that all the contents of the Bone of the snow is.

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