I Make Games To Scare Crying Players

Chapter 152: A control bureau full of corpses

  Chapter 152 The control bureau full of corpses

  In reality, Mr. Zai frowned slightly.

  The 15 rules for D-class personnel in front of him gave him a very weird feeling.

  It seems to be common and ordinary things in life, but through alternative descriptions, it becomes confusing.

  Rules, cubs always know.

  When he was a student, there were rules for elementary and middle school students.

   and daily behavior norms and so on.

  These detailed and obedient things are called rules in general, and rules in strict terms.

   Its characteristics are authoritative and error-prone.

  But in some of the rules he has read since childhood. Whether it's laws, school rules, or game instructions and company rules and regulations. It's all very detailed.

   It seems that I am afraid that others will not understand.

   But at the same time, these rules and regulations that constrain others and require others to obey have always been very boring.

   Don't talk about reading, many people don't even know how to aim.

   So for these uninteresting rules.

  Ordinary people read the front and forget the back, and forget everything in a few minutes.

   But for some reason, this D-level code.

  It is obviously the same way as above, but it always reveals an unknown and dangerous.

   Obviously, it doesn’t say what will happen after violating the rules, but the writing format, as well as the intentional or unintentional emphasis and strange handling, all make people feel horrified about the consequences.

   As if something horrific would happen if the rules were violated.

   People feel 'cold' and 'fear', as well as 'weakness' towards power. '

   As a result, Mr. Zai couldn't tell whether these 15 rules were reasonable or correct.

  He just knows, he must obey. Otherwise, as said above...

  'At your own risk'!

   Thinking of this, Mr. Zai couldn't help but tremble all over.

   Then go through the analysis again.

   Soon, he discovered the strangeness of this code.

  For example, the first article: Z-FBC-0682 'Undead Monitor Lizard'/Z-FBC-0049 'Plague Doctor'

   "Brothers, I have been playing this game for more than 3 hours since it started broadcasting. If I remember correctly, the number prefixes of the Undead Monitor Lizard and Plague Doctor are not Z?"

   "Z means Zayin (easy), I remember that 0682 seems to be Aleph (dangerous) level, and then 0049 is WAW (difficult) level."

   "So their numbers should be A-FBC-0682 and W-FBC-0049. Not Z-FBC-0682 and Z-FBC-0049."

   "Could it be that the control system of the Control Bureau in this world is different?"

   "The first one makes me very strange, saying that I have to go to the control room of these two monsters for routine inspection every day? What to check? Although I haven't seen 0682, 0049 has an IQ!"

   "I'm a little skeptical. If this rule must be followed, isn't the first rule to be sent to death?"

   "What kind of rule is the first rule that must die? I have never seen it before!"

   Mr. Zai complained while continuing to look at the rules.

  But soon, he discovered a new problem.

   "If the security personnel who don't have the authority to open the door open the door of the D-class dormitory, they will ignore it, and they can't believe what they say. Emmmmm, this one. Why should he/she/it be emphasized?"

   "This means that the person who opened the door might not be a human?"

  Thinking of this, Zai couldn't help but feel chills down his spine.

  A closed door, suddenly the door was opened, and standing outside...not a human thing...

  Damn it!

   Just thinking about it makes me shudder!

   After all, it's really hard to ignore a thing, or a person.

  The one who opened the dormitory door, what will he/she/it do after seeing the D-class personnel inside? Or what will he say? So much so that the writers of the rules asked it not to contact and ignore it.

   At this time, Zai always felt a little fresh.

   This strange rule doesn’t exist in the original world.

   That is to say, this code is unique to this parallel world!

   Mr. Zai took a deep breath and continued to review.

   But when he saw Article 7 saying that it is impossible for anyone to believe in God, his doubts deepened again.

   It is well known that Westerners do not necessarily believe in God. But God is what most people will choose to believe in.

  Because this has nothing to do with gods, it is purely a belief and religious culture, and it is also a behavior that is difficult for ordinary people to evaluate.

   But why doesn't anyone believe in God here at the Bureau?

   It was also specially listed, and the word "no one" was added in front of it.

   seems to be emphasizing the meaning of this rule.

   The cubs who did it were a little confused.

