I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth Wishing Section 338

This is a simple requirement, so there is no hesitation when I agree.

However, he did not talk about the things just now, maybe in him, the topic has an unique conclusion.

"You don't bother when you arrive."

"When will I have passed over you ..."

And the yarn mutter.

"Anyway, it is definitely what you ran to other girls ..."

Not anymore……

And it is completely unable to say this sentence, even in my mind, I have never been able to wipe it.

He knows that this is to open it for yourself, but ... I have to do it, I have to do it, no matter what, I have to ...


Since accepting this emotions, this situation will have repeatedly emerged.

People can always find the reason, this is a bad root.

However, while the hand of silence and yarn walking forward, and it is also in the giving of this kind of growth.

Section 439, Chapter 66, Mirror

And do you quarrel with the gauze?

The answer is of course affirmation, but only the way they quarrel is completely different from the general situation - the more sad, the more I stick to the other side, stick to stick, and I will have.

For example, like now, after washing, and the thigh of the yarn, when you are in the yarn, you will take it from time to time, more time is closed, just like a cat, and the gauze.

The scene is the only difference in the scene, probably the face of two people look so good.

Before you change it, when you see this situation, you will only listen to it, just this time, after you have a few days of your eyes, she sat in front of the brothers.

"What happened, and I am still twisted with the yarn ..."

After touching the cheeks of the yarn, the gods kissed and also.

But he didn't get a response as an imagination, and it was only to open his eyes, and after a little bit, the gentleman seems to think about anything.

"It seems ... Not just don't want to twist! He is ... If you don't mind, let me give me a little bit?"

"What I want to say is what I can't listen to?"

And didn't get up, but asked such a strange problem.

"I want to stay with my sister."

"There is a whisper between women, and the man is best not to listen to ..."

The sputum is a little paused, and the charm looks like a smile looks like it is more awkward.

"And, if you hear these things, you can have a bit trouble ..."

"If you trouble, you will solve it ..."

This sentence is quite self-intelling, you can use a variety of tone, but it is absolutely not to be emotion - so, the trouble will only become more difficult.

And it is undoubtedly what you know, but he is now completely unfolding.

"I think, I should be able to do it ..."

"He should know what I am going to say?"

For the yarn, the sputum is probably a kind of expectation - and the yarn has indeed gives her a response, and she looks like it is a temper.

If the gauze is as good as before, then the peak will pick a breath, but now she can only sigh.

"Really ... and yarn, you said to be with Jun? Now ... Regret can be used ..."

"I just want to ... and I will accompany me ..."

"This is my incoherent, sputum."


Lounge your hand touched on the top of the two children, and a long time didn't know what to say.

Sometimes, the two people have been able to have a hassle - greedy wants to have a heavier component in each other, even if it hurts the other person, it is not difficult to restrain; and the other side, the harmful person No matter how pain, I will forgive this hurt ...

For example, before and also from the Yarn, you can dig off the position of Beiyuan Chunxi, such as now, with yarn, and also break up with other girls.

In fact, this is the mutual brother, in fact, it is a mirror of each other. What they think can find the same shadow on the other side.

"You two, want me to say what is good ... and yarn still remember what I said with you?"


And the yarn is low, this movement makes only the side faces left in her sight, and after the perception of her eyes, she turned over.

After the end of the line, the two people see from each other's scorpion is their own reflection?

"The girls around and can only leave themselves ... I will tell you when I am doing these things, you have not promised, saying that I can handle it ..."

The sputum did not actually say a lot of habits, these words were probably she told and listened.

"Then I tell you, don't talk directly to the monarch to tell him to break away with those girls ... Now you haven't listened ..."

"Just think ..."

With the yarn, even if it is said to be, she is still being stunned.

"Is this wrong?"

"Wrong is me."

And finally sitting straight, he could not make and gauze, this article should be blamed.

Just like the yarn, I want to stay with people I like, I have never been a wrong thing.

"It is what I let my sister have been sad ..."

"The wrong thing is non-black, it is never used in emotions ..."

It is also a person who is in one, and the sputum can be used by this vague.

"Hey, no matter who falls, or in love with how many people, there is no mistake ... The difference is that you have chosen. It is like you have chosen the guitar king three years ago, and the monarch chose to let go, last year You have chosen each other, and now, we have three people like this ... These are just choosing. "

"Is this a sputum to help me?"

The same thing, can be interpreted in a variety of ways, naturally there is a different "correct", compared to oneself, and more willing to biased the gauze.

"And ... now isn't my sister is sad because I am?"

"If you know, don't say it ... but since I hopes that I am standing on the side of the yarn, then there is no problem."

Gently knocked on and also forehead, and how the expression should be used.

"I also said with Jun. I promised to tell Jun Tai's light, not only like this ... and I have a promise too much. If I don't learn to be awkward, it is like this to avoid things."

"If you say something, you must do it ..."

And not intend to have any compromise at this point.

"Then I will learn to lie from now ..."

Reaching out and squatting and also stood up.

"Also, when you have a girl, there is no need to use this kind of thing, sweet words are enough ... Anyway, you can be killed by you, no matter what you said, she will believe that the girl who can't be ignored. Even if there is a hundred commitments, it is useless. "

"This is true ..."

And also shake your head, he can agree with the words of the sputum, but it can't use these things in and the yarn - for people who care, each sentence should be promise.

"If you know that it is right, please remember it, then obey ..."

Looking at it and worried about the appearance of your hair and sighed.

"You can don't like the yarn ... The two people are dead, that is quite difficult."

" ..."

"If tonight, you will not accompany you."

The sputum will be retired in the past, giving it to a smile.

"I will stay here again, will it be hated? And ... no matter what happens, just put your two together, one night, what is something solved ~"

Section 440 Chapter 67, the same pain, the same feelings



The sputum is left, and it is almost uninterested with the yarn. For them, it can be counted as a habit.

"Before the son, I said to you ... What is ..."

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