I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use fists to youth Wishing Section 354

Will you be slow?

so what! ?

But it is the perfect victory and the victory after being hurt!

The stupid is alone and can recognize their old mood, but he will never allow yourself if you are fighting.

The magic gun stabbed his left arm, but his movements did not stop, even if the arm was completely running, he couldn't complete the fist of the Buddha's hand. He still completed the proud five times. fist!

"Foolish, you are no longer the good giants before."

Even if there are countless attacks in my sleep, I am the arrest, I'm afraid of    

He clearly foolishly played, as if he learned that the body conditions of stupid alone.

The foolish solo is really hitting, but there is no effect that the effect should be affected by the nearly perfect state, and the phoenix is ​​blocked.

As for those who play this five-box, it is foolish, and what is it?

"Even if I can't defend your attack, this injury is still within the scope of you ... and you have lost a arm."

"What are you talking about, black wood?"

Blood was flowing from the big arm, but she as if she didn't feel, he was still the steady karate frame, and it seems that the battle has just begun.

"My hand, isn't it still good? But it is you, it has been injured."


"Even if you want to hit this level, will you continue to fight?"

Blackwood's nose is a coughful blood, and the unchive arm is also shocking. The impact of this picture has been weakened by the TV screen, but the spark is still frightened because of over-shock.

"The injury does not fight, for us, but quite a plenty of things ..."

"You? You?"

Other people will always don't matter, but I don't want to see and be afraid of harm.

However, she has already made psychologically prepared, not to talk to and taught something - no mentality with the pain, but to fight with "no one injured", such a person is destined to be a weak.

And the yarn has its own understanding, that is ... your worries will only weaken and the will, which will only make him weaken.

So her question is naturally hidden in my heart.

"So ... what happens?"

"Look down ..."

And shook your head, and there was no judgment to give your own judgment.

"Even if I am, the judgment of the bystander's angle, but it is nothing to assert."


"The injury of the left arm of the stupid player, didn't you bring him a point !?"

"How many blood did he lived in the end !?"

"The bones may have been broken ..."

"But even if this is the battle between his and black wood players, it seems like how to show the world's limit!"


And the little girl around you ...

This is not the limit of the karate, even if I own, I am also boarding the peak than now.

Now, I am almost on the edge of the cliff ...

It seems to be extraordinary, you are getting extra ...

I suddenly surprised by Solo, but no matter how his mentality changes, the body's movement is not affected.

Defense, attack, dodge ...

What kind of choice is made, what kind of means takes ... This is not something that needs to be thought about.

In addition to this ... there is also a defeat opponent and victory!

Your vacation, compared to the knife, you have to have sharp hands, you have to have little too much!

Just like it is now, you are not even as strong as it is no longer strong ... I don't have to do it!

There is no sudden outbreak, and there is no gorgeous move, and the stupid is a superficial water, just like the water will form a rushing waterfall when flowing into the cliff.

As for the reason, if you must say ... he has experienced more sound exercises, which makes his fist can cause more effective hits, and his pace can step on a better rhythm.

This is a very simple thing, but ... the reason for victory is as simple as it is.


"Winner, foolishly unique!"

I won the victory alone, I raised the right punch. For now, even if it was defeated a defeated opponent, it could only win after a heavy price.

But what is the relationship?

It's not good to win.

The magic gun is broken again, and the giant hugeness of the eating!

Even if the broken body of this giant, it has become scarred again, but he still has a powerful power!

"Call ... can be hurt ..."

However, the inner heart is not as Zhang Yang, but it is because the body has sighs because the body is constantly passing to the brain.

"It turned out that it was a feeling that the arm was like this?"

"Next my opponent ... but quite a guy!"

"I don't know how many surprises bring to young people?"

Section 459 Chapter 86, Fraternate and Tiger

Boxing is extremely compact schedule, and the sensory stimulus of climax not only allows the audience to enjoy the excitement of bloody pictures, but also make the atmosphere to be pushed to higher peaks.

However, when there is always an accident, for example, the gap between the two parties seems to be great.

Tangkawa is just a fight ... if the warrior.

The former is only 155 cm, and the weight is only 47 kg, and it has been more than 70 years, and his opposite is 193 cm, the weight is 193 kg and is a righteous warrior.

The four-fold weight difference, coupled with the disadvantageous gap due to the age, forces, etc.

However, any "martial arts" that step on the fighting skills will not think they will lose.

"If you are, please advise."

When the referee is in place, when the two sides of the players, the Guanchuan is just right to , as if an old-fashioned and serious elderly.

However, when he raised his head, the full wrinkled face was born with a kindness.

"Please advise ..."

If the warrior is really unclear, he hits the four hundred boxing, like this, and the opponent's greetings or the first time.

But no matter how, he will not relax - as long as you embark on this fighting skill, you must do a good consciousness, no matter what person, or because of why, you can't get a little mercy.

"Game start!"


A punch ... knocking over you!

Forces, you will dominate, we are dominant, you will dominate yourself ...

Then, the most simple way is to use it.

If the warrior didn't stay, he played his hands in front of him in front of him with the greatest strength to swim.

As for the other party, it will not be killed, which is not within his consideration.

"Sure enough, it is a tiger! In this flowers blooming in the wilderness, such a beast is also what should be."

Tangkawa is getting more and more snoring, and this expression is not here, and he is so inexplicable.

However, there is a more inexplicable thing.

If the fist is empty, his wrist is grasped by a thin hand, the spin of the line, the shock and pain of the body fell on the ground and even let him not think about what happened.

"How is it so uncomfortable? Can you let me play more? Even if you have a walk after the meal, there is still one or two hours ..."

I was knocked down, I got up.

This is also common sense, if the Samurai is doing this, but this time, there seems to have anything wrong. He got up and the action is very slow, it seems to be in the shoulder.

The only feeling of the body is the impression of the wipes on the wrist, but this is more like a touch of touch. In the impression of the warrior, it is impossible to bring the thousands of weights on his shoulders.

"Oh, it's ... I am slowly standing!"

The old man's horrified returns in the ear, it seems to be appreciating children just learned to walk.

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