   There is also Restaurant No. 6. Why did you have such a big reaction when you heard that Restaurant No. 6? What happened to Restaurant 6? Or

   Does Restaurant No. 6 exist?

   Also, #9, why can't D-class personnel get more pizza?

   You must know that the restaurant’s catering standard is only 150 grams, 150 grams! About the weight of 3 oranges.

   Is this filling for an adult?

  Why are there such strict requirements?

  What is the Control Bureau doing in the parallel world?

  There are also security personnel who don’t know how to patrol, don’t know how to check bedrooms, and the strange practice of staying away and reporting when the lights in a certain area are off.

   This is all telling

  There is some kind of weird existence in the control bureau

   There is also the exception number 0038...why specify that it doesn't exist?

  If it doesn’t exist, then why do you emphasize that you can see it later?

   So what the **** is there? Or does it not exist?

  This contradictory rule, on the contrary, has a feeling that there is no silver three hundred taels here.

   In addition, the D-class dormitory area No. 10-11 is the same. The inconsistency makes the existence of these two dormitory areas a mystery that no one knows.

  For a while, the cub was a little overwhelmed.

  He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

   "Forget it, I don't understand it a bit, let's continue playing the game first."

  He pressed the handle and put away the rules. Standing up, he looked around.

   This is a very, very long passage, and the D-9341 in front of him is leaning against the wall and died at the fork.

   Now, no new leads. Then, it's random exploration again.

   Zai Zong looked at both sides, and after confirming a direction, he walked forward.

   At this time, in the pitch black, dead silence was gloomy.

  The narrow pipe is full of dust, which is floating in the air.

  The dilapidated ruins and walls looked desolate under the illumination of the flashlight.

  The sound of heavy footsteps on the gravel ground was crisp and cracked, bringing the only vitality to this quiet tomb.


   Another punch.

  The mechanical door at the end of the passage fell down in response, making a heavy muffled sound, shaking the sky full of dust.

  The protagonist of the game immediately waved his hands to raise dust, causing the haze in front of him to fade away quickly.

  This action does not require player operation, it is a kind of feedback that comes with the game.

  It is also one of the other details that can make the game characters more vivid besides the lines, and it is also something that many manufacturers who pursue a sense of reality will do.

   So it's nothing special for cubs in general.

  He directly pressed the handle and walked out of the smoke and dust. After seeing the environment clearly, he was stunned.

  At the same time, so are the audience fans in the live broadcast room.

  Even the protagonist of the game couldn’t help saying: WTF

  At this moment, in their eyes, it is an open place, like a relaxing place.

  Here, the tables and chairs are messy and irregular.

  By the wall, several seriously damaged vending machines stood quietly, densely covered with cobwebs.

   And its on the ground...

   is covered with a thick layer of white bones wearing various clothes.

   When he entered his eyes, under the light of the flashlight, he also found some skeletons still sitting on the chairs, or climbing on the countertop, or leaning against the back of the chairs. They seemed to have died here before getting up in time.

  The space here is open, but dense and chaotic.

   Apparently, there was a massacre here...

   "I grass..."

   At this time, in the eyes of Mr. Zai, this scene was particularly shocking.

   At a glance, there is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​bones.

  He couldn't tell whether the dead were men or women, and he couldn't even imagine how tragic the situation was.

  I only know these people, they must have been helpless and desperate during their lifetime.

   So many people gathered here, they were powerless to resist and died.

   Finally, in the scouring of the years, it turned into bones.

  Cub always took a step forward, and immediately there was the sound of bones breaking under his feet.

  He was startled and retreated in a hurry.

   Looking closely, he accidentally stepped on the arm of a skeleton...

   Obviously, the bones here cannot bear his current weight.

   "My god, Amitabha... Amitabha... I just accidentally... I'm sorry... don't blame... don't blame..."

   Mr. Zai quickly apologized, but he found out later. These bodies are relatively intact.

   Appears to have been left to rot after death, without cleaning or management.

   Through the clothing styles, it can be seen that most of the corpses here are researchers

   Next is the D-class personnel in orange clothes.

   There are even many bones in security clothing inside.

   Obviously, this is a ruthless massacre regardless of class, as long as it is a person.

