I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth Wishing Section 343

Since the last time, the Lie Haiwang is always pair and also.

Because the hand is in the same man, it is a chance to compete with the Sword Hao Palace. Any point is an insult to him, this boxing is willing to destroy. The best chance of the shame like the mountains.

As for the serious injury on the body, and the money to take this elimination, it is something that is not worth mentioning.

"But, shard ... You have to know, we are always opponents."

"Is this not a matter of course, Mr. Yan?"

Blade smile.

Only in the martial arts at home, no one will think that he is like this smile.


"Hey, is this really no problem?"

The sputum is also a person who has seen the big wind and the big waves, but now she can only do the stagnation.

At this point, the place where the three is the corner of the boxing hall, which is the most familiar place, but now she has lost the usual shot.

Just just the number of money mentioned occasionally, it is more than her imagination, let alone "power" behind these money. In the competition of this power, it is even lacked for her.

As for the and yarn, it is always the appearance that has no heart, there is no lungs, and it is also with you, she will not feel uneasy.

"The sputum is only a question, it is not a problem, there is no problem."

And also laughing with comfort.

"When you get according to the number size size of the draw, you will choose the order of the zone ... Ok, "

"It's so simple? Don't you need to care?"

After strong pressure of the heart, the first reaction of the sputum is to worry, after all, his attitude towards the enemy is can't help but feel it.

"Even if you are strong, you have a strong opponent too early, it will inevitably affect the future state?"

"This world, people who can call me on me, there are not a few people."

And also didn't lower your own voice, even if he stayed in the corner, it was still focused on the focus, but he didn't feel it.

"As for those who can overcome me ... Guard you and your sister, I am invincible."

Section 445 Seventy-second chapter different perspectives

"Zone a traitor, actually dare to say ..."

"What is the relationship between these two?"

When the mood is very good, even if it is provocative, and it will still maintain a smile.

"Chengdao, do you think is betrayed or loyal to affect my strength? If you don't jump once before the competition, my mood will affect?"

"How is your mood, I don't know, but ... can have a reason to You a meal, my mood will definitely be very good."

Compared to and still maintaining and maintaining and good appearances, my provocation is not hidden.

"After all, since this time, I have suffered a lot of" take care "!"

"Now you want to take care of it, it doesn't matter ..."

And open your own arms, it seems that you welcome this.

"Although I said that there is a ban on private fighting, I still have an identity, a member of the Boxing Association, so even if we are now playing, there will be no people."

"That is in my ..."

I didn't say this sentence, it was definitely not because of his own restraint, but was pressed by people, and the giant force that did not sign in his shoulders made him completely wonderful.

His line moved in his sight, and saw that it was like a honest animal like the mountains in the mountains.

"Now fight, it should be a violation of the rules ... there is still, I haven't seen it for a long time, and it is also Miss Yau, the lady who has a very similar to the yarn is ..."

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Siri. Spirit is my mother's mother, accompany me here."

The stomach reached out and took the belly as a greeting, and the smile on his face was slightly converged.

"I originally want to relax before going to bed ..."

"You seem to ... again."

If Su Mi did not pick up, according to his character, this should be greeted with the gods, but he is only smashed with the head at this time.

"I have recently heard a lot about you, I originally thought it ... you have become something like a demon ..."

"Hey, big!"

Even if it is still pressed, I can't calm down.

"Do you want to fight?"

Siri lowned, he looked a little doubt.

"And it seems that I want to be with me ... Although it is thin, it is quite violent."

"The sheath sister should tell you, so that you should not come to provoke me?"

And also sigh, it seems to have a little angry, it doesn't fight.

"If you want to , you will go to the end of the next boxing, you will be in a mess ... You will only give it troubles with the scratch sister and the mountain."

"Collapse your fake!"

"I think I am still very sincere ..."

Even if you know and say something, it is a fact, but I still can't gram my anger, especially when I see him.

"Chengdao, let's go back first."

Wang Malai is not too late, after all, I haven't worked with light, I haven't heard from my own instruction, and his face is ugly.

"Let me talk to and talk too."



Wang Hao has never thought about it, he will have a speechless day. This quite slim word should not appear in his mind, but he is here to experience this feeling.

"What do you want to say to me?"

People can't feel that they are used to describe this situation, and they will never have worries.

"I want to ask why it is betrayed? Still talking to me? I think you should not manage these things."

"I will not be strange to make anything in your character."

Wang Hao's more good feelings can only last for a few seconds, and his smile will always burning a general battle desire.

"If I just came here again, the guy in Cheng Island will be killed by you?"

"probably not."

And laughed and replied, but how to see a little credibility.

"What should you say, should it be just this?"


After glance, after glance and yarn, Wang Ma has the words of the words.

"How can you be crazy, take it with the yarn, and you will come here ... What are you thinking?"

"Isn't my safe place?"

And asked.

"Blade here, Musash is here, you are here ... plus me, can this world threaten people?"

"Do you still have something to say?"

Think of the thoughts and repeatedly, Wang Ma is still a bit helpless, but in his character, even if he is slightly hesitant in these delicate things, it will be decided in the next second.

"The woman in the film is very sad."


And also shake your head, but he said next to what Wang Horse did not expect.

"The men who have married, it will change ..."

"Is there?"

After asking such a sentence, after the Wang Ham frowned, although it was said to have biased the idea to bring the idea or two things, but in his opinion, no matter when it is not a joke. .

"Even if you really want to get the boxing of the Boxing Association, we must consider the power behind the woman. The original hall is also on this boat, you should know what this means."

"So I said ... Wang Horse, you actually become a good man of home, but ... Thank you."

And still the same light look, he always wanders away from the situation.

"Help me a busy, tell the sheath sister ... After the lottery, I waited for her for the first time, let her alone."

"So be it."

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