Chapter 137 Reptiles

   "It's really playing a game! Really! If you don't believe me, watch it."

  In reality, Mr. Zai stepped aside and let his mother and aunt come in and take a look.

   After finding out that he was really playing a game, he left after exhorting a few words.

   Mr. Zai shrugged, it seems that the cousin's family has to live here tonight.

  He looked back at Huanhuan who was still in shock on his bed, and couldn't help being a little funny.

   "What, are you afraid? Why don't you make two more."


   Mr. Zai smiled unconscionably, picked up the VR device on the ground and put it on.

"Brothers, your anchor is so cowardly that he ran away in fright. Now in order to let everyone enjoy watching, I have no choice but to impersonate. Don't worry, I am different. I will not run away if I am scared to death. I'm scared to death, and the first seven will come back to report everyone's safety."

  Bullet chatting suddenly popped up in the live broadcast room.

   "Aren't you a coward too?"

   "As miserable as the cub is, I'm as happy as I am..."

   "As long as you die more, I will be your loyal audience."

   "I hope that most of the cubs will go to places that look dangerous to make everyone happy. If it doesn't work, then find a few monsters to open everyone's eyes."

   "Hurry up! The core core next door has died for the seventh time, and you have only died twice. The efficiency is not good, anchor."

  The boss who glanced at the barrage cursed a word, and then started the game.

   At this time, lines of text prompts appeared on the pitch-black screen.

  【Death File-1002】

  【ID: D-9341】

  【Cause of death: When the person was discovered, he was already mutilated, and his identity before death was obtained through forensic DNA testing. It has been confirmed that it died at the hands of the "flesh and blood beast" created by Z/A-FBC-0427. 】

【Continue the game】

  【Back to main menu】

   After looking at the cause of death, Mr. Zai found that the number on the top had changed from 1001 to 1002.

  He just realized that this is actually the number of deaths?

   Well, judging from the number 1002, it is indeed the number of deaths of the protagonist.

  Then next time, it should be 1003.

   Mr. Zai was a little excited because he could finally experience this game.

   To be honest, he would love to start over. But this is not good for the people in the live broadcast room, the repetitive content will make them boring and uninteresting.

  So he pressed the idea of ​​restarting the game and entered his cousin's latest archive.

  In an instant, the screen brightened slightly.

  He came to this short facility aisle and looked around.

   "I'm in the game, **** me, no wonder my cousin is so scared. Just this atmosphere, this sound effect, I am a little creepy myself."


   Huanhuan grunted unhappily, but did not speak.

   Mr. Zai ignored it, he just felt that the game in front of him was more important than comforting his cousin!

   And compared with "Sky Mountain", it seems to be more sophisticated!

  Especially this industrial technology-like facility building, which made him amazed!

  If there are lights here, I am afraid that there will be a sense of sight of entering the military base in the movie!

   It's a pity, now, it's dark.

   After looking at the game environment, Mr. Zai became familiar with the operation method, and then slowly stepped forward.

   "Brothers, this door probably needs to be detoured. I just died here."

   "I'm unarmed now. Facing these monsters that can kill me in the early stage, let's hide for a while. They are uncles, we can't afford to mess with them."

   As he spoke, the cub leaned against the wall on the right and moved forward slowly.

  When he came to the opened mechanical door, he paused for a moment, and looked sideways into the door. It turned out that it was pitch black inside and nothing could be seen.

   "Sure enough, there was a trigger range just now. As soon as people approach, the time will be automatically triggered. Now I am far away, and it's fine. I will come back when I have a gun in the future, although I feel that the effect is not great"

   President Zai glanced at the mechanical door again, then sneaked past.

   At this time, he found a series of numbers marked on the door next to him.


   "What kind of anomaly is this?"

  He blinked, and secretly looked at the open room opposite, which was constantly making swallowing and chewing sounds.

   He looked at the locked mechanical door in front of him and the obvious access control switch beside the door.

   This obviously requires a key magnetic card to open.

   Mr. Zai stepped forward and tried it, and sure enough, a line of prompts appeared in the game.

  【You are missing a level 2 key card】

   "Level 2 keycard?"

   The cub withdrew his hand and slowly moved away from the two doors.

  Although I don't know what the abnormality in this door is, it seems that it is currently inaccessible at the beginning.

  Is it the key card?

   I have to find a way to get one first.

   President Zai retreated to the end of the aisle, turned around and pressed the switch next to the door, and then walked in.

