I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to the youth wishing section 302

"But, Xiao Jing is my friend, the teacher is my best teacher."

"Then you listen to the teacher, don't mess with your good friends, you will lose your temper. In the last year, I will get along with her, I will also look at you."

Real winter is a little smart, and the authority of a little "teacher".

"Also, give you the poetry, you have to write down."

Section 397, twenty-fourth chapter, blood relatives and nightmares, men's agreed

For the same time, it is a happy thing to talk to the real winter. After school, I will be a happy thing to wait in the servant, and the two people go home after school.

In contrast, natural is also unhappy - for example, meets the four glas in the school at the school gate.

However, the situation is not bad, because ... silver royal line is also.

"See you, you are two and good, silver!"

In terms of and also, he is always a friend with the silver royal line, and the love of your friends is naturally just right.

Of course, after the greetings, it will solve the problem.

"What is going on today, what is it?"

"Let's change place ..."

At least in the eyes, it is not suitable for discussion.

Moreover ... silver royal line does not feel, and also with Hui Night can always communicate and communicate.

"By the way to eat a dessert?"

And also recommended.

"Now, should this not affect your economic situation?"

"I didn't move those money."

Sure enough, I just got a few steps, and the color of Hui Night was gloomy because of it.

This is the result in the silver royal line, but he didn't guess and say something.

"Then I do it."

"The expenses of the president, I will naturally be responsible."

The glow night has been silent, at this time, her tone is naturally not friendly.

"Suddenly feels that the appetite is poor ..."

And also don't hide your malicious.

"Still now tell things, maybe I don't have to sit on the same table, four glasses of night."

In the end, you are also brothers and sisters ... Why is this?

Silver Royal Bank can only meditate on this question in his heart.

Because Hui Night emphasizes the approach to a near warning, don't mention these things in front of it.

"Unpredictable harm" - this is the word used to describe the consequences.

In addition to the exchange of peace, let him still touch the mind.

Come true nightmare?

Is it a nightmare with your own blood?

"I think so too."

Although it is approved to the other party, Hui Night is still in touch with and also.

"You will give the four-palace home to the industry in Tokyo, really just to make his life better? Also, thousands of flowers really hope that you will meet you with me?"

"How do you answer?"

Hui Night's questioning is straight, and it is naturally not to give positive answers as she is willing.

Even, he did not want to give an answer at all.

"Let's come back ... Why do I tell you?"

"Hey, Yache ..."

The expression of Silver Royal Bank is a bit stiff, and the brilliant night's face has been completely black, and it is used to habiting and also in the sex of the villain. It can't help but sigh in your heart.

"Think about it, I am so bad with your relationship, I can let you stand in front of me, I have no reason, I don't have any reason to get answers like it."

The previous words are just a time, but now, and it is undoubtedly the borrowing question.

Perhaps, now he is comparable to the strange reaction that has just happened in his brain circuit.

"Moreover, the four glasses of the night ... Do you have anyone told you, your face is very ugly? I said, silver ... Where did you like her?"

Yahun. "

When I talk about important things, snow is well-behaved, and I am in the first time like this.

It is just a name that is just a styles, and it has also converged the ovals of a margin.

As for her, the same cold look, and it should be in the range of "cold beauty".

"The harsh joke can not solve the problem."

"But I solved the problem is not friendly."

And laugh, but his smile is only a person who is only given to the snow.

"And, people with problems are not me, I have no trust of my lovers and friends."

"In front of interest, people are complicated."

In the brilliant understanding, and the second half of the year is naturally a ridicule for her.

"So, suspect and confirm are something necessary, if you can't even end this degree, then it is just a fragile thing."

And also heard, booth to the snow.

In his cognition, maybe after Snow is talking to him, his conversation object naturally only snow is alone.

This is probably what he chooses this way of understanding that a certain tacit can understand.

"Although this is really impossible to understand each other, but Yaowei ... You can have some rude."

"I thought that Snow is standing here."

And the same personality, a large part comes from a small to a big partial partial partial - of course, his aggressive will converge in front of the gerbera and the yarn.

"So, Silver ... The response you get is actually such a indifferent thing, is it still insisting? It is me, it will be very sad, if snow is like this."

"But it is no wonder ... I like it, I'm fragile is only relative."

I am not equal, and I have rounded myself in the first sentence.

"I suddenly think that you still leave this feelings in your own heart, this is what you can have a good memory after decades."

"Now, I can only take my own feelings."

Will you shake your own?

The answer is affirmative, or even if there is anything.

However, after shaking, the silver royal line is still firm.

Boys, falling into a man who is a man, if you can't even get a little pain, then it is just a little fart.

"But still have to thank you, Yahun ... Thank you, what you said to me."

"Is it now lyrical?"

And also made a crying expression, this probably has a large part of his exaggeration modifications for his words.

"So, what do you think you can do?"

"See you with glow night."

Silver royal line smiled.

"Although it is not worthy of a good thing."

In the same time, there is a smile of silver royal lines. After he refused the huge gifted gift, he smiled so.

This god of the gods occasionally revealed, gentle and frank expressions, although there is such a bit of violation, but no one will ridicule him because of this fine branches.

"Silver, have you time tomorrow?"

And also asked such a problem.

"Still this time, I will take you to a place, only we are two people."


Silver Royal Bank can feel the heavy meaning in this invitation, but it is only.

However, he did not retreat, because he can understand, and what is also issued.

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