I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth Wishing Section 324

"Mood ... I am going to accompany you to play tonight, back to the old house."

"Um ... um?"

The tail tag has a little doubt, it is not because suddenly realized that the sputum is hidden in the words, but the tray that is not far away is really surprised. head.

Probably ... What is interesting?

Section 423 Chapter 59 is handsome

"Crushed to the left, the front, hook ..."

Before you finish the words, Xiao Jing has completed his expected action in advance.

The cleavage dodge is because the waiter in front of it is hiding. The front and then swinging the boxing are naturally for a punch in the lower abdomen of a man who has been seven.

What regrets that it is clearly that it is a beautiful upper hook, but he does not continue to hit the lower jaw after hitting the abdomen. This is a clean and neat KO.

However, since playing, replace a kind of punch.

"Don't hurt your fist behind it."

"Routing the elbow, kicking the left foot."

Appropriate to withstand some attack is the essence of more enemy, Xiao Jing is obviously can't understand, but according to the instructions, she was taken from the waiter from behind, and the fist is still very stable.

The lifted elbow tip opened the waiter's eyebrow bone when she turned, and the man who shakes his body is simply like himself to make her face to the fierce next kick. general.

"Buy one foot, then step on it."

"Yachanked and also, you see it very happy !?"

Listening to and also instructions have become a response to the next consciousness, and the young and quiet will change the trajectory of the attack in the right foot.

The price of this action is naturally a feet of the high-heeled shoes. It has also been a few wolves. It was originally a woolen dress that had a convenient and torn dress.


After taking a breath, the light whispered by the mouth was finally swallowed by her.

"Is your feet nothing?"

"Take your blessing, playing very cool."

After the sum of the song, the small portrait of the small portraits leaning against the table, she is proficient in the bun of the hair, with the eyes of the eyes, looking down on the man on the ground.

"It's just going back and I am ignorant."

"It's better to add a few times now? Take it in advance after the depressed part?"

And also think of a good idea, but this is of course a small eye.

"And it's just a few words, and it's not a big deal."

"It's unclear with you ..."

After kicking the high heels under the feet, Xiao Jingyi visited around, but her eyes were fiercely fierce after the sight of the garde.

Winter horses ... terrible ...

This is the first idea in Xiaoyin, she doesn't know how long she is too much woman who is so beautiful, maybe ... I have been watchded by her?

See how you wear it! ? The old lady didn't blow with the sky and the little ghost had a leg ...

"excuse me……"

However, in the end, Xiao Jing said with a whisper to grew up and couldn't take a very powerful one.

"My family and Jun have been cared for."

The sputum smiled gently, and the rhythm of the conversation naturally fell in his hand, she was fairly flat.

"However, as a teacher, you can't quite!"

"But it's a man."

If Xiao Jing didn't understand the scorpion, or if it was obedient, she was too lazy to respond.

"I have time to drink."

The sputum took out a business card from the portable bag, put it on the desktop to the small static, her movement can't say to the water, but always feel slow. Some subtle.

"This is my private contact information!"


It is aware that you have a rudeness at this time, and the look of Xiao Jing has become somewhat.

"This thing gives those stinky men ..."

But in the end, even if the stubborn mouth is hard, she still accepts this expectation.


"The god is really about drinking?"

After dinner, on the car to the villa, and finally asked this problem in my heart.

"He should have no relationship with the young teacher?"

The gods smiled, she was originally just in the same way, and then she kept behind the body after asking this question.

"Still, worry that you don't know what you are in school?"

"This is not ... and what I am in the school, and I have said that I have said to the peony ..."

And smiled without helplessness, but only half is because of the response of the son.

"Xiao Jing's wine ... It is difficult to say the truth."

"Is it worried about me?"

"Well, Mr. Guo Lao said today, and the sputum can't drink too much wine."

I realized that I was concerned and I wanted to get the most wanted response when I want to confirm, which is undoubtedly a comfortable thing that is full of security, just like being held.

The expression of the sputum is relaxing, she slightly smashed his eyes, smashed with the chest.

"And Jun feel that the young teacher should have been blind date and find a mating man to get married?"

"Can you marry a man?"

And asked.

"Even if it is a sputum, it is not the difficult man who is similar to 'is almost a matter of marriage. In fact, I have always thinking that Xiao Jing is very handsome, not just look handsome."


"As a woman, you can take care of yourself, independent life, and a work that can be given to the ideal, is it still not handsome?"

"So ... I also want to know this handsome Xiao Jing teacher!"

A little scattered laughter is probably because successfully found the excuse of drinking from the sum of it.

"Can take care of yourself, independent life, chase your ideals ... such a woman, but is quite popular in the same look!"

"I feel ... soon, the sputum will have a very fascinating feeling."

I remembered the appearance after Xiao Jing drunk, and I didn't think that my judgment had any problems.

However, he knows that this is not something that I want to listen to.

"However, the description just now, it is also very appropriate to use the sputum ... In my opinion, the sputum is the object that is more embarrassed."



The grazings have the ability to bring the topic at any time, and they have already experienced countless times, so he occasionally can make the topic to come back.

"The sputum ran away again ..."

"I am clearly held with Jun, wherever I go ..."

I can't open the topic, I am so fit.

Hiding to cover your own, almost has become a habit of sputum, but this time, she suddenly feels that she can't escape.

"Even if I am, will it be embarrassed?"

"of course……"

The sputum feels that this is not a fake thinking answer is not over, because the smile is too means that it means deep.

"From the heart, to the body ... are all."

This time, it seems to be bullied, it is yourself ...

The wine is so thinking.

However, he is bullied by him.

Section 424 Chapter 51

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