I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use fists to youth Wishing Section 317

When the blade is aware of this, everything is too late.

He deducted a conscious trigger, but the goal was the illusion after being induced, although only extremely tiny deviation, but no matter how strong his attack, the ending of the defeat has been destined.

The fist fell is very familiar, of course, it is very painful ... even if it is used to this pain, the blade is completely unable to ignore the damage caused.

Just ... it seems that there is no such pain in the imagination, and there is even a rest of the counter.

Is it possible?

At the same time, the moving movements of the blade will certainly have any hesitation, his counterattack is willing to pay for the abdomen.

At this time, add a high kick at the same time, then this battle will draw a no-suspected period after reversal, but the blade is not doing.

He is still standing in the original place, looking at it and somewhat hard, even if the latter is still bent over, but he can imagine that his own friend, must be lazy, and play Smile.

"Do you dare to stay when fighting with me, even suddenly stopped?"

The eddy teeth suppressed his anger.

"If I think, you are dead, and also."

"If you want to overcome me, then I am really dead now ..."

The first punch for just now is indeed good, and the skills that have been unloaded and the damage they have received is completely two concepts.

"Moreover, the person lost is you ... actually will be consciously induced by such a trigger game, you know it yourself? Whether you are angry, it is still a good, still consciousness."

"From the previous you said, but I still don't understand ..."

The forced momentum was disappeared at once. He returned to the time in the week, and if he still had any exposed emotions at this time, then only doubts?

"If you fight, I will certainly use the whole force, but why ... have you been negative?"

"Because, I have seen a stronger Fan Mae blade."

And then replied, maybe in this case, the edge of his eyes and the "fan-horse blade" existing in his mind is completely overlap.

"When you fight with the courage Lang, you have to be strong than now, you have to have a lot of times ... Just see you, then look at you now, anyone will think it is like me."

"That time?"

When you fight with a man named "father", how is it like a look, and the blade doesn't know.

Because he couldn't see it at that time, when the strongest man on the ground was standing in front of the opponent, even if he himself, even a little sight.

"I still don't understand, and also ... I saw me, isn't it now?"

"of course not."

And then replied.

"At that time, you have stayed at that time, and now ... you lost things that let you be called 'strong, you are weakened."

Section 415 Chapter 42 Chapter they chase things

For boys, it does not affect their relationship, naturally, so-called and good.

After completing your own booking exercises, and also hound with the shargrant to make a dinner, two people sit around the bonfire sides of the baked meat made this practice gradually developed toward hiking.

In the mountains, there is no ritual of the romance, but the topic of the two people can talk about the topic, but occasionally add some new things.

"Mr. Cheptichawa recently asked me, do you want to help a person named Silver Royal to participate in a boxing ... He said that it is your friend."

"Silver ..."

If you say that "the champion who can get a boxing" is based on the standard, then the option is not much - Fan Ma blade, Yache, also, Miyamoto, maybe there will be skin, and ... Fan Ma Yong Lang.

Although it is true that the eddy teeth is really the best choice, but also does not think Mr. Chepturgawa will only consider "priority".

"That is a good guy, but unfortunately don't fight."

"If you fight, don't you just hold your fist?"

The thinking of the blade is also a big difference. If it is just an extreme, then you also know the extreme thing, it is just a matter to him.

"There is only a man who doesn't fight, only a bit of a little bit and a weak difference."

"Is also ..."

Although it is agreed with shards, but it is difficult to imagine silver royal way to a man who waits a fist.

That is a ... normal person?

Will not use money, do not use power, not to use violence ... just, he seems to try to change?

For the last point, and it is not certain.

"So, do you intend to help him?"

"To overcome you is my own thing, what he wants, you need to rely on himself."

Shake his head, and tear the roast pork chop in the way.

"But since you said that he is a good guy, then I will see him ... but it is necessary to complete this practice."

"I want ... Our battle is still when you are willing to be willing, now you look like, tell the truth ... I have some illusion for me."

It is also a bit unbearable to eat, but only one guy who is almost as he is sitting opposite him, so there is nothing to do.

"After all, I have been in the way by you and Wang Ma. The opponent will be very lonely. "

"Then why don't you challenge your old man?"

In the eyes of blaming teeth, and it is also a thing to fight with the courage.

"You need an opponent, then ... the strongest floor, isn't it the best opponent on the ground?"

"I have already turned with Qian Lang ... You don't know, it is very miserable ..."

And also sigh.

"And, play with him, I am probably not a matter of strength?"


"Because, I have already seen the power of Fan Ma Yong Lang ..."

And look up, maybe it is looking for the stars in the sky.

"Since the same power to defeat the second time, there is no meaning for me, if you win ... then explain, I just overcome a weak person than yourself."

"I need it, it is the power you have not experienced ... such as you."

After seeing the confusion in the blade tooth, and also open again.

"So I will attach the fans and teeth that I have seen, but I have not been able to fight."


This is the second time in a few minutes, I asked this question.

"You think about it, isn't I am so stronger?"

And asked.

"The first time, it is you, is Wang Horse, then Scholars, Mr. Yan, Mr. Guo Lao, Mr. Chuanxuan ... You have a strong, I spent a long time, but I've been enough. When Mr. Wong Lang, I didn't look at it once. "

"That if I have never retrieve what you said, the fantama blade it has?"

Suppose your weakness?

This does not seem to be in the shape of the blade, but think about it, it should be reasonable for the scenes.

"And also ... starting from childhood, what you said is right, maybe I really weaken in your eyes ... But now, I really can't think of it, you said the fan blade What is the teeth? "

"Moreover, even if you see the fan-shaped hair, I have been playing with him. What can you get? This is what you often say ... you want."

"Isn't it said? I will be stronger with him."

And the answer is that it is some inexplicable.

"I need to touch, those who haven't touched it ... I am like going to see different scenery, constantly going to the place where I have never reached, and I will be stronger. "

"What is the thing you want?"

I can't get what I want from you ... this is a strange statement!

how about you?

It's so powerful, what is it?

The eddy teeth can't care about this, through the fire of the orange, his eyes focusing is the half face that is shaded.

The shadow always hides secrets, this time should not exceed the exception.

"Now, of course, it is guarded the sister and spoke, and the girls around me ..."

And also lifted the head slightly, the shadow on the face with his movements upstream.

"In the past, it is about to be almost like you ... You will challenge the South Ma Yong Lang for Jiangzhu Auntie, and I ... is also for the son, to tear the four-palace home."


Suddenly, the blade suddenly thought that he didn't want to read his mother.

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