I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use fists to youth Wishing Section 356

Su Mi is a natural, but this does not mean that he can't understand the irony between the words, it is able to maintain such a pure look, because he has a general pure heart.

"So, even the most basic four-income exercises, he is still not enough."

"That let me see, how much is your four stocks ..."

I was very sucking, and I had already reached the purpose of his own provocation, because after he said, Si Mi has lowered the body and puts out the boom.

Maybe in the instant that the referee announced, he will rush.

When you get, what is you?

Still ... forget it, don't want it, then say it.

I was thinking, but I gave up soon.

However, after a second, no matter what he thought, it is destined to be useless.

As he thought, the sound of the referee announced that the sound of the referee had not been dissipated, but he did not complete any interception actions in the idea.

If someone is able to live after being hit by the train driving, then I feel that now I should be able to feel the same as him.

The only exception, probably ... compared to cold steel, the body of Si is exudes amazing heat.

The crazy explosion has not yet dispersed, and the Siri appeared in the original position, but the first saw did not have a sound, because ... he was hit by Siki.

"Captured" is often the most unfavorable situation with the combat of the airway, but now, the beginning is the party that is caught.

Just in this way of reverse, don't say that it is used to escape the response measures, even if there is any reaction to the status quo, he can't do it.

After the line of sight was rotated for a week, I was finally retrieved from a blank five sense from a big sense from the big place to the earth.

"Do you still have to continue?"

Once again, it is like a big face like a baby, and I have already collected all the hearts of the heart.

If it is not the other party, I just ... I'm dead.

Even so, your physical condition is not optimistic!

"Your rib has been broken, it is not good to hurt the heart and lung ... Even if so, do you still have to continue?"

From the beginning of the beginning of the eyes, Si was the answer, but he still repeated a question just now. After that, he nodded.

"So ... If you don't want to die, you will ask you to care, small."

Chapter 88 of Section 461 Nature is a different ending

This time, the attack of Si Mi - or action is outside the spring expectation.

There is no huge collision, and there is no potential to kill. He just slowly reached out, as if it was issued an invitation.

This is the invitation ...

More unexpected things happened, I'm going to understand this. For him, understanding a man is a subtle thing.

And the other party is still a fat man like Gaidah ...

But no matter how, he chose to respond, he reached out in the same way, the five fingers of the two people together, the two people completed the invitation response in this way.

"I know that I have a hand, and I have just traveled my hand with my husband's husband ... Now you caught me, then you should have a charter of overcome my

It is a quite stupid thing to give the opponent's chance in the battle, but the Nik is not there any concept.

"The same, now I also grab you ... If it is, he will probably say ', you should know that this means something."

"The little ghost has also known people outside the woman ..."

The beginning of the smile, as always, with a little play, but this has only lasts for a second, because the big Jidahoga in front of you has become a sudden.

In fact, when he said, he has tried to fall by the technology of the airway, but no matter what kind of way he uses, the sorrow of the eyes is like a rock.

The airway can be used in any "human" body.

This is what he said when he studied in the air, although he was lazy, he was always in mind.

But now, there is such a question in the inner heart ... Can you use the things outside the humanity?

For example, rock, such as mountain peaks, such as ... Selling God ...

"It looks, you have no means to fight."

The sorrow is again opened, and the smile on his face has become a bit thin.

I saw that he didn't laugh at this time. The so-called "smiling" is just the illusion that the mouth gives people the mouth of the mouth.

Because ... his eyes have become fierce.

How can it be, do you think ... I can't run it?

The inner heart of the first saw is more than the expense, just being held by holding his hand, for him ... but ...

It is a fatal thing.

What kind of feeling is the bone being crushed?

It was originally supported by the body to break into foreign matter, muscle torn, and blood vessels were disconnected.

After this, it is a dramatic centrifugal feeling, as well as the pain of the face and the ground.

At this moment, the first time I saw something outside the five senses, how to observe my body, how the body's injury appeared, all in his brain.

However, when this feels disappears, everything will fall into chaos.

Therefore, he couldn't see his body was twisted and appeared after the ground, and he couldn't hear the curse of the entire fighting technology after he was defeated.

This is a quite ugly battle, conformity, and no ornamental.

However, this has become a foregone.

Winning has been divided, it is so simple.


On the sofa, it stretched with a lazy waist, and then rely on and the yarn.

It is clear that he doesn't fight, but he doesn't seem to have any strength. As for the reasons, it must be attributed to two empty wine bottles posing on the tea.

"There is still a while dinner ..."

The watch is changed, but the habit of watching the table is still, after confirming over time, he probably thinking about the next few hours.

"Today's game, playing very fast."

"So what is the arrangement of next and Jun?"

Want, I know, I don't know if I don't know how to drink this picture is because of my reason, not only is it, but also drunk is not light now.

For her, this bit of wine is reluctant to be a mood, but it is another thing to play in two people.

"Now, still take a break here."

"In fact, I really want to go out ... I stayed in the room for an afternoon ..."

And also shake your head, this action makes him look awake.

"And this level, should you not be a problem?"

It seems that he is still not realized to get what extent.

"Nothing ..."

This is what is often said, but at this time, the gurt does not seem to intend to discourage his taste.

"But now I have no makeup with the gillet, and if I want to play, I have to wait for us for a while!"

"I remember that my sister didn't seem to make makeup ..."

"Girls can learn to dress themselves!"

And also confused with the sound of a strong reflection of the peaks.

Naturally, he can't realize that this is a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little, and he is doing, and only the consciousness will be more tight.

"It's really ... I will be willing to let go for a while?"

The gentle is helpless.

"I just take a little more and more sister. After a while, I will give you a beautiful and then give you."

"Why do I want to separate with my sister?"

And asked.

"If you want my sister to make makeup, I can stay next to it."

"Don't just make makeup, but also change clothes ... Hey, but it seems to be like this and the king is not can't ..."

It is probably what you think, and the words of the sputum have paused a little, but this does not hinder her position of this vulnerability.

"No, it's not! If you are in the words, you have to spend a lot of time!"

While talking about this sentence, the sputum has taken the hands of the yarn, and it is also the next consciousness, maybe he is thinking about why time will increase.

"That ... I will see it later!"

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