   Then turn around and close the door.

  Suddenly, the sound of swallowing and chewing was completely cut off.

  The surrounding environment became dead silent again.

  Feeling that the pressure in his heart was gradually improving, Mr. Zai exhaled heavily, and then turned his head to look at this new facility aisle.

  Here, it is similar to the previous aisle, and there are also two mechanical doors facing each other.

  Simply, nothing happened in this aisle, so he didn't need to sneak and squat, but stood up and walked cautiously to the two doors.

   Turns out both doors also require key cards.

   "Made, why do you need a key card everywhere, it's impossible to get anywhere without a key card!"

   After opening the door to no avail, Mr. Zai could only continue to the end of the aisle to open the next door.

"It's a little dark, will there be a flashlight? It seems that the power needs to be restored. Alas, the power needs to be restored again. The restoration power of "Mountain in the Sky" has already given me numbness, and "Control Failure" will come again , a little unbearable."

   "Everyone knows, everyone knows that when the power is restored, there will always be some weird things."

   While Mr. Zai complained, he pressed the switch of the mechanical door at the end.

   In front of you, the environment changes.

  Different from the similar facility aisles before, this place is more like a double-storey warehouse.

  A large number of containers are piled up in different colors.

  Several forklifts are parked everywhere, dotted with a little strange color in the dark.

   There is still such a big place in the site of the Control Bureau! ?

   It was a bit of an eye-opener!

   Moreover, the warehouse seems to be very wide, and it is pitch black 10 meters away, and nothing can be seen.

   "Guns maybe? Or something useful?"

   Mr. Zai just thought about it, and the next second, two voices rang out.

  [Damn bastards. These D-class personnel. How dare they attack us.! ]

  [Boo! Keep your voice down, something doesn't seem right here. ]

   Someone! ?

   Damn it!

   "Brothers, there is someone! There is an NPC! It seems to be a normal person, maybe a random event? Or a surviving person who can send side missions? Let's go and see first!"

   As he spoke, Mr. Zai stepped into it.

  The warehouse is huge, full of containers, and the environment is dark, so he couldn't make out the specific location for a while.

   can only follow the sound.

   But fortunately, the talking didn't stop, but the conversation continued.

[damn it! I'm bleeding! that bastard! I must kill him! ]

  [Boo! Hush! Keep your voice down! It seems that something is coming.]

  [You don't move. Let me ask.]


  The sound of the gun safety sounded immediately, and then, a high-pitched shout sounded.

  [Hello? who is where ]

   "It's really human! Brothers! It's not easy! I finally met someone in the game who can talk to me. The previous Ati is not counted."

  [Hello? friend? can I speak? Someone on our side is hurt and needs help, hello? ]

   Questions continued to ring out in the depths of the warehouse.

   And Mr. Zai responded immediately, regardless of whether the game characters could hear it or not, it was purely a live broadcast effect.

   "Hello! Hello! I'm here! I'm here!"

   At this time, the protagonist also spoke.

  But the protagonist did not respond to the call, but spoke in a low voice that only he could hear.

  [There is a rancid smell here, I seem to have smelled it somewhere.]

   Rancid smell?

   Mr. Zai was stunned, but he didn't care. Instead, he continued to search for survivors in the warehouse.

  In such a large warehouse, it is normal to have peculiar smells and dead rats.

   Coupled with the outbreak of the crisis, people were killed everywhere, maybe it was the smell of blood? This is also common sense.

  So Mr. Zai didn't care at all.

  [Hello, friend. May I have a word with you? You're making us nervous, and we're worried about hurting you. ]

   As soon as the words fell, Mr. Zai rolled his eyes when passing by a container, and suddenly found two corpses in it!

  Two corpses in security suits!

   Beside him, there are two pistols scattered!

   Mr. Zai didn't react yet, but the protagonist of the game said something in shock.

  [The rancid smell.! God! I remembered! ]

  [It's them.! ]

  The next second, two smooth, eyeless flesh-red giant reptiles fell from the top, and fell straight in front of Mr. Zai, making a dull sound.

  At the same time, the human voice from before resounded from their gaping giant mouths.

[monster! It's a monster! on your head! on your head! ! ]

  [What ah ah ah ah—! ]

   A game will not focus on one perspective, but will play from multiple perspectives. From one point of view, the game is continuity. If there are multiple perspectives, the game will not be continuous, but the scary part will be written.



  (end of this chapter)

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