I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth Wishing Section 394.


The fist is loyal to pass all the states of the opponent, the degree of tightness of muscles, the conduction of strength ... All of this has become different!



The skin can not understand why the little child is still without the power of the last second, and the next second can be with the demon.

At this time, he had been able to move his body slowly, but it was only because he would definitely be "scolded", he only watched at the entrance of the player channel.

Is this what is the kind of thing called "will"?

Supporting the demon, probably there are several female creatures that are not far away - their body with the smell of the demon, then ... support the little child?

Is it a will?


I will pick up any of the boxes of two of them.

Probably ... in the earthquake in Fan Ma Yong Lang, is there stable?

Gap, absolute gap ...

This time, you don't have to do anything about Musashi.

Mutual beat, beyond the imagination!

Regardless of this, it does not change it in nature.

Do not defend, do not dodge ... At the same time to attack, attack, ignore pain, no visual scars ... only fight in this way.

Maybe, this is not a fight.

The lie suddenly thought of, and when he was talking, sometimes it would not use the word "fight", as an alternative, he used "fighting."

And his intensive is more intensive, the higher the frequency of the former, the higher the frequency.

"Is it fighting?"


This meeting, the turn of Musashi was confused, but he quickly thought about anything.

"I remember when I was discovered by Shan, in the end, our knife was broken, he said ... 'Next can only be beat each other, I think, this should be the meaning of fighting?"

"If you say this, now ... both have done all our best?"

It is actually fighting for the whole way ...

Yacheng and also, Fanma Blade ... These two names represent the strongest on the ground outside the Fan Ma Yong Lang, even Fan Ma Yonglang, standing in the fighting technology.

At this time, the man is gratifying, as if seeing the disciples create a teacher of a peerless chapter ...


Is this the combat method recognized by those powers?

"Mr. Wuzhou, you think ... Who can they win?"

"They two between them, who will lose, what is the relationship?"

Wuzhou asked.

"Just now Fan Ma Yong Lang is not said, no matter whether the winner is still the loser, there is challenged his qualifications ... He is the father of the blade, and the man is also a man, then, he is natural. People who know these two teenagers? "

"They ... is it playing?"

Children will not consider the pain, but ... when fighting, when fighting, how can you be aware of children may have?

The lie is conscious and and the people of the same world, so he doesn't think too much after realizing that he can't understand these things.

"But it is no wonder, I have known Yahi and the guy, I didn't guess what he was thinking ..."

"Lie Tao Jun ... don't go to the gods again, such a battle, probably can only appreciate this time."

Not just because it is more powerful with the shard, but because ... such a strong person is killing with the most purely attitude!

Section 505 Chapter 132 falls

"I said, I have been thinking about it very early ... I have never seen his own technology ..."

The stupid alone seems to have a problem that he has bothering him for a long time.

"Even if you have to carefully care, only the water of the water when the first round of the knockout is. Constant learning, constantly imitate, even if the powerful technology will become your own , Isn't it to fit it? "

"Although it is compared to the cutting teeth, he does not build a tree in this respect, but what is the relationship?"

In the case of Sichuan, he still stared at the center of the fight against the center of the fight. It was not worth doing too much.

"It is because the opponent is blaming teeth, so this is worth more."

On the wheelchair, the fist of the Lie Haiwang is gripping. This more common movement has an effect on his injury, but he is more willing to indulge in the "stronger" feel.

"Even if it is perfect, it is not the perfection of himself ... it costs more physical strength, more spirit, so it is suppressed ... In the end, it will be defeated."

"Should there be? Rely on what he is looking for ..."

Tangkawa shook his head, he was not coming to discuss itself.

"Moreover, that kind of way to master the body and even the brain, we never heard it before he used it ... ignorant, it should be ... and the impact, do not apply to his state "

"Probably this means ..."

The stupid is written by the chin.

"Let's see it down, rely on your strength to find something ... so think, I really have a new expectation!"


The hearty battle ... seems to be as intoxicated as people often say.

But ... but there is a pleasure worth enjoying!

It is pressed, hurt ... These things will only bring pleasure to the present, because his brain will only secrete the stimulant for anesthetic fleshy.

But with this, his thoughts are cold as if the iceberg in the Arctic Ocean.

The fight is not only a bloody behavior, thinking, and then action, which will always be a necessary step.

It seems that the former that seems useless will not be omitted at any time, and will only be sinked into the deepest level in the electro-optical flame.

I am in the wind, my injury is aggravating ...

the reason……

It is because some kind of violation.

The idea of ​​consciousness is often extremely vague, so it is also as well, and it is impossible to detect this, but his body is loyal to try to change.

The angle of punch, the way, and even the beat of the heart beat ...

Changing these things will only make fists more powerful, because ... everything you have now is perfect!

So ... Why is it in the perfect state?

I am also very strong, I am also very strong! I am not smaller than this guy in front of you.

Strong and weak, it is something that can be judged by "odor", so it is also very secure - so is the will not be firm enough?

Still what happens ...

Pain ... look at the vague ... awareness is lapse ...

These things have reached an extent to which the subconsciousness that is scattered is, which means that the body has reached the limit.

"Strengthen" is still continuing, but the damage that is affected and the consumption of strength is far more than the speed of stronger ...

But you, shard, you seem to ... There is no such problem at all!

Seeing this, it will not make it feel unfortunate, because he still holds his fist at this time, and also grasped his strength.

However, this is unable to let him prevent their ideology from slipping to the dark slide that I have met ...


Your movements are slow, and there is more flaws!

The blade is not to take care of yourself. It is the truthfulness of the finish. Therefore, he doesn't know that this is actually the first time I have paid and knocked down.

Rush it up, complete the pursuit before and also get up, this is the urgentity - and he is doing this!

Another time ... hit it.

This time is a very fierce football kick. Candle calculation is thought, and it will easily hide, even in turn in turn in an instantaneous counterattack.

However, after the blow, it is the body that is also flying.

There is no counterattack, and there is no unexpected joint destruction, and a blow has reached the effect of him in a way without speeches.

That ... continue to pursue it!

And also, you should haven't lost, this extent, are you can't lose?

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