  It is consistent with what the protagonist of the parallel world said.

  If it is said that the Bureau of Control slaughtered humans before, it was only learned from his mouth and videos.

  Now, the facts are in front of our eyes.

   And that's... just a fraction of the world's population!

  This scene, compared with the **** corpses at the security station before, is more shocking and desolate.

  With the blessing of VR, people can't help but think of the tragic situation at that time.

   Mr. Zai looked at the pile of corpses here again, looked at the security personnel's clothes inside, and frowned.

   "I remember that the security guards in the game are basically agents, right? Why did you kill even the security guards?"

   "Tsk tsk, this parallel world is over, the main character is probably sent, and the main mission has not been updated. Forget it, let's see if there is anything that can be collected here."

  In this case, Mr. Zai no longer thinks that the second protagonist can survive.

  Even if he has the ability to load files, the entire game map has now become a "battle-damaged version", indicating that the massacre in the Control Bureau is no longer "in progress", but "completed"!

   Then how can he survive?

  Maybe the D-9341 I met earlier was him?

   I just don’t know how the main quest will proceed and what will happen next.

  Everything is a mystery.

  That's why Zai always looks around while satisfying his curiosity.

   But soon, he found that there is nothing here

   It seems to be just a scene.

  The boss who searched to no avail, went to another road after looking at the pile of corpses in front of him for the last time.

   So far, no matter where he went, he could find several corpses in different clothes.

  As if from the break room, the situation got out of hand.

  The corpses staggered along the road seemed to be poor people who escaped from the lounge but still died under the bullets.

  Judging from the scattered distribution of the dead, Zai can always imagine that on this road, people screamed in fear and fled desperately.

   But in the end, he still became a ghost under the gun.

   Unwillingly fell to the ground.

   Mr. Zai also saw two corpses clinging to each other, as if they were holding hands for the last time before dying.

   It's just that one is wearing a white coat and the other is wearing orange clothes.

  The orange corpse is obviously a woman.

   Because of her, she snuggled into his arms.

   Chief Cub shook his head and moved on.

  After walking for a short time, he found out that after turning several turns and passages, he came to a very familiar place.

  D-level dormitory area!

  Common name: prison cell.

   Here, he has some impressions.

   At the very beginning of the game, when Huanhuan experienced it.

  The NPC agent Ulgrin called the protagonist out.

   At that time, he saw the environment of the dormitory area.

  And now, here, what appeared in front of his eyes was a long and narrow dark corridor.

  The two rows are closed metal doors.

  Within the sight distance of his eyes, he can only see a distance of about 7 meters with the flashlight.

  But he knows that the dormitory area is equivalent to the 'Tic' area formed by the combination of 4 intersections.

   And there is an extra horizontal line in the middle.

   That is a total of 15 passages, and each passage has 30 rooms for D-class personnel.

  Thus, a dormitory block can accommodate 450 D-class personnel.

   There are several such dormitory areas.

   Zai always recalled the surprise when he saw the flat map earlier, and it was a little funny.

   It’s no wonder that after the control failed, the security personnel saw the D-class personnel and shot directly, mercilessly,

  It turned out that there were too many people...

   But now, there is no sound here, and no bones or the like are seen.

   Unlike the previous resting place, there are piles of bones.

   "Is there anyone in the dormitory?"

   Mr. Zai looked at the nearest dormitory door, curious.

  He looked around the aisle, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, he raised his hand and punched a closed dormitory door.

  Suddenly, the vibration sounded.

   The powerful mechanical armor assisted the door of the dormitory in front of him to fall to the ground, stirring up dust.

   But there was no one inside.

  The dormitory is furnished just like the protagonist's own world, with only beds, wall tables, toilets, and washstands.

  It is no different from the prison cell in the movie.

   Seeing this, Mr. Zai used the same method to break a few more doors, and had to give up this meaningless behavior.

  Because the rooms he opened were all empty!

   Then staying here is meaningless.

   Cub no longer wastes time and continues to explore in the parallel world site.

   It didn't take long to find a security station.

  At the same time, with sharp eyes, he found a note pasted by the door.

   "It's new documentation! There might be clues."

  Based on the idea of ​​collecting all the collected elements, Mr. Zai stepped forward to check.

