I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth Wishing Section 192

"And, I just give you an opponent!"

"Provide sandbags."

And also corrected this statement in his opinion, it was a second after the man behind the field, he lowered his head and whispered.

"My sister should look well."

"Hello! We haven't seen it in two years!? Small, don't plan to say hello to me? Can you become your predecessor again, I am very happy!"

In the face of the sum of yourself, it is better to have a strong man who is still a strong man after he is still a strong man.

Maybe as he said, he and his peace have not seen it for a long time, so I need a passionate hug to express my thoughts.

"Bow is light ... you seem to be weak ..."

When the distance between the two people shortening to the extent to which they can touch each other, the man known as the bow has opened his arms towards and also slowly extended his fist.

It's a slower speed, but the first thing to touch the other party is, and his fist is lightly fell to the chest of the bow, and the hands of the bow is not a centimeter in the distance and the body.

Like the drums, the average sound of the drum is crazy, and the body of the bow is scratched in the air.

"I said, you can give me only sandbags."

And also smashed the fists, the bow of the bow was truly underwent by his punch, and he didn't put it on your heart.

"Out of the field, if you fail to fulfill your commitment, the same fist will fall on you."

"Don't be so serious?"

On a few steps in the field, I also grabbed and the shoulders on the front of it. He also didn't look at the bow of the bow that came into the chest.

"Right, forget to tell you ... Happy birthday! Yesterday's piano performance is great! Don't mind let me attend the dinner for the day? Beautiful woman like Winter Horse, I also want Cognition! "

"If you want to die, you can tell me."

Take the hands of the old lights in the cold, and also rushed to Yang.


I have already finished this volume.

Next week this time

Or Tuesday

You can send a third volume.

There is a thing that makes me unhappy

Is the end of the singular chapter

Section 258 Chapter 89, Wu Yun Changlong

"Kazuya" and "and" and the monarch "have become the name of the public opinion after the concert last night, but this has not happened.

Even the performance at the concert is also over 23 o'clock in the social concept.

Just, when the man who has accepted the kiss of the winter horses in the stage, when he just sat in the corner, it was still the focus of discussion.

As for the Winter horn of the unique protagonist, I will greessing him from time to time, and it is not a rude thing in everyone.

"Is it not used to such a case?"

"If you want to say habits, in this banquet, find a corner to be ended is my habit ... By, you will have a full."

In the face of the question, and give a somewhat strange answer.

After answering this question, he seems to have hesitant to continue to eat.

"If you are hungry, you will continue to eat."

The sputum is aware of the food, and she is not a person who will be in this detail, watching it again and faster, and her eyes are very soft and clear.

"From the beginning to the beginning, some people have mentioned the things to me! But look ... they regard it as my man! But I don't clarify it! I always feel very interesting, this situation ! "

"It is also because you are so misunderstood because you don't check it! I really don't know what this is good to show off !?"

It is always accompanied by the yarn, and it is usually the same as usual, and she does not even attend such an occasion.

"Vinegar and yarn are also very cute!"

There seems to be stars in the eyes of the sputum, such a small prank can always make her happy.

"The man at home is also a man."

After eating the steak in front of me, and put down the knife and the knife in the hand, rub it with handkerchief and didn't touch the mouth of the sauce, he glanced over the banquet hall of Yuxiang.

"Want, will I need to accompany you? But I am not very good at this kind of thing."

"In fact, I have never been related here ... After all, this is just a social intervals. Even if there is no me, it will not affect those people communicate, and they are more important to bring interests."

Stating these, the emotions of the sputum are inevitably affected, which is certainly more willing to stay around.

But the next second, her emotions were again high.

"But when you dance, you can be a partner!"

"To tell the truth, this is more unknown ... but the current learning should have no problem ..."

And also scratched the lyvous angle, nor did you know that it is still embarrassing or showing off.

"I will have a little bit slightly when I step on my feet."

I looked at the mobile phone from the pocket and also, and the blot of the god didn't just laugh.

She doesn't mind inclusive and stubborn and clumsy, I may not be a little happiness and expectation in my heart.




"Lying is not a good child!"

"Is there?"

No one can guess, the peaks and and and also loudly in the opponent's ear when they dance, after all, no one will take this relationship to the direction of "mother and child".

"I have been prepared to be in the next one or two, but I have been prepared for one or two!"

As a dance partner, a sputum is the most intuitive understanding of his dance technology, so she will certainly not believe that the skillful step on the music festival and can also do this because of the half an hour. Dance video.

"In fact, I don't want to let the yarn know, do you often dance with other girls?"

"But ... this is really a look at things ..."

Even if he is also explained, he does not think that the sigh can hear, but he still decided to work hard.

"After understanding the way of muscles, control your body, and dance for me can be used as a very low martial arts. After all, the two are common."

" ~ Even if you really can do this, why can the beat be so good?"

The sound of the sputum is soft and sweet, and she is going to be a quite difficult thing to guess when she is still a suspicion.

"This is simpler, the timing is ..."

"It seems that there is something else to think about it! That's aunt, I believe it and Jun."

The words of the seed did not have regrets, but she didn't want to make up.

"When will I go?"


And reply.

"If you don't get an accident, you can come back the day after tomorrow ... Because the boxing is tomorrow, you will be able to play with the courage after that."

"No accident ...?"

Even if you don't want to think more, your worries make her still have some stupids.

"This kind of saying is completely rest assured ..."

"The sister and my sister are still waiting for me, I will of course come back."

Compared to the care of a sputum, and actually more willing to face her or large or small prances, at least in that situation, there will be no sad things.

"When I am not there, if there is anything, if there is anything, I can play the two numbers to you, or let the people who follow you. If you don't work, contact him. "

"It's true ... Careful arrangement ..."

"Because the sisters and sisters will always stay in the country, I have to arrange your life ... After I come back, I will do my own, now I can only ask the sister and my sister."

And also explained that in the expectations of the son, she knows that this is truth, but not all.

Dead, dozens of dead fighting - in the chat with the yarn, the sputum is understood that those who have also been ambiguously explained in the past two years.

Now, and the soon experience is a grand divestry, which means ... it is difficult to imagine! And after that, he also wants to challenge the strongest creatures on the ground!

Perhaps he is recognized that he has a possible possible.

Otherwise, there is absolutely not to have a cumbersome explanation of these fine broken.

"His Jun, Wu Yun Changlong."

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