   "Damn it!"

   The corners of Zai Zong's eyes twitched, revealing the chrysanthemum residue on his face.

  Because the content on this note can only be understood by riddlers.

  【Rules for Security Personnel】


  Hello, you have successfully entered the FBC Federal Control Bureau with excellent performance. Here, you will enjoy good salary and benefits. In addition to the daily work, you also need to take care of various anomalies, **** D-class personnel, and cooperate with the work of researchers.

  1. Confirm daily whether all D-class personnel have gone to the control room of Z-FBC-0682 'Undead Monitor Lizard'/Z-FBC-0049 'Plague Doctor' for routine inspection.

  2. After the D-class personnel have finished implementing Article 1, the security personnel will continue.

  3. Do not enter the security station, especially if you find colleagues sitting motionless inside. If the number exceeds 2 or more, please leave immediately under the pretext of patrolling, and you cannot enter until your colleagues disappear.

  4. Your colleagues will only communicate with each other through the general radio channel, and it must be a matter of work. If your co-worker doesn't use the radio and comes over to communicate with you, don't respond, and remember his nameplate. After 10 minutes, explain to colleagues at the security station.

  5. There are no numbers 4, 5, and 6 in the cafeteria on this site. If you see numbers 4, 5, and 6, and there are obviously non-human beings eating in them, please pretend you didn't see them and stay away as soon as possible. But if a human is eating, please notify security immediately.

  6. If you see D-class personnel, or your colleagues are aging, please don't ask curiously. If you notice someone with visible plaques, remember this is normal. But if you find someone who has not exhibited the above symptoms for more than 2 weeks, please remember his identity and report to the security station in time.

  7. It is normal to have a smell, you can deodorize yourself, but it is best to explain it at the security station.

  8. From 21:00 to 21:30 in the evening, all security personnel are prohibited from entering the D-level dormitory area. If you see security handing out pizza in the D-class dormitory area at night, please ignore it.

  9. The Z-FBC-0038 control room does not need to be on duty.

  10. Please count the number of people in the D-level area at 22:30 every night. After confirmation, please destroy the records and do not keep them. And report immediately at the security station.

  11. Be wary of anyone who believes in religion, including your colleagues, who may no longer know you. Remember, there is no God.

  12. Attention! The only and only way for D-class personnel to report is through the security station. If you come across a D-Class approaching you, no matter what his business is, kill him immediately!

  13. If you see a dim area with flickering lights or no lights anywhere on this site, please shoot immediately until this phenomenon disappears. If anyone is inside, regardless of class, please send the corpse to Control Room 0038, where researchers will be in charge.

  14. No. 10 and 11 D-class dormitory areas do not exist on this site, but if you see it, please notify the nearest security station immediately and stand by. During this time, whatever you hear or see, ignore it.


  After a cursory reading, Zai Zong Huangdou sweated.

  He looked at the note speechlessly, feeling like crying in his heart.

   "Is there a researcher's code next? Then a maintenance worker's code, then an electrician's code, and a cleaner's code?"

   Mr. Zai does not intend to continue thinking about the content of the rules.

  After he put it in the collection, he looked at the security station.

   Inside, it is relatively well preserved.

   It seems that no one opened the door during the massacre.

   Seeing that there was nothing there, Mr. Zai walked out of this long and winding dormitory area.

  But when he just stepped out of the mechanical door, his face suddenly changed.

   Then he hurriedly turned his head and looked over the mechanical door.

   There is a dormitory number.


  After seeing it, Mr. Zai opened the note he had just collected from the document collection.

  Article 14 above clearly states that No. 10 and No. 11 D-level dormitory areas do not exist on this site.

   And he still remembers that Article 13 of [Rules for Class D Personnel] also said that there are only numbers 1-9 in the dormitory area.


  If there is no D-level dormitory area No. 10 and No. 11

  Then what is in front of him?

   At this time, in the game.

  Mr. Zai, who walked out of the D-level dormitory area, saw the end of the opposite passage with a big dormitory number.


   Considering that this is a novel, it is interspersed with length. So the next chapter is puzzle solving, which will let players know what happened in the parallel world. It will also be connected to the next game.



  (end of this chapter)

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